作为养老保险体系“第三支柱”的重要制度设计,个人养老金制度于2022年11月正式实施。The latest data shows that the number of people currently opening accounts has exceeded 50 million.

然而,Zhou Yanfang, Representative of the National People's Congress and General Manager of Pacific Medical Health Management Co., Ltd.注意到,目前个人养老金缴存人数仅占开户人数的22%, The per capita deposit amount is only about 2000 yuan, far below the 12,000 yuan deposit limit for personal pension accounts ,投资人数仅占缴存人数的62%,存在“开户热投资冷、缴存意愿不高”现象。“其中值得关注的是,年轻人尤其是‘90后’虽然在开户人数上占到整体的30%,但在参与配置第三支柱个人养老金缴存和投资时均有所顾虑。”

In Zhou Yanfang's view, factors such as young people's lack of understanding of personal pensions, young people's lack of willingness to reserve long-term pension reserves, insufficient tax policies to encourage young people, insufficient flexibility in account management, and high professional thresholds for selecting personal pension products have all led to young people's low willingness to pay and invest.

如何促进年轻人参与个人养老金配置?周燕芳建议,First of all, we must strengthen the publicity of personal pensions ,推广养老金融知识,由国家金融监督管理局主导,制定统一的养老金融知识宣教内容和标准,确保信息的准确性和一致性。

其次,她建议Priority should be given to providing financial subsidies to the personal pension accounts of low-income groups with insufficient tax incentives, especially young people born in the 1990s with a deposit period of more than 15 years ,鼓励低收入年轻群体配置个人养老金、加强长期养老保障。另外,It is recommended to increase the upper limit of annual personal pension contributions to 20,000 yuan ,以加大EET模式下税收优惠力度,提高税收递延的激励效应,增加对中高收入年轻群体的吸引力。

Zhou Yanfang also suggested that differentiated products should be designed for young people to enhance the appeal and flexibility of personal pensions. On the premise of ensuring fund safety and effective control, the conditions for early withdrawal of personal pensions should be increased to meet the needs of participants in the event of major accidents and emergency funding needs in special scenarios. "Specifically, special circumstances such as major illnesses and disabilities of the person and his immediate family members can be considered as conditions for full legal payment. Explore the inclusion of children's education, supporting the elderly, and repaying debts in the scope of partial collection to better balance the rigidity and flexibility of the system and improve the efficiency of the use of account funds."

In addition, she believes that service processes should be optimized to provide more convenient and accessible professional information services for pension consultation and pension planning, and lower the threshold for selecting personal pensions.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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