From March 26 to 30, the Shanghai New International Expo Center and the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) were extremely lively. More than 5000 exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions gathered on the platform of the 2024 Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo. Various operators from the hotel, catering, yacht, and tourism industries gathered together. As an "exhibition aircraft carrier" with 4 different vertical categories of cluster exhibitions, under the guidance of the Shanghai City Culture and Tourism Bureau, Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. integrated the 2021--30-year-old Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo, Shanghai International Hotel and Commercial Space Expo, Shanghai International Yacht Show and Lifestyle Shanghai Show, and created the Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo theme hall. This year is the third time since the Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo was integrated and established.

First Finance and Economics found that this exhibition covers the entire industry chain of "food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment", providing a display platform for operators, and connecting with intended customers to obtain business opportunities. It also provides investment and financing assistance. It can be said that it provides "investment, investment promotion, operation and promotion" integrated services.

New catering consumption shows new trends 文旅出行是一个“吃住行游购娱”的全产业链市场,民以食为天,在旅游要素中,“吃”排在首位。因此,本届展会餐饮相关企业参展数量最多。

At the Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo, kitchen equipment and supplies, desktop supplies, catering ingredients, food synthesis, beverage synthesis, coffee and tea, ice cream equipment and raw materials, baking raw materials and mechanical equipment, alcohol synthesis, food and catering packaging, catering design and supporting materials, franchise and chain resources gathered together, and some new trends can also be discovered. The coffee exhibition area was crowded with people. At the Xiangji Coffee booth, the performance of the "Coffee Master" who won the championship at the WBC World Coffee Championships attracted a lot of attention.

Xiangji Coffee, which has participated in more than ten Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expos, has brought a series of products such as fully automatic and semi-automatic coffee machines, creamer machines, syrup machines, water filtering systems, etc. According to Yang Yehong, marketing director of Shanghai Xiangji Coffee Trading Co., Ltd., composite stores and composite business formats have become the future trend. Not only limited to the customization of flavors, the market has also put forward new demands on various aspects such as application research and development, precise demand and cost reduction. Therefore, this exhibition provides a better platform for brands like Xiangji with comprehensive service capabilities and customized solutions, allowing existing customers to understand products, understand the team, deepen exchanges, and at the same time demonstrate their capabilities to intended customers. A lot of intended cooperation was reached on site. Kabijani Group from Italy is a professional ice cream professional machine manufacturer and has participated in the exhibition for many years. At the exhibition site, the company brought many new machines to show the audience the ice cream making process and promoted Italian ice cream culture.

"We have many partners in the Chinese market, such as McDonald's, Burger King, Xi Tea and so on. Our annual sales in the Chinese market reach 200 million yuan. At present, China is one of our largest markets in the world. Now that consumption is reviving, especially in catering, coffee and tea, we see many business opportunities for cross-border cooperation, such as Maotai ice cream. Many consumption formats in China are chained, and our products are very suitable for chain development, and we also take the initiative to spread ice cream culture and plan all kinds of professional competitions. Participating in this exhibition also brings us a lot of interested customers. " Xu Lining, general manager of Cappy Gianni Group in China, said in an interview. The hot development of the catering industry has also boosted the sales of relevant suppliers. At the booth of Foshan Berman Kitchen equipment Co., Ltd., which is full of roast duck ovens, Mai Guanbin, general manager of the company, revealed that it is mainly engaged in the production of roast duck ovens, and more and more customers have placed orders in recent years. "We are now developing online and offline, and we embrace e-commerce and break it up into pieces. Enterprises not only invest in research and development, but also have software upgrades. We not only produce roast duck ovens, but also have recipe tutorials. We combine short videos to do more diversified expansion. Participating in this exhibition also gives us a lot of interested customers, and this exhibition is also of great help to brand promotion. "

Industrial chain, industrialization

Become the focus of hotel construction在“住”的环节,上海国际酒店及商业空间博览会将场景创新作为趋势引领的方向,带动新生态在场景中的应用。 华住集团以一个整馆的规模整合自己的供应链企业参展。华住集团供应链供应商管理中心高级总监张嘉鋆表示:“目前华住集团全球布局发展, 供应链作为集团的重要战略支撑部门, 保持降本增效的高质量发展首当其冲。希望通过展会吸纳更多优质供应链企业共建, 像生产汽车一样生产酒店, 构建酒店业世界级生态的供应链平台, 助力华住绿色ESG发展。”

In this exhibition, industrialized and prefabricated houses have become the highlights. "We already have many resorts, study tours, etc. across the country. We can complete the construction of a vacation home at the exhibition site in 4 hours, integrating planning, design, construction and operation. In particular, the construction of some outdoor vacation homes ranges from more than 100,000 to more than 200,000, and it is estimated that the cost can be recovered in 3 to 5 years." Wang Di, partner of Jiangsu Jingqi Construction Technology Co., Ltd., said that this exhibition will take scenario innovation as a trend-leading direction and drive the application of new ecology in scenarios. The company's projects have received a lot of attention and exchanges from the industry at the exhibition.

In the exhibition area of Jingqi, it has built two holiday houses with bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms and even terraces, which are very suitable for parent-child families. In the accommodation industry, prefabricated integrated hotel decoration is the market trend. Guangdong Dongpeng holding Co., Ltd., which has partnered with Jinjiang, Huazhu, Marriott, Hilton, Dongcheng and Yaduo hotels, has brought the latest assembly products. "with the upgrading of consumer requirements, many hotels are also being renovated. In the past, the sanitary decoration of the hotel took two people 20 days to 30 days, but now with our assembly decoration, two people can be installed in 4 hours. Because we are doing an overall 1n solution, assembly decoration has been pre-assembled in the factory, so it can be installed quickly after arriving at the hotel site, and now Huazhu and other enterprises are still promoting the master package mode, this gives us assembly suppliers greater opportunities for cooperation. Under the assembly mode, it is easier for the hotel to unify standards, save labor costs and shorten the construction period. " Yao Feng, general manager of the Engineering Market Center of Guangdong Dongpeng holding Co., Ltd., revealed.

