With the advancement of technology, online shopping platforms have set up "secret-free payment" functions, which not only provides consumers with a convenient experience, but also poses security risks. Recently, some consumers reported that they did not know when the secret-free payment function was activated. They did not realize that the platform account had been stolen until the mobile phone frequently received bills.

When promoting secret-free payments, some platforms and merchants often use small words prompts and default check-offs, causing consumers to unwittingly open secret-free payments. Some platforms also induce consumers to open it by reducing 1 yuan. When consumers realize the problem and try to turn off the feature, they often face problems such as complex operations and difficulty in finding cancellation entrances.

Photo by Liu Xinwei (Zhongjing Vision)

Weaving a dense consumer rights protection network should not allow consumers to be confused and "exempted from confidentiality". 平台、商家应严格遵守相关法律法规,以醒目方式明确告知消费者免密支付的开通条件、风险及取消方式,同时优化取消流程,确保消费者能够轻松关闭该功能。

Only by norms can secret-free payments go further. 市场监管、工信等部门以及消协、行业协会要加强对免密支付侵权问题的关注,健全监督治理机制,通过约谈指导、立案查处、责令整改、通报曝光等方式对相关平台、商家进行制约、惩戒,推动行业自律,维护消费者合法权益与市场秩序。

It is also necessary to strengthen the popularization and education of payment knowledge, improve consumers 'awareness and understanding of secret-free payment functions, and help consumers prevent risks. 消费者自身也应提高警惕,加强保护意识,定期检查账户交易记录。一旦发现异常情况,应立即报警并通过银行或平台挂失账号,及时修改密码,确保自身权益不受侵害。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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