Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the "Notice on Improving Matters Related to the Implementation and Management of Mineral Resources Planning"(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") to fully implement the national resource security strategy, give full play to the leading and supporting role of mineral resources planning, and serve the overall situation of mineral resources management reform and prospecting. Breakthrough strategic actions to better guide the rational exploration and mining of mineral resources, help increase reserves and production, and promote green transformation and high-quality development of the mining industry.
1. Overall progress of plan implementation
The "14th Five-Year Plan" National Mineral Resources Plan was jointly issued and implemented by seven departments. All the mineral resource master plans of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps were approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and issued and implemented by all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities). In addition, more than 2000 municipal and county-level mineral resource master plans have been prepared and implemented across the country. The mineral resources planning system at the national, provincial, municipal and county-level levels has been fully formed. Various localities and departments have coordinated and cooperated according to the division of responsibilities, and the implementation of the plan has achieved remarkable results.
Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the country's mineral exploration investment has continued to achieve positive growth, and the reserves of many strategic mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, rare earths, gold, copper, lithium, cobalt, and nickel have continued to grow, effectively improving China's resource continuity capabilities.
Fixed asset investment in the mining industry continues to grow, and the output of major mineral products continues to grow. Energy minerals such as coal, oil, and natural gas have achieved remarkable results in ensuring the supply of energy minerals, the self-sufficiency rate has increased, and the energy consumption structure has continued to be optimized. The conservation, intensive and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources are steadily advancing.
The national ecological restoration verification work of historical mines has been launched to strengthen the ecological restoration of historical mines in key river basins and key areas. The green exploration standard system has been established and improved, annual on-site spot inspections and inspections of green mines have been carried out, and the construction of green mines has been promoted with high quality.
2. Background for the formulation of the Notice
After the promulgation of the measures for the implementation of Mineral Resources Planning in 2012 (decree No. 55 of the Ministry of Land and Resources), the implementation and management of planning has been strengthened. It has successively issued the Circular of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the implementation of the strict Planning and Management of Mineral Resources Planning (issued by the Department of Land and Resources (2013) No. 24), and the notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on doing a good job in the examination and approval of mining rights or the cancellation of record approval (Land and Resources regulations (2015) No. 2), two documents specifically guide the preparation and implementation of local mineral resources planning and management. With the comprehensive deepening of reform in the mining sector, especially after the promulgation of the Circular of the Ministry of Natural Resources on further improving the Registration Management of Mineral Resources Exploration and Mining (Natural Resources regulations (2023) No. 4) and the opinions on deepening the Reform of Mineral Resources Management (Natural Resources regulations (2023) No. 6), the original documents can no longer fully meet the new situation and requirements of the current mineral resources management reform In order to better serve the overall situation of mineral resources management reform and the strategic action of prospecting and breakthrough, better guide the rational exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, help increase reserves and production, and promote the green transformation and high-quality development of the mining industry, there is an urgent need to further improve the relevant planning and management system. To this end, the Ministry of Natural Resources formulated and issued this Circular on the basis of in-depth investigation and demonstration and extensive solicitation of opinions.
3. Principles formulated in the Notice
The formulation of this Notice mainly grasps the following three principles:
The first is to adhere to the principles of inheritance and development. Overall, the stability and continuity of the original policies have been maintained, and places that are inconsistent with the mineral resources management reform or are not suitable for current planning, implementation and management have been improved.
The second is to adhere to the problem-oriented principle. Focus on problems arising in the implementation and management of mineral resources planning reflected in a concentrated manner by local governments, make clear regulations, and propose specific measures to respond to the concerns of the public and local governments.
The third is to adhere to the principle of operability. Focusing on major matters such as mineral resource planning adjustment and planning block adjustment, specific operating procedures and material submission requirements will be clarified to improve pertinence and operability.
4. The main contents of the improvement of the Notice
The first is to further optimize the annual implementation system of the planning. The "Notice" proposes to strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the annual implementation of the plan. Natural resources authorities at all levels determine the monitoring indicators and tasks for the annual implementation of the plan according to the planning content at the same level. Statistics of various indicators and tasks are mainly filled in through the planning preparation and implementation management information system to ensure The provincial natural resources authorities organize and complete the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the previous year's plan in the region before the end of May of each year, and dynamically grasp the progress of the implementation of plans at all levels.
The second is to improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of planning. Clarify the planning adjustment and exploration and mining planning block adjustment procedures and submission material requirements, and specify the requirements in the form of annexes to provide a basis for local planning adjustment and exploration and mining planning block adjustment. The materials for adjustment requirements have been simplified as much as possible, the filing system for exploration and mining planning blocks has been abolished, and the requirements for the number of adjustments to planned blocks have been standardized.
The third is to emphasize the need to give full play to the leading and supporting role of planning and improve the ability to guarantee mineral resources. From streamlining and optimizing planning review matters, supporting the exploration and mining of strategic minerals in energy resource bases and nationally planned Kuangqu mining areas, giving full play to the spatial guidance role of exploration and mining planning blocks, and encouraging the orderly release of sand and gravel mining rights in concentrated mining areas, etc., it has been improved to better serve the strategic actions of mineral prospecting breakthroughs and adapt to the requirements of mineral administration and management reform, promote the increase of reserves and production, and enhance the ability to ensure resource supply.
The fourth is to further improve the level of planning informatization services. The "Notice" strengthens the construction of planning databases and the application of planning preparation and implementation management systems, realizes the management of planning preparation, achievement management, implementation monitoring, adjustment and update, evaluation and supervision at all levels on a unified platform and the dynamic update of planning databases, and connects with other systems such as the "One Map" implementation supervision system, the national mining rights registration information and release system.
5. Follow-up work arrangements to promote the effective implementation of the Notice
The implementation and effectiveness of the relevant requirements of the "Notice" cannot be separated from the coordinated efforts of planning and management departments at all levels. The following work will be carried out in the follow-up:
First, we should do a good job in policy interpretation, increase publicity and training, strengthen work guidance for planning implementation management and business support units, and promptly track and evaluate the implementation of the Notice.
The second is to focus on the new round of strategic actions to explore breakthroughs and the need to increase reserves and production, vigorously promote the implementation of major planning tasks, strengthen annual monitoring and analysis of planning implementation, and promptly guide local governments to formulate reasonable monitoring indicators at the ministerial level, and dynamically grasp the progress of planning implementation and existing problems.
The third is to carry out training on mineral resources planning and management systems, accelerate the application of mineral resources planning and management systems, achieve unified platform management of planning at all levels across the country, improve the informatization and intelligence of planning implementation management, and make planning implementation adjustments traceable and verifiable. (Ministry of Natural Resources) Please watch, like, and share the triple combo so that more people can see it! disclaimer:The content contained in this article is online data and cannot be contacted to the copyright owner. If the text and pictures of the article are infringed, please contact the public account operator, WeChat signal:qjd2013, we will delete it!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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