Lin once served as a doctoral supervisor at a well-known 985 university in Shanghai. After joining a logistics company in Shanghai, he served as the financial director, with an annual salary of up to 3 million yuan. However, he became a "launder" for many years because of a lawsuit worth more than 1 million yuan. Only recently did he pay back the money under pressure from the executive judge of the People's Court of Pudong New District in Shanghai City.

林某与茅先生曾是物流公司的同事, In 2019, due to an equity transfer dispute, Mr. Mao filed a lawsuit against Lin to the Pudong Court. The court ruled that both parties terminated the equity transfer contract, and Lin should return Mr. Mao's equity transfer payment of 1 million yuan and pay a liquidated damages of 250,000 yuan. 判决生效后,林某并未履行给付义务,茅先生向法院申请强制执行。

On January 28, 2021, the Pudong Court sent an enforcement notice to the person subject to execution, Lin, requiring him to perform the corresponding obligations determined in the judgment. The handling judge Liu Xiaomin immediately contacted the applicant and the person subject to execution, and both parties expressed their willingness to settle. However, after Lin paid 60,000 yuan to the court through transfer, he could no longer be contacted. Under Lin's name, no property clues for execution were found. According to Mr. Mao's application, the court took measures against Lin such as restricting high consumption and restricting exit.

In October 2023, Mr. Mao accidentally learned from his mutual friend that Lin had left the country after "flashing" in his hometown in Fujian. At this time, Mr. Mao realized that due to his negligence and forgetting to apply for renewal of prosecution, the measure of "restricting exit for six months" taken against Lin had expired. He quickly applied to the Pudong Court to resume execution of the case and applied to continue taking measures to restrict the exit of Lin.

At 11:00 pm on February 27 this year, Liu Xiaomin received a phone call from Shenzhen and learned that Lin had entered Shenzhen from Hong Kong. He immediately contacted Lin and advised him to actively fulfill the judgment. On the phone, Lin still expressed his willingness to perform. But at 11 a.m. the next day, Liu Xiaomin received a phone call from a border inspection officer at Shenzhen Port, saying that Lin not only had no intention of cooperating, but also attempted to leave the country for Hong Kong, but could not make it due to the re-entry restrictions.

考虑到自己的工作生活需要经常出入境, Lin's attitude took a 180-degree turn. Due to the court's restrictions on high consumption, he was unable to buy a ticket. He borrowed a car from a friend in Shenzhen and drove 1680 kilometers to Shanghai overnight. 路途中,林某联系刘啸敏,表示自己在境外公司有一份价值13万美元的保险基金,会通过抛售的形式变现来归还欠款,并请求刘啸敏多做做茅先生的思想工作,争取双方能够达成和解。

In the end, Mr. Mao agreed to settle:Lin only needed to pay another 1 million yuan to agree to apply for lifting measures such as restrictions on high consumption and restrictions on exit. Later, Lin collected 500,000 RMB and sent it to the Pudong Court's execution account, and said that the remaining 500,000 RMB could be paid off within a week. At the same time, Liu Xiaomin clearly informed Lin that he refused to perform his obligations in the case and should have been punished with judicial detention and other disciplinary measures. However, in view of his final performance of relevant obligations and obtained the understanding of the applicant, he was no longer subject to judicial detention., but a fine must still be imposed as punishment.

After Mr. Mao successfully obtained the remaining arrears, the execution of the case was finally completed.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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