The state of Ukraine will no longer exist

2024 3 9 17:45 Sansi Hall

When Ukraine's Avadivka was defeated, the West engaged in so-called unity military exercises to cheer up Ukraine while preparing to divide up Ukraine. The West is now conducting a secret agreement to carve up Ukraine and is also preparing for the final distribution of benefits.

As the defeat on the battlefield in Ukraine was certain, Russia strengthened its fighting confidence. At the same time, Russian Vice President Dmitry Medvedev delivered a speech on March 4 when attending Russian Youth Day. The background of his speech was the latest and only version of the map of Europe in the world. The map shows that Ukraine has been dismembered, leaving only a place around Kiev with the state of Ukraine. The west was divided up by Poland and Romania, and most of the eastern territory became part of New Russia. Is Medvedev blatantly? No, this is, reality, this is the future of Ukraine, that is, the state of Ukraine will no longer exist, and Ukraine will eventually become a piece of history, a historical memory of Europe and exist in textbooks.

Don't look at NATO's clamoring posture and propaganda to fight Russia to the death. In fact, NATO and Western countries are more conducting private transactions for Ukraine. Now, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova bordering Ukraine are all planning and striving for the greatest interest-the division of land in Ukraine.

There are signs that the West is embarking on dividing up Ukraine, and the West is working hard to divide up Ukraine, while conducting diplomatic and political deals, compromises, and divisions. Now it's not easy to divide the stolen goods. Because of Germany's understanding and entanglement of the tradition and history of Ukraine territory. The other is the disagreement between the Grand Duchy of Poland's possession of the entire western part of Ukraine and Romania and Hungary, Lithuania. During the Ukraine War, the leader of the Hungarian far-right party "Fatherland Movement Party" stated that if Ukraine failed, ethnic Hungarians living in western Ukraine would have sovereignty over western Ukraine and the right to claim the land in western Ukraine.

The division of Ukraine would benefit Poland, which would become NATO's front line, while Russia's buffer zone would maintain a safe distance from Europe along the Dnieper River. Poland has a long history of dividing up Ukraine territory. Moreover, he has no qualms about saying on international occasions that western Ukraine is Poland's existing territory and Ukraine is the result of World War II. History and reality recognize that western Ukraine has historically been Poland's inherent territory.

To divide up Ukraine, for the post-Ukraine era and for a failed Ukraine, the American BlackRock Group is ready and has already started ahead of schedule. Just on July 3, 2023, according to CCTV, a few days ago, the American asset management company giant and the American investment giant of Jewish Capital BlackRock Group established the "Ukraine Development Fund" with Ukraine. Ukraine will trade Ukraine's state-owned assets and Ukraine's land with BlackRock Group and sell Ukraine's energy, power grid, agriculture, minerals, infrastructure, etc. to BlackRock Group of the United States for free. At the same time, it will also sell all Ukraine's state-owned enterprises to BlackRock Investment Group of the United States for free.

Recently, it has been revealed that Germany and France's aid to Ukraine is not selfless, not free, etc., but requires purchase, payment, and reimbursement by Ukraine. In other words, Europe's aid is not free. Most of the weapons, ammunition, and daily necessities provided by Europe to Ukraine are purchased by Ukraine, and Ukraine has to repay the aid funds.

Facing BlackRock, surrounding countries are surrounded by wolves, and facing the West, NATO's plot to carve up Ukraine. This indicates that Ukraine's failure is, to a certain extent, acceptable to the West and NATO, and the prerequisite for acceptance is to ensure the interests of the West and NATO. If the West and NATO's interests in Ukraine are not guaranteed and the West is not guaranteed, NATO will continue to consume Russia.

Unfortunately, it is a pity that many Ukraine people are still fighting for a country that no longer exists and sacrificing their lives for a worthless country. If Ukraine continues to persist and continues to shop hard, Ukraine will really not exist, and it will truly become the pocket of Western NATO and Russia's prey. If the West insists on fighting, and Ukraine and Zelensky will not repent or compromise, what remains is that the state of Ukraine no longer exists, the state of Ukraine will become history, and the future can only be searched in history textbooks.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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