Since last year, many virtual emotion products have been selling well on online platforms. Some people are excited by Mai Liaoke's "Tree Hole Listening" service; some people buy artificial online cloud supervision services to urge themselves to check in on their study and life; some people use "good luck spray" and "transfer koi" to relieve the pressure before the exam; Some people buy themselves a "smart brain" and place an order for "Einstein's brain"... These virtual products may sound a bit absurd and nonsense, but they have achieved high sales and high sales.

Screenshot of the "Tree Hole Listening" service on a shopping platform.

为何情绪产品能获得青睐?At present, young people pay more attention to their inner world and pay attention to the observation and release of their own emotions. 在面对一些不方便向亲朋好友倾诉,担心无法被理解的烦恼时,虚拟情绪产品的出现,恰好符合了他们以匿名社交方式进行情感宣泄的诉求。这些情绪产品大多价格不高、想法有趣,能够吸引年轻人注意,将其作为释放压力、愉悦身心的一个情绪出口。

不过,Goods can be virtual, but rules cannot be missing. 虽然目前中国并没有针对这类虚拟情绪产品的规范,但根据消费者权益保护法规定,经营者向消费者提供有关商品或者服务的质量、性能、用途、有效期限等信息,应当真实、全面,不得作虚假或者引人误解的宣传。广告法也规定,广告不得含有虚假或者引人误解的内容,不得欺骗、误导消费者。以“爱因斯坦的脑子”“好运喷雾”为代表的虚拟商品,实际上并不能实现增长智力和转运的功效,存在夸大宣传的情况。一些“心灵树洞”服务甚至存在泄露消费者个人隐私的风险。而所谓的陪聊师、开导员可能并没有相关专业资质证明,部分同类服务在不同店铺价格悬殊,还有一些软色情、诈骗等隐藏风险都不容忽视。

As the virtual emotional product market continues to expand, it is imperative to regulate the development of this new consumption format. 一方面,应尽快制定针对虚拟情绪产品的规章制度,加强监督管理。另一方面,商家应在商品宣传页面说明商品的真实情况,在下单时设置提醒页面告知消费者所购商品的特殊性,保障消费者知情权,避免发生消费纠纷。电商平台也应加强对虚拟情绪产品的安全性和合规性的检查,确保商品内容健康,对产品管理、售后服务及时出台相关规定,让虚拟情绪产品市场发展有规可循。同时,消费者在购买时也要注意辨别商家和渠道,保护个人信息安全,防止信息泄露,不要轻易转账或在线下见面,以免人身财产安全受到侵犯。

Have you ever used these virtual emotion products?


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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