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** Author| ** First Finance Fan Xuehan

Recently,"Dudu Xu", a police officer from the Public Security Bureau of Tongling City, Anhui Province, said in a popular science video posted on his social media account:"Cancellation of your mobile phone number is equivalent to selling yourself. A mobile phone number that is canceled at random is likely to cause property damage. Subsequently, this topic hit the top spot on Weibo's hot search list, triggering widespread heated discussions among the public.

"Governor Xu" said in the video:"When the mobile phone number is no longer used or you don't want to use it, go to the business hall to cancel it. After a while, the operator will put the mobile phone number back on the market. The next person who uses your mobile phone number can use the mobile phone Captcha to log in to your Alipay, WeChat and other software. The consequences will be unimaginable." According to the First Financial Reporter, the possibility of the above operations has been recognized by the operators.

Behind the rhetoric that "canceling your mobile phone number is equivalent to betraying yourself" that touches consumers 'nerves is the real problem that the cancelled mobile phone number will be put back on the market. After consulting telecommunications professionals, the First Financial Reporter learned that this operation is often called "secondary number allocation", and the trouble caused by "secondary number allocation" has troubled consumers for a long time.

The problem has existed for a long time

On April 6, the reporter of First Financial and Economics called China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom respectively on the question of "whether the cancelled mobile phone numbers will be returned to the market." The reporters then received "it is possible to re-launch them" reply. Insiders of China Mobile told reporters that operators will indeed put cancelled telephone numbers back on the market, but this process must comply with the relevant policies of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The reporter inquired that according to the provisions of the "Telecommunications Regulations" and "Telecommunications Service Specifications":If a user fails to pay within 30 days of arrears, the telecommunications service provider may suspend the relevant service, i.e.,"shutdown"; if the user fails to pay within 60 days after the shutdown, the service may be terminated, i.e., the number is cancelled; the time from cancellation to re-activation (secondary release) is at least 90 days, which is called the "freezing time limit". After the time limit, the number can be released again. It can be seen that the "secondary numbering" complies with laws and regulations.

However, although a mobile phone number will go through a period of "freezing period" at the operator after being cancelled, the bank card or other software bound to it will not be automatically untied after the mobile phone number is cancelled. As early as 2018, consumers left messages on government websites:"The bank card or other software bound after the card is cancelled will not be automatically untied. After the number is cancelled, the communication company will not sell the number for a period of time (90 days), but will continue to sell it later. Therefore, new users may obtain someone else's mobile phone number and then log in to software, bank card or Alipay that has not been untied with the original mobile phone number, endangering the interests and safety of the owner of the original mobile phone number."

In addition to the fact that personal privacy accounts may be leaked through "secondary accounts", many users have also been harassed by purchasing "secondary accounts". Some users left a message on the government website in 2019, saying that they had recently issued a new mobile phone card and often received reminder text messages, phone calls, etc. from the bank bound before the mobile phone number to the credit card of the previous owner of the mobile phone number. It was annoying to change the phone number to harass it. "If you want to unbind, the bank needs to provide the ID card and other information of the previous owner of the mobile phone number. As an ordinary person, there is really no way to find the former owner of the mobile phone number in the world." The above-mentioned message pointed out.

Historical public reports show that the phenomenon of "secondary release of accounts" has been causing trouble to consumers for many years, but relevant telecommunications departments and operators have rarely publicly responded to solutions. Some consumers told First Financial News that after reporting to the operator that they had been repeatedly harassed when purchasing "secondary accounts", the operator kicked the "ball" to a third-party financial institution and advised users to provide feedback to the financial institution. As users, they need to travel back and forth between financial institutions and operators to solve the problem.

It's difficult to untie them all

After the "Dudu Xu" video was sent out, the "one-click query" function of the mobile phone number binding application immediately attracted attention. At the end of last year, some functions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's "One-Card Universal Check 2.0" were upgraded, and the number of registrations of Internet application accounts supporting inquiries increased from the previous 11 to 16. At the same time, a new service of "one-click jump for unbundling/complaint processing" has been added.

According to the reporter's experience, the menu bar below the Weixin Official Accounts of "Gongxin Weibo" can enter the inquiry page by clicking the "One-Card Check" function in "Government Services". After entering the inquiry home page, click "Internet Account" and fill in your mobile phone number, the last six digits of your ID number and the Captcha to check the account registration status of mainstream Internet apps and websites. Relevant query results will be responded to through the unified SMS port of 10699000 within 48 hours. However, some consumers have reported to reporters that many commonly used apps bound to mobile phone numbers "One-Card Check 2.0" are not covered, and no one will specifically remember how many applications their mobile phone numbers are bound to. It is extremely difficult to ensure that all of them are untied before signing off your mobile phone number.

At present, it seems that unbinding mobile phone numbers and apps is a "big project." Insiders of the operator told reporters that because different applications currently have different methods and operations to unbind mobile phone numbers, operators have no way to carry out unified operations. Currently, users can only be advised to unbind their mobile phone numbers by themselves before logging out.

In the face of applications that may miss unbinding, do users have channels to find out whether the mobile phone number they are using is a "secondary number"? The reporter learned that China Mobile Cloud has recently launched an application to query "secondary numbers". The principle is that when a user logs in or registers an application, it can determine whether it is secondary by comparing the number's access time with the application's registration time. (Website: https://ecloud.10086.cn/portal/product/secondnumber), but the app is currently only open to enterprise developers and only for Chinese mobile users.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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