街头篮球赛扮靓商圈、环湖骑行赛成为流动的风景……近日,国家体育总局办公厅、商务部办公厅、文化和旅游部办公厅发布《关于开展“体育赛事进景区、进街区、进商圈”活动的通知》, Encourage all localities to hold sports events around the masses and integrate them with scenic spots, neighborhoods, and business districts,此举有望为商圈聚人气,为景区添活力,让体育赛事的流量转化为文旅消费的增量。

On March 29, citizens rode for exercise on the "Cherry Blossom Runway" along the Yangtze River in Binjiang District, Hangzhou City. Photo by Jianghan (Xinhua Agency)

Sports events are known as the "pearls in the sports industry chain", with high attention and strong driving force. Since last year,"one ticket is hard to find" and "one sign is difficult to win" have become the norm for large-scale sports events. Large-scale comprehensive events represented by the Chengdu Universiade, Hangzhou Asian Games, and the 14th National Winter Games, and mass events represented by Guizhou's "Village Super","Village BA" and Hainan's "Village Platoon" have released the strong value of event IP in multiple dimensions such as content dissemination, brand influence, and commercialization, and have become a key engine driving the development of the entire chain of the sports industry.

Sports consumption releases its vigorous potential in expanding domestic demand. 数据显示,2022年国家体育消费试点城市居民体育消费总规模约为6821亿元,比2021年增长7.21%,增速高于全社会消费品零售总额。除体育旅游之外,体育用品、健身休闲、体育观赛、体育教育培训支出均获得较大增长。同2020年相比,2022年体育观赛消费支出增长14.48%,体育赛事带动文体商旅展联动效应充分释放,成为城市居民消费中的重要一环。

Carrying out activities for sports events to enter scenic spots and business circles is a two-way empowerment of event content and consumption scenarios. 穿越法国多个风景名胜区的环法自行车赛早已成为“移动的景区”;中国多地马拉松赛事因举办地点风景宜人成为吸引游客的热点……把原来在场馆内举办的比赛搬到景区、商圈,拉近了体育和人们的距离,有利于提升赛事社会关注度,扩大观赛人群覆盖面,不仅为参赛者和观众提供了独特体验,也为举办城市带来了长期的经济和社会效益。

In the next step, how to better leverage the comprehensive benefits of sports events and fully unleash consumption potential?

We must make sports events more people-friendly. 各地热衷于举办高水平大赛的同时,也不能忽视民间体育爱好者对参与体育比赛的渴求。不同规模、不同参与者、不同办赛模式要百花齐放,多元化发展。要因地制宜、因时制宜、因需制宜,让运动项目特点与当地自然景观、文化地标相结合,城市可以与文化和旅游部门沟通合作,加强文化、体育、旅游活动一体谋划、一体开展,推出一批优质文体旅融合项目。

Hosting competitions at a high level is the last word. 赛事无论大小,都考验着城市办赛水平、基础设施、管理能力。城市在引赛办赛的同时,要做好运营服务保障,通过赛事窗口,展现城市活力。每年各地举办的体育赛事林林总总,能够出圈的并不多。各地除了引进知名大赛,也要着力培育本土赛事品牌,鼓励社会力量参与办赛,深化赛事、体旅项目“放管服”改革,让高水平赛事丰富百姓文体生活。

Fully stimulate the spillover effect of the event. 要打造有新意、有创意的文体商旅融合产品,营造内容丰富、充满活力的体育消费新场景,不断拓展消费链条,充分释放消费潜力。通过搭建赛事平台,整合和激活体育资源,让“赛事+旅游”“赛事+文创”“赛事+会展”等融合发展,城市影响力、经济拉动力、百姓获得感等“溢出效应”充分显现。

Activities such as "traveling with events" and "sports events entering scenic spots, neighborhoods, and business districts" carried out by the State Sports General Administration are specific measures to implement the country's strategy of expanding domestic demand. It is necessary to fully tap the cultural and economic value of sports events, interact and stimulate with other consumption areas, so that the events can truly integrate into the city, enter life, and inject new vitality into economic development.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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