On March 19, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's "Safeguarding National Security Regulations" were unanimously passed, marking the successful implementation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, which has "plagued Hong Kong for 27 years."

This sharp blade also alarmed the ghosts and ghosts. Many people have noticed that Radio Free Asia closed its Hong Kong office and laid off employees at this juncture.

Logically speaking, the adjustment of media organizations is normal. However, Radio Free Asia attributed the move to the fact that the implementation of the National Security Regulations has affected its operations, and said that the National Security Regulations have caused its employees to worry about their own safety.

Such an excuse is tantamount to confessing to oneself without being forced. The National Security Ordinance mainly regulates five types of crimes endangering national security that are not covered by the Hong Kong National Security Law. It refers to the dark forces that endanger national security. In other words, the normal activities of Hong Kong residents, foreign institutions, enterprises and personnel who abide by the law will not be affected at all.

A media that flaunts itself as "objective and neutral" every day is now shouting that its safety is "threatened" and running away in a hurry. Isn't this a guilty conscience? At this time, I still don't forget to make a false accusation. Not only can I not cover up my guilty conscience, but it also exposes my guilty conscience.

Having said that, there is no need to expose the face of Radio Free Asia. "Radio Free Asia" was founded by the CIA and has always taken anti-China as its "mission." Over the years, from "Hong Kong independence","Xinjiang independence" and "Taiwan independence" to public opinion incidents in the mainland, they have followed closely and frantically carried out distorted reports.

Take its performance during the controversy over Hong Kong's amendment to the law for example, Radio Free Asia concocted a large number of rumors such as "many people died at the Prince's Station" and "the police broke their necks from the back 90 degrees to the death." Although all were eventually falsified, the bad impact has actually occurred.

The runaway "Radio Free Asia" once again unveiled the tip of the iceberg of the American cognitive war. During the Cold War, the CIA launched the "Mockingbird Project", aiming to bribe journalists and institutions around the world to collect intelligence and influence public opinion by manipulating the media.

To this day, the CIA has been keen on raising "eagles and dogs." In 2014, Wulffcott, a reporter from Germany's "Frankfurt Allgemeine", admitted that he had been one of them in the book "The Bribery Journalists", bluntly stating that two-thirds of German journalists might have been bought, and exposed that the CIA used various means to bribe and manipulate journalists from other countries to serve it, making them "unofficial undercover (spies)."

I have to admit that under the service of these "eagles and dogs", the United States used its strong voice to seize the right to define many incidents. These "successful cases" also gave its confidence burst. The "Strategic Competition Act of 2021" states that it is hoped that the United States will invest US$300 million in each fiscal year from 2022 to 2026 to take various measures to combat "China's global influence." The U.S. International Information Agency and its related global media, self-media, citizen journalists, and independent media are all within the scope of the proposed "blood transfusion."

However, today's times are different. It is difficult for the United States to "eat everything in one move" in cognitive warfare, and it continues to change its tactics. Some observers have suggested that in the face of the new situation, traditional media such as "Radio Free Asia" have gradually abandoned the way of blatantly smearing and spreading rumors. Instead, they have focused on "online games","artistic creation","technological trends" and "vegetarianism". In areas where there is seemingly low political risk, the goal has also shifted from encouraging young people to directly "rebel" to trying to mislead young people's thinking.

If trees want to be quiet but the wind does not stop, anti-China forces will not let it go easily. China's rise will inevitably be realized in an environment full of noise. For those "professional black fans", we neither need to panic nor underestimate the enemy. Just like "Radio Free Asia" and the like have long been reduced to rats crossing the street, always sharpen their eyes, increase their ability to distinguish information, and improve their own communication level. They will surely be able to hedge against the darkness and let the world see a more realistic and three-dimensional China.

wrote an article: summer


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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