Xinhua Agency, Beijing, April 24月2日晚,国家主席习近平应约同美国总统拜登通电话。两国元首就中美关系以及双方共同关心的问题坦诚深入交换了意见。

Xi Jinping pointed out that in November last year, Mr. President and I met in San Francisco and launched the "San Francisco Vision" for the future. In the past few months, the teams of both sides have conscientiously implemented the consensus we reached, and Sino-US relations have shown a stabilizing trend, which has been welcomed by all walks of life in the two countries and the international community. On the other hand, negative factors in the relations between the two countries have also increased and need to be paid attention to by both sides.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the issue of strategic cognition has always been the "first button" that must be buttoned in Sino-US relations. China and the United States, two major countries, cannot avoid exchanges and interactions, let alone conflicts and confrontations. They should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for win-win results, and continue to move forward along a stable, healthy and sustainable path, rather than go back.

Xi Jinping pointed out that this year's Sino-US relations must adhere to several major principles. First, peace is the most important thing, adhere to the bottom line of non-conflict and non-confrontation, and continuously raise positive expectations for Sino-US relations. The second is to put stability first, do not trouble, do not provoke trouble, or cross boundaries, and maintain the overall stability of Sino-US relations. The third is to be based on trust, use actions to fulfill their respective commitments, and turn the "San Francisco Vision" into a "real life". The two sides should strengthen dialogue in a manner of mutual respect, manage differences with caution, promote cooperation in a spirit of mutual benefit, and strengthen international coordination with responsibility.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Taiwan issue is the first insurmountable red line in Sino-US relations. We will not let the separatist activities of the "Taiwan independence" forces and external connivance and support. It is hoped that the United States will implement Mr. President's positive statement that he does not support "Taiwan independence" into action. The United States has taken endless economic, trade, and technological suppression measures against China, and the list of sanctions on Chinese companies is getting longer and longer. This is not "removing risks", but creating risks. If the United States is willing to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and share the dividends of China's development, China's door will always be open; if the United States insists on suppressing China's high-tech development and depriving China of its legitimate development rights, we will not sit idly by.

Xi Jinping elaborated on China's position on issues related to Hong Kong, human rights, and the South China Sea.

Biden said that the U.S. -China relationship is the most far-reaching bilateral relationship in the world. Progress in U.S. -China relations since the San Francisco meeting shows that the two sides can actively advance cooperation while managing differences responsibly. I reiterate that the United States does not seek to engage in a "new Cold War", does not seek to change the Chinese system, does not seek to oppose China by strengthening alliances, does not support "Taiwan independence", and has no intention of conflict with China. The United States pursues a one-China policy. China's development is beneficial to the world. The United States does not seek to contain China's development or "decouple" from China. We are willing to arrange for Secretary Yellen and Secretary Blinken to visit China in the near future to strengthen dialogue and communication with China, avoid miscalculations, promote cooperation, promote the stable development of bilateral relations, and jointly respond to global challenges.

The two heads of state also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

The two heads of state believed that the call was candid and constructive. The two sides agreed to continue to maintain communication, instruct the working teams of both sides to implement the "San Francisco Vision", promote consultation mechanisms in the fields of diplomacy, economy, finance, commerce and other fields as well as communication between the two militaries, carry out dialogue and cooperation in areas such as drug control, artificial intelligence, and climate change response, and take further measures to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries and strengthen communication on international and regional issues. China welcomes the recent visits to China by Finance Minister Yellen and Secretary Blinken.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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