The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

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US to China 的限制和打压行为实在是让人感到愤慨,他们使用各种手段试图扼杀中方的科技进步和发展。不过,我们相信中囯人民的智慧和勇气,我们有能力应对各种挑战和压力。

In the future, China will continue to be committed to developing its own scientific and technological strength and becoming an important force in the global scientific and technological field. We will adopt an open and cooperative attitude and work with other countries around the world to promote scientific and technological progress and create a better future.

面对美方的挑衅和指责,中方表现出了坚定的姿态。尽管U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo前来讨价还价,但中方毫不退缩,不动摇自己的决心。

此外,China has also blocked communication channels with the United States ,使得拜登当局难以突破中方的强大。这种态度向世界彰显了中方的自信和决心,让美方感受到了中方不可撼动的气魄和实力。

面对中方坚定的立场,美方有些措手不及。一方面,他们试图通过在Philippines holds military exercises、在Military base established in the South China Sea等方式对中方施加压力;另一方面,又频繁 Launch an international call to Beijing,试图重新开展沟通。

然而,纵使美方屡次高调表态,中方依旧保持着沉着冷静的姿态。尽管美国国务卿布林肯多次公开表示希望访问中囯,但实际上并没有任何实质性的进展。另外, The position of Chinese ambassador to the United States has been vacant for a long time,这也让美方感到不安。

尽管The United States keeps saying it wants to "decouple" from China ,但实际上,他们已经深深地依赖中方的经济和贸易。过去几十年间,中方为美囯提供了大量商品和服务,帮助美方经济繁荣发展。因此,美方和企业的高层经常往返于中美之间,试图保持与中方的联系。即使中美关系日益紧张,美国仍然难以抵御中方的吸引力。

最近,China has reached a $20 billion deal with France's Airbus, involving 160 aircraft, which is a pretty big deal 。与此同时,美国当局


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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