According to the Supreme People's Court, on April 11, the Intermediate People's Court of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province held a public trial of the bribery case of Zhang Fusheng, former deputy director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management.

Fuzhou City People's Procuratorate sues and charges:From 1997 to 2022, the defendant Zhang Fusheng took advantage of his positions as chief clerk and deputy director of the Cadre Department of the Personnel Training Bureau of the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, deputy director of the Research Office of the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, director and deputy bureau chief of the Police Department of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and director of the Education and Training Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management, as well as the convenience created by his authority and status. Provide assistance to relevant individuals or units in undertaking projects, job promotions, job transfers and other matters, and illegally accept property directly or through specific related persons, totaling more than RMB 38.93 million. The procuratorate requested that Zhang Fusheng be held criminally responsible for the crime of accepting bribes.

During the trial, the procuratorate presented relevant evidence, the defendant Zhang Fusheng and his defender conducted cross-examination, and the prosecution and the defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court. Zhang Fusheng made a final statement and pleaded guilty and repented in court. At the end of the trial, the court announced that the court would adjourn the hearing and sentence would be pronounced on an elective basis.

Zhang Fusheng was born in September 1962 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. He served as deputy director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security. In November 2019, he served as deputy director and member of the Party Committee of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management. The official announcement was investigated in November 2022 and was "double opened" in June 2023.

张福生是党的二十大后消防系统第一个被查处的高级领导干部。 今年1月播出的电视专题片《持续发力 纵深推进》披露,张福生被采取留置措施后,专案组从他家中查获了大量茅台酒,有15年的,30年的,50年的,还有多件黄金制品。 Zhang Fusheng has a vague impression of who sent these famous wines and gold bars.

专题片披露,"A small number of times" is the most prominent feature of Zhang Fusheng's violation of discipline and law 。他从不大笔大笔收钱,而是每次一两万、三五万,最多也就十万左右,但到他落马时,这一笔笔加起来竟达数千万元,涉及行贿人有数百人,查实的受贿行为最早可以追溯到上世纪九十年代。

Without ideals and beliefs, Zhang Fusheng's life began to be vulgar and he was willing to degenerate. After work, he often wandered back and forth between teahouses and taverns, went to various wine tables, met various friends, and indulged in playing mahjong for the whole day. Zhang Fusheng claims to be "addicted" to playing mahjong:"I feel uncomfortable about this and that, but I don't even feel comfortable when I play mahjong."

Zhang Fusheng confesses in the feature film:"To put it bluntly, I still have a weak will. I have done things that I shouldn't have done and collected money that I shouldn't have collected. I deeply regret it for smearing the fire protection collective and not fully complying with the central government's requirements."


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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