Recently, the topic of secondary posting of mobile phone cards has become a hot search. Some netizens posted a video on their social accounts, saying that "users who cancel their mobile phone numbers are tantamount to betraying themselves. When the mobile phone number is no longer used, go to the business hall to cancel it, and after a while, the operator will put the mobile phone number back on the market. The next person who uses your mobile phone number can use the mobile phone Captcha to log in to your Alipay, WeChat and other software. The consequences will be unimaginable." ** What risks will mobile phone card users who have assigned their numbers twice face and what solutions are there? ** The reporter conducted an interview on this.

"Secondary numbering refers to the process of redistributing and using the number that has been cancelled after a period of freezing." Zeng Jianqiu, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, said that since mobile phone numbers are a limited resource, secondary release of numbers is conducive to improving resource utilization efficiency, both from the perspective of communication operators and resource utilization. It is also a common practice in the communications industry on a global scale.

In recent years, with the popularization of the mobile Internet, mobile phone numbers and personal information are closely related. If the former user fails to unbind some applications and services in time after deactivating the mobile phone number, new users may come into contact with the former user's private information, and even Log in to the former user's account through mobile phone verification, resulting in privacy leaks, financial losses or legal disputes.

“号码在销户后存在90天冷冻期,冷冻期内用户仍可找回本人号码继续使用,90天后号码会再次进入号码库用于后续向市场投放。”中国移动客服表示, Under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Mobile has developed a secondary number unbinding service. Before the number is put on the market again, it will unbind connected Internet applications in batches. It currently covers Alipay, Taobao, Douyin, Meituan, 11 applications including B Station and Zhenai. com

The relevant person in charge of China Unicom told reporters that the release, cancellation, and recycling of China Unicom's mobile phone numbers are carried out in accordance with relevant national management regulations. When a user cancels a number, the service personnel and business acceptance form of China Unicom's business hall will remind the user to unbind the relevant Internet application (APP) in a timely manner to avoid the disclosure of personal information.

"Under the guidance of the Code Service Promotion Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Unicom has established information sharing channels with some mainstream Internet companies to provide free inquiry and cleanup services for users who have forgotten APP registration information. Users can log in to the China Unicom APP and apply for registration clearance through the 'One Number Check' service. In the future, China Unicom hopes that more Internet companies will join this service mechanism to jointly protect the security of user information and property." A person in charge of China Unicom said.

专家介绍,Currently, no software can check all registration information under a phone number. The "One-Card Check" service launched by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology supports 16 mainstream applications 。除此之外,还有众多“长尾”应用以及各种五花八门的会员、账户等信息存在。

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's government micro-signal "Gongxin Weibo" service is the "one-certificate-wide check" service.

China Telecom customer service reminds users that when canceling accounts, in addition to paying attention to backing up their phone books and untying various financial and social media APP accounts in a timely manner, they should also pay attention to timely untying and changing accounts such as membership card information,, and mobile account IDs. If you receive a text message from a bank or an APP you have not used for unknown reasons, you should be vigilant and promptly contact relevant companies, banks, etc. to inquire about personal information.

专家建议,用户在生活中用手机验证时应多留个心眼,Minimize unnecessary authorization behaviors such as mobile phone authentication and one-click login ;尽可能少在互联网平台上存储个人隐私信息;注销手机号时,Change the mobile phone number associated with banks and Internet payment tools to the new number you are using as soon as possibleInstead of using the same password on multiple platforms, you can design hierarchical passwords,如餐饮类用密码A,办事类用密码B。

"For ordinary mobile phone users, communication operators not only shoulder the important responsibility of protecting their rights and interests, but should also provide them with better services. Communication operators must find a balance between protecting user interests and effectively utilizing resources to ensure the security and convenience of communication services." Zeng Jianqiu said.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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