习近平总书记在 2023 年赴黑龙江考察调研时指出: “ 整合科技创新资源,引领发展战略性新兴产业和未来产业,加快形成新质生产力。 ” 区别于依靠高能耗的一般生产力发展方式,新质生产力是符合中国经济高质量发展要求的,集高效能、高效率、高质量于一身的新型生产力,是一般生产力的升级。新质生产力的 “ 新 ” 体现在以科技创新驱动产业创新,用最前沿的技术催生出新产业、新模式、新动能; “ 质 ” 则表现为新质态和新质效,前者是以数据要素孵化休闲产业新质态,后者是以颠覆性技术提升生产工艺、产品质量、生产效率。

Challenges for high-quality development of the leisure economy近年来,中国休闲经济发展迅速。 一方面,休闲产业不断壮大,旅游、文化、娱乐、体育等大众休闲产品与服务的形式和内容不断推陈出新,休闲工业、休闲农业等新兴休闲产业逐渐兴起,丰富了休闲产品和服务的市场供给。 另一方面,人们的休闲消费需求升级,个性化、高品质、多元化、体验式的休闲方式备受青睐。 随着中国进入高质量发展阶段,休闲经济也从高速发展向高质量发展转型,而在此过程中渐渐显现出了一些亟需攻克的挑战。

First of all, there is an obvious structural imbalance on both sides of supply and demand in the leisure industry, and there is little high-quality supply. Although there are many types of leisure products on the market, most of them are general products with old-fashioned forms and simple content. The supply of trendy leisure products is insufficient, expensive and has a poor sense of experience; the infrastructure and supporting hardware of leisure places lack new ideas, and the number of modern leisure places such as public cultural venues, stadiums, and science museums is small; there is still much room for improvement in the necessary conditions for leisure activities such as transportation and communications. For example, the "last mile" transportation problem has not yet been completely solved; The quality of similar leisure products and services is uneven, and the phenomenon of replacing inferior products with good ones occurs from time to time, which is difficult to meet people's high-quality leisure needs; there is a serious follow-up phenomenon in the leisure industry, and many companies blindly follow current leisure hotspots and follow the pattern. Launch of uninnovative leisure products and services, causing products to be idle or wasted and consumers to not buy it.
Secondly, the leisure industry has a weak level of technical equipment and low level of intelligence. The technical level of the leisure equipment and facilities manufacturing industry such as amusement equipment and public fitness equipment is weak, resulting in the leisure facilities produced having low technological content and backward process technology, which cannot meet consumers 'high-quality leisure needs. In addition to insufficient hardware level, software level is also weak, which is reflected in the low overall intelligence level of the leisure industry. Compared with developed countries, the domestic leisure industry's scientific and technological innovation level, independent research and development investment, and the application of big data show disadvantages, which directly affects the quality of high-end leisure products. For example, domestic VR technology is still relatively backward than foreign developed countries in terms of application scenarios, market scale, platform construction level, and software development capabilities in the leisure field, resulting in high distortion and poor interactivity of VR leisure products.
Finally, the overall quality of leisure industry practitioners needs to be improved. The business models and management methods of some entrepreneurs are relatively rigid and fragmented, while some employees have weak innovation capabilities, low professional skills, and poor service awareness. This will cause the development of enterprises to fail to keep up with the progress of society, products and services to not be loved by consumers, and limit the sustainable development of the leisure industry.

The role of new productivity on the development of leisure economy生产力三要素包括劳动对象、劳动资料、劳动者。 新质生产力的核心在于提升全要素生产率,通过科技创新使此三要素发生质变,产生高科技的劳动对象、高效能的劳动资料、高素质的劳动者。 因此,新质生产力依托“新三要素”促进休闲经济发展。