Waterfront leisure market embraces new opportunities旅游业的发展带动了游艇产业的发展,上海国际游艇展聚焦滨水休闲市场新机遇,为船艇及配件技术提供了展示和交流的平台。 “我们在中国市场出售的游艇和相关产品主要的客户用途是商务,比如在海南会有很多客户购买我们的产品后用于当地旅游业开发,设立一些游艇观光和水上活动项目。此次展会给了我们品牌和产品展示的机会,也让我们更了解其他品牌并加深和业者们的交流,拓展商机。”雅马哈游艇相关负责人蒋勤兵接受采访时表示。

Private yachting is also an area worth exploring. The on-site display of yachts attracted many visitors. "The brands we mainly operate in come from Europe, such as the United Kingdom, France, Finland and Poland. Many buyers buy yachts in the range of millions to tens of millions. We have been participating in this exhibition for many times. Through the exhibition, we can learn about new market trends and contact precise intended customers every year, bringing direct benefits. This year, I feel that overseas customers have increased significantly, and the exhibition is getting better and better." Ms. Zhu, deputy director of Dachang Shipping, said.

Create a theme hall to expand new sound volume值得注意的是,本次展会有5000余家来自30多个国家和地区的展商在此汇聚。国际业者的参与带来了更为多样化的文旅体验。 上海旅游产业博览会主题馆内,突尼斯国家旅游局表示,2023年突尼斯共接待了950万全球游客,中国游客基本恢复到疫情前约50%。今年希望中国游客可以恢复到2019年的数量,约3万人。“突尼斯是典型的旅游国家,其位于地中海的中心,南部连接着撒哈拉沙漠,有3000多年的历史、七大世界文化遗产。当地导游人员基本上都可以说多国语言,随着更多中国游客的到访,说中文的导游和酒店服务人员也会越来越多。我们对中国的出境游市场非常有信心,相信随着航班的恢复,出境游市场热度会持续飙升。” 突尼斯国家旅游局首席代表阿诺尔方面表示。

On the other hand, night tours and more light and shadow immersive cultural tourism projects are now receiving more and more attention. Zhao Wenjing, head of Greater China of Italian Luce e design magazine, said:"Lighting integrates traditional aesthetics with the spirit of the times, giving space more added value, using light as a link to connect space and people, bringing a better life experience. The exhibition brings audiences with targeted needs, which can be accurately matched and form effective communication."

Industry-investment linkage builds a new full-link platform 2024年伊始,旅游业就迎来了“开门红”,经文化和旅游部数据中心测算,春节假期8天全国国内旅游出游4.74亿人次,同比增长34.3%,按可比口径较2019年同期增长19.0%;国内游客出游总花费6326.87亿元,同比增长47.3%,按可比口径较2019年同期增长7.7%;入出境旅游约683万人次,其中出境游约360万人次,入境游约323万人次。

The recovery and upgrading of the industry is inseparable from investment and financing. Through the integrated development of high-quality tourism resources and related industries, the Shuangguan four cluster exhibitions have a scale of 600000 square meters, covering 38 exhibition plates in 12 industrial categories, bringing a huge amount of business exchanges. In this exhibition, through the investment pairing meeting, a number of exhibitors and project parties submitted their own high-quality investment projects, with a total project amount of 25.72 billion yuan. The Shanghai Tourism Investment Promotion Conference sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Government focused on the "double 100 billion" project of major cultural tourism investment and consumption in the second half of the 14th five-year Plan, that is, the total investment of the completed and operating project is 100 billion, and the annual consumption of 10 million-level inflow is 100 billion. This is the double hundred billion project of "construction and consumption" in the third year following the double hundred billion project of "starting and attracting investment" of the first Congress in 2021 and "starting and financing" of the second Congress in 2023. Fang Shizhong, deputy director of the propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the party group and director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, said that the Shanghai Tourism Investment Promotion Conference and the Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo implemented a joint investment and exhibition for the first time this year. it has become an important platform for Shanghai to promote the deep integration of culture and tourism into urban investment and consumption. Adhere to the market-oriented, professional and international exhibition model, in the period of industrial upgrading and development of the rapid recovery of the culture and tourism industry, constantly supplement the upstream and downstream links of the industrial chain, introduce high-quality domestic and foreign exhibitors, attract more professional audiences who want to develop through the tourism industry, and transmit industrial innovation to the consumer field, will be the direction of continuous improvement and promotion of the Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo.

The exhibition industry is an important support for the modern service industry. Tourism industry clusters with international and domestic influence will drive the implementation of complete commercial, hotel, logistics, transportation and other hardware supporting facilities. The organizer of this event is Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., which is headquartered in London, UK ) A Sino-foreign cooperation exhibition company established in Shanghai in 1998 with Shanghai Huazhan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. At this exhibition, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Infuman Group and the Asian CEO of Infuman Exhibition Group both attended the event. John Riston, chairman of the board of directors of the British Inman Group, said: "One of the important values of the exhibition industry is to gather more people and help exhibitors and visitors do better in life. Some new trends can be seen at present: Sustainable practices, personalized customer experiences and innovative technology solutions designed to simplify operations and increase customer satisfaction. Shanghai has huge potential. Infuman will deepen investment, gather talents, and lead the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the exhibition industry.”

It is expected to continuously optimize the exhibition economic development ecosystem through exhibitions and create a more harmonious business environment, thereby promoting high-quality urban social and economic development and providing important support for the construction of the "five centers".


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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