近期国际油价持续上涨,伦敦布伦特原油期货价格稳稳站上每桶90美元上方,比今年3月份均价高出10美元。可以说,油价已经摆脱盘整格局并寻求向上突破。多重因素主导了当前原油市场走势,最关键的是, Intense geopolitical conflicts that are difficult to predict and control may have a greater impact on the oil market, and oil prices may fluctuate violently at any time.

The picture shows the headquarters of Petrobras in Rio de Janeiro taken on March 1. Photo by Wang Tiancong (Xinhua Agency)

风云突变,华尔街的注意力又回到原油期货价格和能源股票上,A large amount of speculative funds are constantly being invested in oil price speculation 。此前大多数华尔街分析师对今年二季度的油价预测都较为保守。在经历了今年的缓慢开局之后,随着世界经济复苏需求增加,原油价格步入上升通道。 Especially with the recent escalation of geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, crude oil futures have soared to a five-month high. Stocks in the energy and related industries have attracted much attention. Stocks in the energy sector have surged 11.5% in the past 30 days, rising rapidly
从市场表现看,4月交割的西得克萨斯轻质原油(WTI)价格上涨至每桶86.76美元,而布伦特原油5月期货价格上涨至每桶90.98美元,均创出今年新高。与此同时,全球最大的石油公司沙特阿美也上调了5月份出口价格,这是沙特阿美连续多个月上调其在亚洲销售的旗舰产品阿拉伯轻质产品的价格,涨幅超过预期。 这也是为什么各投资银行纷纷更正原油价格预测,为高涨的市场情绪推波助澜。 美国银行研究报告认为,由于全球经济前景改善和原油库存收紧,预测今年布伦特原油期货平均价格为每桶86美元,高于此前预测的每桶80美元,预测美国西得克萨斯轻质原油平均价格为每桶81美元,高于此前预测的每桶75美元。
Although the geopolitical conflict in the Middle East dominates the current crude oil market, the balance between oil fundamentals and supply still plays an important role and is also a fundamental factor in analyzing and judging international crude oil prices.
On the one hand, U.S. crude oil production has hit record highs 。美国能源信息署发布的最新石油供应月度数据显示,美国原油产量创历史新高,为1329.5万桶/日;一季度库存消耗为112万桶/日,库存大幅收紧。随着夏天到来,美国能源需求将大增并带动原油和汽油价格进一步上涨。近几个月来,美国石油产量激增和地缘政治紧张局势导致全球石油流动转移,使得美国原油出口达到创纪录水平,并且正逐步蚕食由欧佩克成员国与非欧佩克产油国组成的“欧佩克+”的市场份额。双方的矛盾和竞争势必加剧。
On the other hand,"OPEC +" adheres to the policy of reducing production, at least until the first half of this year. 。沙特的减产策略已经生效,使全球市场保持供应紧张,从而维持油价高位运行。沙特、伊拉克、阿联酋、科威特、哈萨克斯坦、阿尔及利亚、阿曼和俄罗斯等国还将在2024年上半年削减各自的原油产量和出口,并且将自愿减产延长至今年年底。欧佩克认为,在对全球经济恢复增长的预期下,预计今年全球石油需求将“强劲”增长至220万桶/日,2025年将再增长至180万桶/日。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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