Developing new quality productive forces is the inherent requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development. At present, new quality productivity has been formed in practice and demonstrated a strong driving force and support for high-quality development.

In order to accelerate the development of new productive forces, PetroChina will base itself on the needs of the country, the trends of the industry, the urgent transformation, and the company's capabilities, accelerate industrial upgrading, improve and improve the strategic layout, strive to strengthen scientific and technological support for strategic emerging industries, and continuously improve future industrial innovation. Chain construction, collaborative creation of an industrial ecology, strengthening policy and mechanism incentives, and enhancing new momentum for development.

How to accelerate the development of new productive forces

Be a good benchmark and banner

let's listen to

What are the golden ideas and good practices of each company

Wang Hongfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Manager of Southwest Tarim Exploration and Development Company of Tarim Oilfield Company:

To develop new productive forces, we must add to science and technology and subtract to carbon emissions. New productivity is characterized by innovation. Comprehensively tackle in-depth problems is an inevitable choice to develop new productive forces and serve as a benchmark. Deep and ultra-deep is a major strategic successor area for China's oil and gas, and marching deep into the earth is a major strategic choice to secure the energy bowl. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of establishing enterprises with science and technology as the king, use innovation and technology to transform existing productivity, promote new productivity, and gradually realize the technical support of key core projects of 10,000-meter deep wells.

New productivity itself is green productivity. Promoting green and low-carbon transformation of energy and reducing carbon emissions is the only way to develop new productive forces and serve as a good benchmark. It is necessary to coordinate oil and gas supply security and green and low-carbon development, focus on energy conservation and emission reduction on the one hand, and focus on the rapid development of new energy on the other, build a new pattern of integrated development of oil and gas and new energy on the other, accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon production methods, and continue to increase oil and gas production and Comprehensive energy supply guarantee capabilities make green the background for high-quality development of energy and chemical companies.

Interview with Su Hua

Xu Pu, senior expert of Guangxi Petrochemical Company:

New-quality productivity has the connotation and characteristics of green and low-carbon, and has become a sustainable productivity that can meet the requirements of leaping from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. In the process of accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional fuel-based refineries to the integration of refining and chemical industries, we should continue to enhance the development of integrated innovation technologies, give full play to the integrated optimization role of core technologies and multiple technologies, improve the level of intensive utilization of crude oil resources, and flexibly optimize oil products, Aromatics and olefin product structure to achieve high-end, intelligent, green and sustainable development of refining and chemical enterprises.

In the process of transformation and upgrading of Guangxi Petrochemical Company, new productivity has played a huge promoting role. We must continue to focus on the "double carbon" goal and accelerate green and low-carbon development. Actively implement the group company's green and low-carbon development strategy, accelerate the implementation of indicators for new energy projects such as wind power and photovoltaics, study carbon dioxide capture and solidification technology, carefully plan offshore wind power to produce green hydrogen projects, and focus on studying measures to improve terminal electrification rates. Promote the implementation of the carbon peak action plan, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction and reduction through effective means such as strengthening source control, deepening energy conservation and efficiency improvement, accelerating clean substitution, orderly promoting electrification, strengthening recycling, actively developing hydrogen energy business, and strengthening management foundation. Pollution, green expansion, growth, and achieve the company's green and low-carbon transformation and development.

Li Fang's interviews were compiled

Huang Qiang, senior expert in fine pressure controlled drilling of Bohai Drilling Company Pipe and Well Control Company:

Accelerating the development of new productive forces is an objective requirement for liberating and developing productive forces in the new era and new journey. I believe that to develop new productivity, we must put technological innovation at the core of development, continue to tackle key problems and make breakthroughs in the fine pressure controlled drilling business, and strive to break through blockages that restrict the improvement of drilling quality and efficiency.

As oil exploration and development gradually shifts to deep and ultra-deep depths, drilling construction is facing increasing various complex geological conditions, making construction more and more difficult. We regard the development of higher-tech fine pressure controlled drilling equipment as the driving force for development. Guided by the needs of Party A and the drilling site, and with intelligence, efficiency, low carbon and safety as the core, we regard integrated fine pressure controlled drilling and completion technology as a special weapon to strengthen the upgrade and promotion of the BH-MPD fine pressure controlled drilling system, solve the problem of narrow safety density formation drilling, and be the "first eye" for well control safety. It is necessary to regard high-quality and high-skilled technical personnel as the first factor in developing new productive forces, focus on young employees, strengthen talent training and skills transfer, and build a scientific research team with a multi-dimensional knowledge structure and proficiency in new technical equipment. Team.

Interviews compiled by Wang Kun

Song Jianfeng, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Intelligent Power Equipment Branch of Jichai Power Company:

The proposal of new quality productivity affirms the new momentum given by new industries and points out the direction for us to promote industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation and build competitive advantages through industrial upgrading.

As an energy and power equipment manufacturing enterprise, it is a good benchmark in developing new productivity. It must adhere to taking scientific and technological innovation as the engine, taking new energy and new business formats as the leading factor, and continuously enhance core competitiveness through industrial upgrading. It is necessary to fully integrate the actual situation of the industry, strive to break down barriers between traditional businesses and new businesses, and achieve transformation and integrated development. On the product and service side, we focus on electrochemical energy storage, intelligent filling, charging and replacing, differential pressure power generation, CCUS and other businesses to ensure the transformation and development needs of upstream and downstream enterprises; On the production and operation side, we are committed to building an intelligent information factory, emphasizing the quality of internal development, integrating digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, and widely applying them to the entire process of product design, technology, and production, and improving production with modern means. Efficiency and economic benefits promote enterprises to achieve quality improvement, efficiency improvement and high-quality operation.

Compiled up interviews by the party officials

picture:Soldier Chen Wang Fang Sun Jing Party members

edit:Luan Yi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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