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** Author| ** First Finance and Economics Lu Hanzhi

In the past few years, top-notch anchor Li Jiaqi has emerged on the Taobao platform, and down-to-earth crazy Brother Yang and Simba have emerged on the fast-hand platform. Douyin Dongdong selection and making friends have attracted much attention. In this wave of live broadcasts and Short Video, Jingdong, as an important player in the e-commerce field, mainly focuses on in-store broadcasts. Although the sales and sales live broadcast room became popular on the Double 11 last year, so far, the Jingdong platform has not yet grown A leading anchor with widespread influence in the industry. On April 10, there were rumors that Jingdong spent 1 billion yuan on layout Short Video. Today, Jingdong told First Financial News that it would invest one billion in cash and one billion in traffic as rewards to attract more original creators and high-quality content organizations to settle in. Since last year, Jingdong has been trying to attract new users through live broadcasts and Short Video.

Live and Short Video work together

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From the perspective of specific strategy, JD.com takes two measures to support content production. On the one hand, JD.com will subsidize talented people in more than 20 creative fields, including digital 3C, home appliances, mothers and babies, pets, fashion, sports, beauty care, health, car products, and so on. Specifically, creators who meet the recruitment requirements can get a maximum cash creation subsidy of 30000 yuan for a single account in a single cycle. On this basis, the creators enjoy both video playback subsidies and commission. In terms of institutional customer acquisition, in addition to basic customer incentives, JD.com also set up an institutional incentive list of 5 million yuan. As long as the number of people successfully introduced by the organization reaches a certain scale, it will have the opportunity to receive an one-time cash subsidy every month. After the institution is stationed, the person in charge of various items of JD.com will also provide it with one-to-one guidance and services to enhance the operating capacity of the organization in JD.com video. On the other hand, in terms of traffic tilt, JD.com will bring more exposure opportunities for high-quality and original videos, not only through algorithm weighting, providing subsidies for fixed flow coupons, but also through special display methods such as evaluation and TAB in the channels, as well as adding evaluation and building floors in the commodity details page, bringing more traffic. The person in charge of JD.com content ecology said that excellent video creators are an important force to promote the prosperity of content ecology. In order to recruit more talented people and institutions, JD.com offered a billion in cash and a billion in flow as a reward to stimulate their creative enthusiasm and produce more professional and interesting content. In addition, JD.com is preparing for the incubation of Touda people, and plans to select the top 100 people by the end of the year. At present, hundreds of millions of cash has been invested in the reserve stage alone, and will continue to be invested in the future. According to the China Internet Audio-Visual Development Research report (2024), 71.2% of the respondents made online shopping because they watched short videos and live broadcasts, and more than 40 percent of Internet users believed that short videos and live broadcasts were their main consumption channels. Content consumption is becoming a key race track for major platforms. From the perspective of the industry, it is not uncommon for the platform to give incentives when developing new business. Previously, Douyin will also give a lot of rewards to merchants when developing its e-commerce business. For example, Douyin launched the Douyin e-commerce brand launch incentive policy in October 2021. Successfully participating brands can get the corresponding Qianchuan coupon incentive by completing the brand self-broadcast task (the set number of days, the number of buyers and the GMV threshold for effective settlement). A single brand can get a maximum of 15997 yuan traffic coupons. Regarding JD.com chooses to send strength at this time, Ai media consults CEO Zhang Yi to say to the first finance and economics, JD.com chooses to send force content production has many reasons. On the one hand, because of the importance of user traffic, the Internet has entered the stock market, how to tap more e-commerce users is a very important issue for JD.com. In addition, with the growing demand of Internet users for short videos and live content, short videos have become an important channel to attract users and promote consumption. On the other hand, for JD.com, the virtual human live broadcast in the power live e-commerce is also the trend of the future, and this kind of platform is needed to have the opportunity to do more innovative business.

