The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Since the outbreak of the War in Ukraine, the United States and its Western allies have implemented a multi-faceted containment strategy, trying to weaken Russia's strength by providing weapons to Ukraine and other means, and even wanting to split it into 29 pieces so that Western countries can divide and divide it.

Soldiers eager for peace

However, Russia did not yield. Instead, it successfully resisted Western pressure through energy and trade and other means, and gradually restored its economic strength.

At the same time, as a country with nuclear weapons, Russia has no possibility of easily losing a conventional war militarily.

Therefore, Western countries 'attempts to dismember Russia are not easy to achieve!

就在前不久,恰逢美方及其西方盟友全力围堵俄罗斯之时,俄罗斯的前总统梅德韦杰夫发起了“Very sharp”反击,直指美方将面临分裂危机!

Medvedev and Putin

据外媒报道,上月25日梅德韦杰夫接受采访时曾表示:“If Texas chooses independence, the United States will be divided, and I will support Texas.

These remarks naturally attracted widespread attention and heated discussion.

However, Medvedev's statement is not without basis, because Texas has always had a history of independence. As early as 1836, Texas became independent from Mexico as the Republic of Texas, and joined the United States as an independent country ten years later.

因此,从法律上来看,“Texas is not American land”。

美方围堵俄罗斯的策略已经让世界见识到了其霸权主义的本质,而梅德韦杰夫的表态,It is a powerful counterattack against this hegemonism.

Tough Texans

今年将是得克萨斯州历史上最为重要的一年,因为这个州即将面临一个前所未有的选择:Should we continue to stay in the United States, or should we separate from the United States and become an independent country?

据悉,得克萨斯州共和党在去年的州代表大会上通过了一项决议:“A referendum will be held in 2023 to decide whether the state should be independent”。

This news aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life in Texas.

As we all know, Texas has always been a major economic province in the United States. It is rich in oil, natural gas, minerals and other resources and is an important pillar of the U.S. economy. However, the people of Texas also deeply realize that if they want to truly develop, they must get rid of the shackles of the United States.

Especially after the Biden administration came to power, calls for Texas independence have become even louder.

During Biden's three years in office, the United States has faced multiple crises, including inflation, unresolved national debt ceiling, economic weakness, provoking wars, racial discrimination, gun violence and other issues. Dissatisfaction among the people of Texas with the Biden administration reached a peak, with more than 60% supporting Texas independence.

此外,得州的历史也证明了独立并非空中楼阁。In 1836, Texas became "independent" from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas. Ten years later, it joined the United States as an independent country. 这为得州的独立提供了法律基础。

It is foreseeable that if Texas finally chooses independence, it will be a huge challenge and shock to the United States.

Trump vs Biden

Recently, I heard that Brother Biden is running for the 2024 election, which has deepened the crisis in the United States to another level.

Not only the media and politicians, but also retired veterans are secretly worried that a civil war in the United States is about to break out.

At this time, the call for Texas independence is getting louder and louder, not only because of economic, resource and other considerations, but more importantly because of various mistakes and corruption in the United States.

History has proved many times that "power and hegemony" will only arouse more resistance and disgust. But the White House authorities just went too far, which really made people have to resist!

Stupid Biden

Once Texas fires the "first shot" of independence, the super empire building of the United States will inevitably collapse in an instant!

Medvedev's sonorous and powerful support for the people of Texas is really "killing people and killing people."

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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