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introduction: 从业者认为,这类乱象的曝光有利于推动快递新规的施行。

** Author| ** First Finance and Economics Lu Hanzhi

On April 2, the Market Supervision Department of the State Post Bureau interviewed Shanghai Yunda Freight Co., Ltd., the headquarters of Yunda Express, about the illegal handling of user returns by Yunda brand express delivery companies in Yiwu, Zhejiang, and ordered it to strictly implement its unified management responsibilities for its service network and immediately rectify the violations and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of users; and required it to actively cooperate with relevant departments to investigate and handle the illegal handling of user returns by Yiwu Yunda Beiyuan branch. The reason for this interview was that express delivery outlets sold express blind boxes. On April 1, according to CCTV reports, a merchant was selling express delivery blind boxes. The investigation found that internal personnel of the express delivery company would return the items for sale. That night, the Yiwu Postal Administration Bureau, public security and other departments organized an investigation and punishment operation. At present, an investigation has been initiated against the Yunda legal person enterprise involved, and administrative compulsory closure measures have been implemented on the outlets involved. Regarding this situation, the relevant person in charge of Yunda told First Finance that they were waiting for the results of the police investigation.

industry chaos 从实际情况看,是一部分快递盲盒由商家处理尾单时将其包装为快递盲盒而来,另一部分则是真实的快递件。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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