“好于预期”是近期海内外市场人士对中国经济的看法,而国内主要生产与需求指标的稳中有升也印证了上述判断—— The first is the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), which has the significance of an economic vane 。作为重要的经济先行指标之一,3月份,中国制造业采购经理指数、非制造业商务活动指数和综合PMI产出指数均位于扩张区间,表明企业生产经营活动加快,经济景气水平在持续回升。

Workers assemble energy storage batteries in an intelligent production workshop at Zhuoyang Jiangxi Intelligent Factory in Nanfeng County Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Photo by Xie Dong (Zhongjing Vision)

The logistics prosperity index is an industrial indicator that measures the degree of upstream and downstream interaction in the supply chain. 3月份,中国物流业景气指数为51.5%,环比上升4.4个百分点。其中,物流业务总量指数、新订单指数、设备利用率指数等指标均有所回升,反映出企业运营效率有所提升,市场预期也在加快改善。 Personnel flow data reflects market consumption potential to a certain extent. 文化和旅游部数据显示,今年清明假期,全国国内旅游出游1.19亿人次,按可比口径计算较2019年同期增长11.5%;国内游客出游花费539.5亿元,较2019年同期增长12.7%。3天假期里,全社会跨区域人员流动量更是超过了7亿人次。

On April 6, passengers traveled by bus at Nanjing Railway Station. Photo by Su Yang (Zhongjing Vision)

此外,近期密集发布的The warehousing index, bulk commodity price index, automobile export index, etc. all showed a month-on-month increase and a positive trend of stabilizing. 当然,单纯通过一个或几个数字来考量中国经济,如同“盲人摸象”,并不能真实地反映出全貌。但如果把它们串起来,就可以真切地感受到,中国经济的微循环正不断得到改善,高质量发展又取得了积极进展。 今年以来,地缘政治冲突、外部需求变化以及贸易保护主义等因素叠加,给中国经济恢复增长带来了诸多风险挑战。但也要看到, The fundamentals of China's economic development have not changed, and the momentum supporting China's economic development has been enhanced. The favorable conditions are generally stronger than the unfavorable factors. 正因为此,今年《政府工作报告》把全年经济增长目标设定为5%左右,这是个积极务实且兼顾需要与可能的目标,虽然实现这个目标需要付出艰苦的努力,但仍是有条件、有支撑的。特别是随着去年以来一系列宏观政策的显效发力,生产供给稳中有升,国内需求持续恢复,新动能新优势培育明显加快。此外,中国在应对困难中积累了丰富经验,宏观政策仍有较大空间。综合来看,实现全年积极的社会发展目标,我们是有信心、有能力的。

Photo by Peng Huan (Zhongjing Vision)

近期,一季度经济数据即将正式发布。Judging from market feedback, all parties are generally optimistic about economic and social development in the first quarter. 据机构预测,投资、消费、出口等主要宏观指标均有望保持增长。不过,受去年同期基数较高的影响,3月份部分数据的环比增速较之前或有所回落。需要提醒的是,月度数据的波动是一种常态,通常不具备太多的典型性,无须过度解读。 当前,中国经济正处于全面回升的关键期,对于现阶段存在的有效需求释放制约较多、民间投资意愿不强、地方政府投资能力不足等问题,仍应引起足够重视。聚焦上述堵点难点,有关部门近日出台了一系列更加精准的政策举措,从推动新一轮大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新、为中小微企业融资搭建平台提供“信用方案”、出台新版基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法等方面持续发力。可以预计的是,随着这些政策举措落地实施,中国经济回升向好的基础将更加巩固,高质量发展的步伐将更加有力。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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