"I want to be the president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China and inherit my father. Because my grandfather is the president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China and my mother is the vice president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, I want to inherit our family property."

近日,一段“小男孩长大想当行长继承家产”的视频引发了广泛的舆论关注。很快,The Agricultural Development Bank of China involved said that the bank's disciplinary inspection department has paid attention to the incident and will conduct an investigation. 但截至目前,不同媒体呈现的大多是个别工作人员回应的非正式说明,并且披露的信息也略显简略,并不足以应对公众关切,缓解公众疑虑。
目前的初步回应显示,The little boy's father is indeed the president of a branch of the Agricultural Development Bank, his grandfather is an ordinary employee of the branch who has retired for many years, and his mother is an ordinary section-level cadre. 这起新闻中,被舆论放大的童言和语焉不详的回复,都撩拨着公众情绪:一句本不该被较真的“童言童语”,因为有“三代烟草人”“三代电力人”在前,网友的敏感显得无可厚非;语焉不详的回复,做实了一家人在同一系统工作的事实,却未涉及他们的就业是否合理、合规,与平复疑虑的初衷相差甚远。

The attention to "banking families" caused by children's words still reflects people's concerns about "inbreeding" in special industries. 从本质上说,人们在关心这一家三口的就业情况时,怀揣着一种朴素的期待:在所有行业的就业招聘和人事提拔过程中,少一点背景和关系,多给普通人相同的机会。

Statistics show that the number of college graduates nationwide in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210,000 year-on-year. The employment pressure of college graduates is not optimistic. Against this background of employment, any disturbance that violates employment fairness will arouse strong attention. Therefore, the public attention caused by "inheriting family property and becoming bank president" urgently needs authoritative follow-up investigations.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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