On the 22nd, the Ministry of Commerce released the "Special Management Measures for Cross-Border Trade in Services (Negative List)"(2024 Edition) and the "Special Management Measures for Cross-Border Trade in Services in Pilot Free Trade Zones (Negative List)"(2024 Edition).

据了解,跨境服务贸易负面清单按国民经济行业分类,统一列出针对境外服务提供者以跨境方式(跨境交付、境外消费、自然人移动模式)提供服务的特别管理措施。其中,全国版跨境服务贸易负面清单共71条, For the first time, a negative list management system has been established nationwide for cross-border trade in services, clarifying the "baseline" for cross-border trade in services access. 自贸试验区版跨境服务贸易负面清单共68条,在自然人职业资格、专业服务、金融、文化等领域作出开放安排,有序推进跨境服务领域扩大开放。

2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services. Photo by Ren Chao (Xinhua Agency)

This is a major reform of China's service trade management system and a major measure for China to expand high-level opening up to the outside world. It fully demonstrates China's determination and direction to deepen reform and expand opening up, and will also provide new opportunities for open and innovative cooperation in global service trade.

In 2021, China released its first negative list in the field of cross-border trade in services. The implementation of the Hainan version of the list has effectively promoted the rapid growth of Hainan's service trade scale. According to statistics from Hainan, the import and export of services in Hainan Province will increase by 29.6% year-on-year in 2023, laying a practical foundation for implementing the negative list management system for cross-border service trade in pilot free trade zones and nationwide.

据商务部服贸司、自贸区港司负责人介绍,此次发布的首张全国版清单,The main purpose is to collect and list the access measures that have been scattered in various specific fields in the past in a "single bill" manner ,同时明确清单之外的领域,按境内外服务及服务提供者待遇一致原则实施管理,实现了服务贸易管理由正面清单承诺向负面清单管理的转变,有效提升了跨境服务贸易管理的透明度和可预见性。

同时,结合发展实际和开放需求,在自贸试验区对Natural person vocational qualifications, professional services, finance, culture and other fields进一步作出开放安排。

The first is to relax the restrictions on vocational qualification examinations. 清单采取了更加开放的人才政策,取消了境外个人参加注册城乡规划师、房地产估价师、拍卖师、勘察设计注册工程师、兽医、注册监理工程师等6类职业资格考试的限制,有利于鼓励和吸引更多的境外专业人才来华就业创业。

The second is to expand the opening up of the financial industry to the outside world. 此前,中国已在海南自由贸易港试点了一些开放举措,这次将相关开放举措进一步扩大到自贸试验区。例如,允许符合条件的境外个人依法申请开立证券账户和期货账户,这将有利于吸引更多的境外个人参与证券、期货投资,使中国资本市场投资者更加多元化。

The third is to expand the opening up of professional service industries to the outside world. 清单取消了在中国境外设立的经营主体以及境外个人从事报关业务的限制。今后,境外服务提供者可以通过跨境的方式向自贸试验区内的主体提供报关服务,而不必在中国境内设立法人企业。

The fourth is to expand the opening up of the cultural field to the outside world. 清单放宽了中外合作制作的电视剧主创人员的中方人员比例限制,有利于鼓励更多优秀的外方主创人员参与合作电视剧的制作,进一步促进广播电视领域的国际交流合作。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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