Xiao Huang, 19, is a high school student in Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. On December 7, 2023, when he was looking for a job in a part-time software called "Quick Earnings", he joined the QQ contact group called "Store Certification ①". The administrator posted in the group from time to time,"Private chat after making orders," 120 yuan a time, and those over 18 come "news. Later, the administrator sent a message to Xiao Huang, saying that he would introduce him to part-time jobs, but first check whether Xiao Huang had a business license or invested or worked in a company. After confirming that Xiao Huang did not have the above problems through the Weixin Mini Programs, the administrator guided Xiao Huang to download an APP through QQ, and scanned the QR code of a mini program and asked Xiao Huang to follow the prompts to fill in relevant information.

注册的过程中,小黄曾询问管理员,note What is this information used for? Are there risks? The other party did not clearly explain the purpose, but only said that if Xiao Huang cooperated, he would cancel his registration information in half a month. 单纯的小黄认为,他是通过兼职软件添加的联系群,对方应该不会骗人,所以,小黄随即按照要求继续填写相关个人信息,并进行手写签名,完成了相关操作。 操作完成后,管理员共向小黄支付了120元费用。小黄说:“收到账款后我觉得这种兼职简单又有保障,还挺高兴,并没有意识到问题的严重性。”

几个月后,他无意中刷到一个视频,是不法分子冒用别人身份证信息办理证件的骗局,他急忙通过“电子营业执照”小程序查询, It was discovered that he had three oil companies established in Guangzhou under his name, with a registration date of December 7, 2023. There is a trading company in Kunming with a registration date of December 8, 2023. He serves as the legal representative of the above four companies. “管理员并没有像说的那样,半个月后帮我注销登记注册信息。”小黄担心有人利用这些公司从事违法活动。3月14日,小黄向容县市场监管局求助,希望能撤销上述公司的登记注册。 由于上述4家公司的注册地址超出管辖范围,容县市场监管局与当地市场监管部门取得联系,并指导小黄完善基本情况和佐证材料,填报上传至昆明市和广州市12345政务服务便民热线网上平台。 “目前,最新的消息是昆明已有人联系小黄,并指导他通过网络注销企业注册信息,广州市的相关工单已经流转到增城区政府办理。”容县市场监管局相关负责人说。 据介绍,近年来,不断出现因身份证信息被冒用导致注册公司的投诉举报,当事人因遗失、出借或出卖自己的身份信息,导致他人冒用或使用其身份信息办理市场主体登记。那么,当该市场主体出现违法行为时,当事人可能涉及民事纠纷、刑事诉讼案件等法律风险,将面临承担债务、被列入法定代表人黑名单、被追加为执行人、被列入失信被执行人名单的严重后果。在申领失业保险金、申请最低生活保障金或申请保障性住房等进行审核时也会受到影响。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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