The National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the" Action to Control the Wind in Thousands of Villages ".

On April 1, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the" Action to Control Wind in Thousands of Villages "(hereinafter referred to as the" Notice "), which pointed out that wind power should be promoted in rural areas according to local conditions. Develop and utilize it nearby to help rural revitalization and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of rural energy.

The "Notice" requires that in rural areas of qualified counties (cities, districts, flags), a number of wind power projects developed and utilized locally and nearby should be built based on villages as units, and a new wind power investment and construction model of "village-enterprise cooperation" should be explored. Model and a new income distribution mechanism of "co-construction and sharing" should promote the construction of a new pattern of wind power development and utilization in which "the village has wind power, the collective increases profits, and the villagers benefit".

The "Notice" emphasizes that organizing and carrying out the "Action to Control the Wind in Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages" must adhere to local conditions and overall planning, build wherever appropriate, and pilot projects first, and implement each case when conditions are ripe. There is no swarm of bees and no rush into it; We must adhere to village-enterprise cooperation and benefit the people. On the premise of fully respecting the wishes of farmers and effectively protecting the interests of farmers, we must take the village as the unit and village-enterprise cooperation as the main form to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of both village collectives and investment enterprises, so as to promote development and also benefit people's livelihood; It is necessary to adhere to ecological priority and integrated development, on the premise of complying with land use and environmental protection policies, organically integrate it with rural style, complement it with rural energy, and deeply integrate it with rural industries.

The "Notice" clarifies that the provincial energy authorities, together with agricultural and rural departments, power grid companies and other units, propose an overall plan based on actual research. According to the provincial overall plan, each prefecture and city will prepare detailed implementation plans by county (city, district, flag) and promote implementation in an orderly manner. Various investment entities and relevant village collectives jointly participate in the development, construction and operation of wind power projects in accordance with the "village-enterprise cooperation" model. County-level agricultural and rural authorities promptly understand and grasp the implementation of project revenue sharing, and coordinate the role of project revenue in strengthening the village collective economy and assisting rural revitalization.

The "Notice" proposes to encourage all localities to explore and pilot a filing system and provide "one-stop" services based on actual conditions. Make full use of scattered non-cultivated land in rural areas, never occupy permanent basic farmland, handle project land in accordance with laws and regulations, and explore leasing and other methods to obtain land that does not occupy cultivated land, change surface form, and change land use. The project is mainly for local consumption nearby, and power grid companies implement guaranteed grid connection. The on-grid price is implemented in accordance with the new energy on-grid price policy of the year when grid connection is connected. Participation in market-oriented transactions is encouraged, and electricity participating in market transactions does not participate in the allocation of auxiliary service fees. Encourage the sharing of project benefits through land use rights and other means in accordance with the law, and encourage the formation of a rural multi-energy complementary comprehensive energy system with other clean energy sources. Implement green finance and rural revitalization financial policies, and increase support for projects in terms of financing, loans and other aspects.

At the same time, the "Notice" proposes four safeguard measures: strengthening organizational leadership, improving market mechanisms, protecting the ecological environment, and strengthening monitoring and supervision.

following is the original text

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Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Organizing and Carrying out the “Thousands of Towns and Ten Thousands of Villages Harnessing the Wind” Campaign发改能源〔2024〕378号
中国农村地区风能资源丰富、分布广泛。在农村地区充分利用零散土地,因地制宜推动风电就地就近开发利用,对于壮大村集体经济、助力乡村振兴,促进农村能源绿色低碳转型、实现碳达峰碳中和意义重大。为贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于学习运用“千村示范、万村整治”工程经验 有力有效推进乡村全面振兴的意见》精神,落实《“十四五”可再生能源发展规划》,现就组织开展“千乡万村驭风行动”有关事项通知如下。
1. Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", anchor the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and implement the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" promotes the local and nearby development and utilization of wind power in rural areas, innovates development and utilization scenarios, investment and construction models and revenue sharing mechanisms, and promotes wind power to become a new carrier of the rural energy revolution and a new driving force for rural revitalization. Provide strong support for the green and low-carbon transformation of rural energy and the construction of a livable, business-friendly and beautiful countryside.

(2) Basic principles
Adapt measures to local conditions and make overall plans. Based on rural wind energy resources and scattered idle land resources in various places, we will coordinate economic and social development, ecological and environmental protection, power grid carrying capacity, and production and operation safety, reasonably arrange the scale, projects and layout of local and nearby development and utilization of wind power, and build as it can be built., pilot projects first, and implement each one when conditions are ripe. There is no swarm of bees and no rush into it.

Village-enterprises cooperate to benefit the people. Combined with the development of the village collective economy, with the village as the unit, village-enterprise cooperation as the main form, and with the purpose of revenue sharing, we should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of both village collectives and investment enterprises, fully respect the wishes of farmers, effectively protect the interests of farmers, and make the development of wind power more Benefit rural farmers and empower rural revitalization.

Ecological priority and integrated development. Promote the organic integration of wind power development and rural style on the premise of complying with land use and environmental protection policies. Encourage the adoption of land-saving, low-noise, high-efficiency and intelligent wind turbines and technologies suitable for rural environments to achieve synergy and complementarity with rural energy and deep integration with rural industries.

(3) Main goals

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, in rural areas of qualified counties (cities, districts, flags), a number of wind power projects developed and utilized nearby will be built on a village basis. In principle, each administrative village will not exceed 20 MW. Explore the formation of a new wind power investment and construction model of "village-enterprise cooperation" and a new income distribution mechanism of "co-construction and sharing", and promote the construction of a new pattern of wind power development and utilization in which "the village has wind power, the collective increases profits, and the villagers benefit".