High-tech labor objects continue to incubate new forms of leisure industry. Nowadays, the main labor object of China's economic activities has gradually changed to big data, who contains information about economy, society, culture, science and technology, environment and other aspects of human society. Big data's role on the leisure industry is reflected in the formation of "industrial digitization" and "digital industrialization" of leisure new business type. Among them, "industrial digitization" refers to the use of digital technology to empower the leisure industry, upgrade the form and content of products and services, and cultivate new industries. For example, the culture and tourism industry can create cloud scenic spots through the Internet, create cloud travel industries such as "cloud tour", "cloud exhibition" and "cloud show". It can also show culture, history and scenery to tourists in an immersive and interactive form through VR technology, so as to meet the diversified and high-end consumption needs of consumers. For example, some "unmanned" hotels are equipped with intelligent front desk, televisions, lamps, bathrooms, food delivery robots and other facilities. Passengers only need to connect their mobile phones to the network to check in and check out. "Digital industrialization" is an economic activity that provides technology, products, services, infrastructure and solutions for the digital development of leisure industry. For example, building a tourist big data platform, building a digital sports center, developing a new generation of holographic technology, and so on.
High-efficiency labor materials continue to improve the production efficiency of the leisure industry. With the advent of the digital age, technology has become a new competitive factor of production in the world, and various technologically sophisticated tools and advanced technologies are constantly emerging. They have not only accelerated the systematic transformation of production methods in the leisure industry, for example, in the manufacturing process of leisure products. In the process, the application of industrial Internet of Things technology helps optimize the supply chain management system, improve supply chain efficiency, and optimize production processes and improve production processes through technologies such as intelligent monitoring, intelligent diagnosis, and intelligent decision-making. Reduce energy consumption, thereby achieving the goal of reducing costs, improving quality and efficiency.
High-quality workers create a steady stream of vitality for the development of the leisure industry. For entrepreneurs, mastering knowledge of market, finance, investment, green development, etc. is conducive to optimizing their own thinking model, creating a green corporate culture, improving corporate operation and management processes, grasping the development direction of the leisure industry, and exploring blind spots and pain points in the leisure market. In order to more effectively plan the long-term development goals of the enterprise and lay the foundation for the sustainable development of the enterprise. For employees, higher professional quality, technical level, and team awareness will not only help create a harmonious and unified corporate atmosphere and improve internal cohesion, but also help design and manufacture green, innovative, and high-quality leisure products more efficiently. At the same time, the quality of leisure services is also the key to the success or failure of an enterprise. High-quality employees can better provide consumers with high-quality services and enhance the sense of consumer experience.

Developing new productivity requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, and workers. First, we must better play the role of the government and help the leisure industry form new productivity.

The second is to enhance the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of the leisure industry and empower the development of the leisure economy with scientific and technological innovation. 首先,企业是孕育创新的摇篮,创新是企业的活力源泉,因此休闲产业中的各企业应不断提高科技创新能力,保障休闲经济的健康发展。企业应进一步加大科研投入、加强核心技术研究,加快建设休闲产品研发中心,全力突破高精尖技术瓶颈,加快把科技成果变成实际的生产力。其次,应赓续产业结构改革,精准布局创新链,加速创新链、产业链、资金链、人才链的四链融合。推进如餐饮、酒店、旅游等传统休闲产业的转型升级,促进产业向智能化、高端化、绿色化发展,以科技创新延伸传统休闲产业的产业链,提高附加值。此外,休闲经济发展十分依靠实体,应将新一代信息技术与实体经济深度融合,打造如智慧乡村文旅、数字体育等新实体。最后,休闲产业应借助科技创新创造休闲新产业、开辟新赛道、塑造新动能。例如,依托生物技术还原侏罗纪公园;结合VR、全息技术、9D等技术开展室内全感官极限运动。
The third is to vigorously cultivate and introduce scientific and technological innovative leisure industry talents, and improve skills, service quality, and service attitude through training. 首先,优化人才结构,打造高水平的休闲人才队伍。系统性的人才团队是休闲产业发展的关键,应建立起分工明确、目标统一的人才队伍,包括战略人才、设计人才、制造人才、服务人才等人员配置。

Wang Qiyan, Senior Researcher of the Yangtze River Economic Belt at Renmin University of China and Director of the Leisure Economic Research Center


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