The central region is an important grain production base in China and plays a decisive role in the country. To ensure food security, the "central power" cannot be ignored. It is necessary to promote moderate-scale agricultural operations in the central region, improve the high-quality development of the grain industry, implement actions to increase farmers 'income, continuously improve the level of rural infrastructure and public service construction, comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food security, and lay a solid foundation for promoting the rise of the central region.

The central region has been a "granary" since ancient times. Since the reform and opening up, the six provinces of Shanxi, Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, and central Jiangxi have achieved remarkable results in grain production. Among the 13 major grain-producing areas in the country, 5 are in the central region. Henan and Anhui are also provinces with net grain transfers. In 2023, the total grain output of the six central provinces will account for 29.2% of the country's total grain output, exceeding the 26.6% share of the three northeastern provinces and one region.


Grain production in the six central provinces has its own characteristics. Henan is the "granary of the Central Plains", with total grain output ranking second in the country, second only to Heilongjiang. Its wheat output ranks first in the country and is the largest wheat exporter in the country. Anhui is known as the "Jianghuai Granary", and its total grain output ranks fourth in the country. Hunan is a highland for rice seed research and development, with total rice output ranking second in the country, second only to Heilongjiang. Hubei's total rice output ranks fifth in the country all year round. Jiangxi, located on the bank of Poyang Lake, is known as the "Jiangnan Granary", with total grain output exceeding 43 billion kilograms for many consecutive years. Shanxi is the only balanced grain production and marketing area in the central region and an important small grain production base in the country. However, grain production in the central region is also restricted by various factors such as reduction of cultivated land, ecological damage, environmental pollution, waste of resources, low income from grain growing, and the level of economic development. It is necessary to promote high-quality development of the grain industry from a high starting point and solve problems in development.

Further improve agricultural infrastructure, promote moderate-scale agricultural operations, and improve the level of agricultural modernization. 加快建设与现代农业生产、经营方式相适应的高标准农田,强化全过程监管,确保建一块、成一块。推进科技创新与粮食生产深度融合,深入实施种业振兴行动和农机装备补短板行动,为粮食稳产增产提供科技支撑。在良种良机良法良田有机融合上下功夫,持续提高粮食单产和品质,提升种粮致富效应,吸引更多农户参与发展现代化大农业。

中部地区对国家粮食安全贡献巨大,但整体经济发展水平与东部地区相比仍显逊色。It is necessary to promote the construction of grain production functional areas with high quality and create a number of grain production, processing and supply bases. 鼓励引导粮食加工企业向主产区、产粮大县集中,实现粮食产业集聚发展,把粮食资源优势转化为产业优势、经济发展优势,既能为确保国家粮食等重要农产品稳定安全供给贡献“中部力量”,又能提升中部地区整体实力和竞争力。

种粮收益低,就会影响农民种粮积极性。It is necessary to further deepen rural reform, improve support policies for strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching farmers, fully stimulate the vitality of agricultural and rural development, and promote the development of modern agriculture. 深化农村土地改革和农村集体经济股份制改制,实行所有权、承包权、经营权“三权分置”,允许农民土地经营权自由流转,赋予他们更多财产权利。强化农业产业化龙头企业带动作用,通过构建“龙头企业+合作社+农户”的经营模式,推进一二三产业融合发展,让农民通过流转土地增加转移性收入,通过适度规模经营增加经营性收入,通过转移就业增加工资性收入,通过以土地入股合作社增加财产性收入。

中部地区产粮大县普遍面临基础设施建设落后,教育、医疗、养老等公共服务供给不足、质量不高等问题,影响地方重农抓粮和农民种粮积极性。 It is necessary to adhere to the integrated development of urban and rural areas, promote the construction of new urbanization with counties as an important carrier, promote the balanced allocation of public resources and the free flow of production factors between urban and rural areas, promote the extension of urban infrastructure and public services to rural areas, and make up for the public services of large grain-producing counties. Shortboard. 国家已经启动实施产粮大县公共服务能力提升行动,今年在安徽、河南、内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江5个粮食净调出省份开展试点,聚焦公共服务短板,持续加大投入力度,提高公共服务水平。将有助于提升产粮大县城乡居民获得感、幸福感和安全感。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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