2. Organize and implement

(1) Each provincial energy authority, together with the agricultural and rural departments, power grid enterprises and other units, has proposed the overall plan of the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government)'s "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages" based on actual research, clarifying the scale of development and utilization, key development areas, and ecology. Environmental protection requirements and relevant safeguard measures, etc., select qualified administrative villages in the province (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) to pilot them in a timely manner according to the pilot situation.

(2) According to the provincial overall plan, each prefecture will prepare detailed implementation plans by county (city, district, flag), clarifying the project site layout, installed capacity scale, construction arrangements, land use, ecological environmental protection, and benefit distribution mechanism, etc., and promote implementation in an orderly manner under the organization of provincial energy and other departments.

(3) Power grid enterprises cooperate with energy authorities at all levels to prepare the overall plan and implementation plan of the "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages", do a good job in the grid connection of wind power projects, and combine the needs of counties (cities, districts, and flags). Actively carry out the transformation and upgrading of rural power grids and the construction of supporting power grids to ensure that relevant wind power projects are "completed and completed". Strengthen the safety technical management of unit grid connection to ensure that units meet the safe operation conditions of the power grid.

(4) Various investment entities and relevant village collectives follow the "village-enterprise cooperation" model to establish a cooperation mechanism with clear property rights, shared responsibilities, and shared benefits, jointly participate in the development, construction and operation of wind power projects, strengthen operation, maintenance and maintenance management, and ensure stability of units. Reliable operation and project production safety. The project revenue sharing status shall be reported to the county-level agricultural and rural authorities in a timely manner.

(5) County-level agricultural and rural authorities should promptly understand and grasp the implementation of revenue sharing of local wind power projects that have been included in the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action", and coordinate the role of project benefits in strengthening the village collective economy and assisting rural revitalization.

(6) Wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises strengthen technological innovation, actively develop wind turbines suitable for rural environments, and provide equipment support for the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action".

3. Policy support

(1) Optimize the approval process. Encourage all localities to explore and pilot a filing system for the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" wind power projects, provide "one-stop" services based on actual conditions, and uniformly handle preliminary procedures for projects jointly developed in the same administrative village or neighboring villages. For projects that do not involve sensitive areas such as water and soil conservation, environmental protection, vegetation restoration, and overlying minerals, the investment entity will issue a commitment together with the village collective, and the relevant competent department will issue supporting opinions to speed up the relevant procedures in accordance with the law.

(2) Handle land use in accordance with the law. On the premise of complying with the land spatial planning and not involving permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red lines, nature reserves and national desertified land closed and protected areas, we will make full use of scattered non-cultivated land in rural areas and handle the "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages" in accordance with laws and regulations. Land for wind power projects. For land that does not occupy cultivated land, does not change the surface form, and does not change the land use, explore leasing and other methods. If it is really necessary to occupy cultivated land, land use procedures shall be handled in accordance with laws and regulations. Encourage the promotion of the use of land-saving technologies and land-saving models that cover a small area, do not change the surface shape, and do not damage the cultivated layer, so as to save and intensively use land.

(3) Ensure grid-connected consumption. The "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages" wind power project is implemented by power grid companies to implement guaranteed grid connection, mainly focusing on local consumption nearby. The on-grid price is implemented in accordance with the new energy on-grid price policy in the year when the grid is connected. Participation in market-oriented transactions is encouraged and participation in the market is not involved in the apportionment of auxiliary service fees.

(4) Encourage model innovation. Encourage the sharing of the benefits of the wind power project of the "Thousand Villages and Thousands of Villages" through land use rights and other means in accordance with the law, and explore new models of rural energy cooperation. Encourage wind power and other clean energy such as distributed photovoltaics to form a rural multi-energy complementary comprehensive energy system, and timely incorporate projects with significant implementation results into pilot demonstrations of renewable energy development such as rural new energy micro-energy network demonstrations.

(5) Strengthen financial support. Implement green finance and rural revitalization financial policies, innovate investment and financing methods, and further increase support for the "Thousand Villages Wind Control Action" wind power project in terms of financing and loans.

4. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. All localities must fully understand the importance of implementing the "Action to Control Wind in Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages" in promoting rural energy revolution and assisting rural revitalization, effectively leverage the economic, social and environmental benefits of rural wind power, scientifically plan and carefully organize, and ensure safety and quality Under the premise of environmental protection and high-level consumption, we must implement it actively, steadily and orderly.

(2) Improve market mechanisms. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources and better play the role of the government. We must not increase unreasonable investment costs in the name of supporting industries and collecting resource fees in disguise, and actively create a fair, open and just environment. Encourage and support private enterprises and private capital to actively participate in the "Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages Action".

(3) Protect the ecological environment. The "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages" wind power project carries out environmental impact assessments in accordance with the law. On the basis of meeting the general technical standards for wind power and ecological and environmental protection requirements, it focuses on the possible impact of the project on surrounding production, life and ecology, and adopts low-noise wind turbines, improve safety protection requirements, avoid bird migration channels, cluster activity areas and habitats, do a good job in solid waste treatment and disposal after retirement of wind power facilities, and actively integrate into rural style. Help build a livable, business-friendly and beautiful countryside.

(4) Strengthen monitoring and supervision. Each provincial energy authority will submit the implementation of the "Action to Control Wind in Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Villages" to the National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs before the end of December every year, copy a copy to the relevant agencies dispatched by the National Energy Administration, and copy specific projects to the national renewable energy Information Management Center carries out filing cards. Provincial energy authorities, agricultural and rural departments, and agencies dispatched by the National Energy Administration have strengthened project supervision, strengthened information disclosure, given full play to the role of social supervision, and effectively protected the legitimate and reasonable rights and interests of all parties.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, National Energy Resources Bureau, National Development and Reform Commission March 25, 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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