The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

最近啊,In addition to countries such as Vietnam and Pakistan, European leaders of France and Germany often come to China. China's diplomacy has ushered in the "spring diplomatic season" again. At this time, the United States, which is far away on the other side of the ocean, is a little "jealous"!

** Games and competition between China and the United States are becoming more and more frequent, causing great problems in the relationship between the two sides. ** It now seems that this confrontation is not limited to the Washington and Beijing levels, but may also escalate to the "civilian" level.

The latest intelligence shows that the United States has pointed its finger at China's civilian fishing boats and attempted to use extreme measures against China.

根据环球网报道,11月1日,The United States has hyped up the incident of "a confrontation between a Chinese fishing boat and the US Coast Guard on the high seas" in February this year.

据美国媒体称,今年2月份,美国海岸警卫队在南美厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛的巡逻艇上执行任务。During this period, the U.S. Guard Force forcibly intercepted three Chinese ocean-going fishing boats under the pretext of cracking down on illegal fishing and required boarding and inspection!

报道显示,当三艘中方远洋渔船被拦截后,立即选择开足马力远离美国军舰。But at this moment, the fierce scene of "my ship was ordered to hit your ship" appeared!

One of the Chinese fishing boats suddenly turned sharply, turned its bow 90 degrees, and collided with the U.S. Coast Guard patrol ship USS James at an angle, trying to hit the U.S. ship head-on. Desperately, he crashed straight into the side of the US ship!

紧接着,Faced with the aggressive scene of the Chinese fishing boat, the US ship had to dodge urgently and narrowly avoid the blow!

** I heard that the U.S. media was talking nonsense again, calling the "confrontation" between the Chinese fishing boat and the U.S. Coast Guard a "thrilling scene". ** I even had the nerve to say that they would impose sanctions on China and ban it from returning to the South China Sea and Pacific waters.

This is outrageous! It is so obvious that the United States wants to take the opportunity to make a false accusation and the villain will complain first!

Didn't Chinese fishing boats fish in nearby waters before? Although the high seas are not places outside the law, they are not the "back garden" of the United States either!

Why is it illegal for Chinese fishing boats to fish legally, but when your American warships arrive, it becomes illegal for international maritime rules? What is the truth?!

This practice is not only unreasonable suppression of China, but also a violation of international maritime rules and undermines peace and stability in the international community.

更何况,What right does the U.S. Coast Guard have to conduct so-called "inspections" of fishing boats of other countries on the high seas? 海岸警备队是美国最重要的武装力量之一,他们这么做,等于是在以军事力量阻止其他国家的民用船舶的正常航行和捕鱼。

If the United States, which is already in the wrong, is hyping up this matter here, then China will definitely not spoil you!

After the news was announced, China quickly expressed its strong opposition and protest in writing. When my Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned US Ambassador to China Burns, he mentioned the confrontation between the US Coast Guard on a Chinese fishing boat. China quickly expressed strong opposition and protest.

Foreign Ministry says:"China's attitude towards illegal fishing is zero-tolerance, but the United States conducts illegal inspections of Chinese fishing boats, ignores international standards and calls on the United States to end dangerous and incorrect behavior."

China has been engaged in marine fisheries for decades, and China has always adhered to "zero tolerance" for potential problems of "illegal fishing." 特别是近年来,中国对海洋捕捞实行了较为严厉的管制,并与邻国进行了积极的合作,治理成效明显,这是国际上公认的事实。

Listening to these Americans 'nonsense is really disgusting! They are clearly the ones who are acting recklessly on the high seas, but they still have the nerve to call themselves "world police".

Is the high seas the back garden of the United States? Putting aside the excuse of "freedom of navigation", they have not even signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Why do they have the right to point fingers at the ships of other countries?

换位思考一下,If a U.S. ship was inspected by China in the South China Sea, how would the United States react? I will definitely use words such as "hegemonism" and "aggression" to accuse China, but now, the same thing happens to me, but in turn accuses China. It is really shameless!

不过,我们中国人绝不会怕他们!我们有足够的底气和能力,Defend our maritime rights and interests and let those pirates know that the legitimate interests of Chinese fishermen cannot be infringed!

Every time I see it, I bump it into it! This is the blood of the Chinese people!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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