Jingdong seeks change

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Since last year, Jingdong has begun to lay out a content ecosystem. In terms of video content, last year, tens of thousands of talented people in Jingdong created tens of millions of videos around "personal trial + evaluation". Jingdong data shows that indicators such as orders, user size, and duration all increased by 300% year-on-year, and grew at a year-on-year rate of 100% in the first quarter of this year. In terms of live broadcast layout, on Double 11 last year, Jingdong received a lot of traffic through sales and sales of live broadcast rooms. Jingdong data shows that as of 23 pm on November 11:59. The total number of viewers of Jingdong's sales and sales live broadcast exceeded 380 million. The relevant person in charge of Jingdong's sales and live broadcast room previously told China Business News that during the Jingdong Double 11 period last year, hot items such as the iPhone 15 series, VGN keyboards, and singing bar microphones were sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves.

Judging from the birth of the studio, the person in charge said, "in fact, JD.com 3C Digital has done a live broadcast of procurement and sales before, because compared to finding an external anchor for live broadcast, procurement and sales are more professional for products, and there are no pit fees and commissions. You can totally give benefits to consumers." First Finance learned that JD.com spoke highly of the success of the live broadcast room. At the same time, the success of purchasing and selling live broadcast rooms also makes more brands seek cooperation. In 2023, the year of JD.com 's adjustment, JD.com implemented the low-price strategy, tried live broadcasting and other businesses, and adjusted the business structure in the past year. From the perspective of performance, JD.com needs new growth points. According to the financial report, JD.com 's income in the fourth quarter of 2023 reached 306.1 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6 percent over the same period last year, and the annual income in 2023 was 1.0847 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.7 percent over the same period last year. In the fourth quarter of 2022, JD.com 's net income rose 7.1 per cent from a year earlier. Net income for the whole year of 2022 grew by 9.9% year-on-year, compared with a slowdown in 2023. Content production is both a challenge and an opportunity for JD.com. Based on the monthly active users penetration rate of TOP30 long video applications, short video applications, network audio applications, and entertainment / game live streaming applications in the China Network Audio and Audio Development Research report (2024), it is found that the platform aggregation effect of the head of active users is obvious, with 95.3% of short video users concentrated on Douyin and Kuaishou platforms. Zhang Yi believes that JD.com is relatively late in live streaming and short videos at this time, but JD.com 's advantages are also relatively obvious, especially JD.com 's mature industrial chain and mature logistics and distribution channels, and has accumulated a lot of experience in the retail industry. it is helpful for JD.com to shorten the training time and directly let the anchors or institutions find a profit model. From the input point of view, Zhang Yi believes that JD.com 's 1 billion investment may just test the water, through 1 billion investment to focus on whether its intention to attract excellent content creators to enhance the brand image can be realized. Whether to continue to invest in the future depends on the effect of 1 billion of the investment. Zhang Yi said that developing content creation and continuing the low-price strategy is the direction of JD.com 's efforts this year, by providing low-cost goods to attract low-price-sensitive consumers, the main target is pinduoduo. For content creation, JD.com hopes to improve brand image, user stickiness and attract and maintain a large enough user flow pool to become JD.com 's e-commerce users. JD.com focused on high-end users in the past, in the case of insufficient incremental market must be precipitated down, the low-end users as a follow-up revenue and profit growth of the blue ocean market. However, after announcing that he has spent a lot of money to attract more live talent, JD.com has more to do next. Today, the first financial reporter searched and found that the current content entry is not obvious in JD.com 's App page. After clicking on the "shopping" column, the "recommendation" column is similar to the Douyin page, with a lot of film and television clips, funny, make-up and life videos pushed. Most videos don't get a lot of likes, but some Douyin celebrities move in. For example, Douyin fashionista "Thurman Cat one Cup", which has 19.112 million followers, has entered JD.com. In terms of content, the video posted by the talent on JD.com is later than that on Douyin, such as the laughter challenge video posted on Douyin as early as March 14. Judging from the number of video views, JD.com needs to give more support at present. China Business reporter noticed that "Thurman Cat one Cup" received no more than 100 views in JD.com 's last nine videos, and basically garnered more than 500000 likes in Douyin. **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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