The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Recently, a series of actions by Japan have attracted widespread attention.

Japan seems to be constantly testing China's bottom line, including some right-wing military officers repeatedly making remarks that "if something happens to Taiwan, it means something happens to Japan."

此外,日本在中国处理南海问题时,竟然派遣船只前往我钓鱼岛水域,公然挑衅我方的立场。更为令人担忧的是,最近日本与美国在中国附近海域进行了联合军演,而这次军演竟然 Make China the direct target.

The holding of such military exercises not only aroused great concern from China, but also triggered a series of discussions internationally. What is even more puzzling is that there are reports that this military exercise actually used a map of Taiwan, further arousing the anger and worry of our people.

随后,日本媒体披露称,The US-Japan military exercise is set to intervene in the armed forces by means of mixed aircraft carrier task forces under the "outbreak of emergency in the Taiwan Strait."

据悉,For this exercise, the United States mobilized two aircraft carriers, USS Roosevelt and USS Carl Vinson, as well as 10 other warships. 虽然日本没有航母,但也出动了准航母日向级直升机母舰伊势号以及其他几艘军舰。从军舰规模来看,美日两国的行动可谓付出巨大代价,如果不是面对中方,根本就无需进行如此庞大规模的军事行动。

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Faced with Japan's provocation, China immediately launched resolute representations.

在察觉到中方的不满情绪后,Japan responded quickly, insisting that "they do not regard China as an imaginary enemy."

然而,这番言辞与日本媒体的报道和实际行动似乎存在不符。对于日本的声明,中国并未表现出信任,因此中国驻日本大使馆再次明确了自己的立场: Certain forces in Japan frequently create trouble on the Taiwan issue, and their tendency to take risks has increased significantly.

Taiwan is part of our country. If anyone insists on obstructing our efforts for complete reunification, it is not just a challenge from an "imaginary enemy", but is doomed to pay a heavy price.

在处理争端问题上,中国坚守的唯一原则是“Unyielding land”,无论日本和美国如何勾结,试图威胁我方,我们都毫不胆怯。台湾最终将回归祖国的怀抱。

Japan's current provocations against China and subsequent clarifications are only to divert international attention and cover up its ambitions.

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In fact, after the end of World War II, Japan's ambitions did not really dissipate.

Japan's provocations against China from time to time, following the United States to create trouble around the world, assisting NATO in entering Asia, and even trying to relax military restrictions have become clear!

Japan's intention is very obvious, that is, to profit from the chaos of the Sino-US War!

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However, Japan seems to have underestimated China's strength too much!

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Imagine if a war really breaks out between China and the United States, will Japan, which the United States regards as a forward position, be unscathed?

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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