The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

The complex Russia-Ukraine conflict

The current international situation is extremely complex, and China's status as a world power is even more important. China has made many achievements in various fields and has become a pillar of many countries.

Wang Yi (left) and Kissinger, an old friend of China (right)

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As one of China's old friends, although Kissinger is over a hundred years old, his observation of the international situation is still keen. he pointed out:"** These three countries have relied heavily on China. Without China's protection, these countries may go to extinction. **"

01 Iran

The reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia has had a profound impact in the Middle East, and China's mediation has contributed significantly.

As a major country in the Middle East, Iran has long faced opposition from Britain, the United States and other countries, and its internal political situation is also quite unstable, which has greatly hindered the country's development. However, the cooperation between Iran and China has brought many guarantees to Iran.

China successfully mediated the "Century Reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia"

China has strong advantages in terms of economic strength and development needs of the Middle East, while Iran, as an important energy exporter, has an important position in the Middle East. The cooperation between the two countries has also improved relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and other countries.

In the future, Iran and China will continue to cooperate and become China's important partners in the Middle East.

02 North Korea

Since ancient times, the Korean Peninsula has been an important barrier for China. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Central Plains Dynasty supported North Korea many times in resisting foreign invaders, demonstrating China's righteousness.

However, now North Korea has become a thorn in the side of countries such as the United States, the United States and the United States, and is rejected by countries such as Japan and South Korea. Although North Korea has considerable military strength, it lacks various resources and the environment is quite unfavorable.

North Korean soldiers

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Therefore, North Korea has always relied on resource assistance provided by China, especially necessities such as oil and food.

The DPRK has always been an important ally of China in East Asia. China and the DPRK have maintained good cooperative relations for a long time, and China's support for the DPRK has also been continuously improved. China not only helps North Korea coordinate relations with South Korea and the United States and other countries, but also provides a considerable amount of economic assistance to it, which plays an important role in promoting the development of North Korea.

Although the international community has imposed sanctions on the DPRK, China's support for the DPRK has not stopped. China has been actively promoting the resolution of the North Korean issue and providing more support for the development of the North Korean side.

It can be said that China's role on the North Korean issue is crucial. If it loses China's support, it will be difficult for the North Korean side to cope with external pressure.


Pakistan, a country affectionately called "Pakistan Railway" by the Chinese people, is China's important ally in South Asia.

Since the 1970s, China and Pakistan have maintained close cooperation and friendship. Internationally, Pakistan has always been a staunch supporter and loyal ally of China.

Long live China-Pakistan friendship”纪念墙

However, Pakistan's surrounding environment is extremely complex. The conflict between it and neighboring India has lasted for decades. Although Pakistan has been making active efforts to maintain regional peace and stability, India's hostility still exists.

Since China has been providing a large amount of assistance and support to Pakistan, India's attitude towards Pakistan has also been restrained.

If Pakistan loses China's asylum, it will face great difficulties in facing pressure from India.

Therefore, the friendly relations between China and Pakistan are not only an important part of the relations between the two countries, but also an important guarantee for regional peace and stability.

We believe that with the joint efforts of China and Pakistan, the relations between the two countries will further deepen and become an important force for stability and development in South Asia.

04 Summary

As Kissinger said, the prophecy:"Without China's asylum, the three countries of Iran, North Korea and Pakistan may have gone to extinction"!

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This is not alarmist, but is based on in-depth thinking on reality and the future.

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In fact, in the past few years, China's support and assistance to these countries have become their lifeline.

Twenty years ago, Mr. Kissinger foresaw the rise of China. As the world's second largest economy and major country, China's importance in international affairs is increasing day by day.

China's first aircraft carrier-the Liaoning

在今天,中方的国际地位越来越重要,同时,中方也不忘回馈周边国家,提供力所能及的帮助。This responsible attitude and great power demeanor have been widely praised by the international community!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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