Green RMB

2024 4 3 6:00 Sansi Hall

The international status of the US dollar is not symmetrical to its economic and political strength. The United States now has no goods that can pay for US dollars. The United States no longer produces and manufactures goods. It only manufactures, produces and prints US dollars. It uses US dollar hegemony and its global currency status to protect the US dollar. Global monetary status and global financial hegemony.

Dollar hegemony bundles oil, uses the U.S. military capabilities to provide guarantees for petrodollars, provides political support for the global oil imperial power, and guarantees global petrodollar transactions. Today, petrodollars are facing unprecedented challenges and are hit by technology. The dollar crisis is not only due to the de-dollarization of Russia and relevant countries around the world, which has dealt a heavy blow to the dollar.

Now, what is attacking the status of the US dollar is the rise and development of global green energy, which poses a challenge and threat to the US dollar's global currency status. Because the rise and development of China's green energy, represented by global wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, and electric vehicles, is impacting the global hegemony of the US dollar and posing a threat to the petrodollar.

Faced with the financial war, currency war, economic war, and trade war in the United States, China will reduce its dependence and risks on the US dollar and strengthen its global advantages in green energy in the future to consolidate its market position, technological position, and supply chain position. China will inevitably use the industrial advantages, supply chain advantages, technological advantages, and trade advantages of green energy to develop green energy. In the future, green energy advantages will be anchored by China's RMB and regarded by China as a strategic means to counter US dollar hegemony.

Since 2022, global green energy investment has exceeded US$1 trillion in 2022. According to a Bloomberg Financial Report, the global investment utilization rate of renewable energy, nuclear energy, zero-emission vehicles, and recycling projects in 2022 will increase compared with 2021. 31%, reaching US$1.1 trillion. China has been the most successful in green energy investment and industry. In the future, China will become the world's largest market for the green energy industry and the world's largest exporter of green energy technologies. In addition, China's wind energy, nuclear energy, energy storage, etc. have all made great progress, and have gradually gained the favor of the global green energy market.

In 2022, China's exports of solar cells will increase to 407.176 million, a year-on-year increase of 27.2%. In 2023, solar cell exports will reach 563.674 million, a year-on-year increase of 38.5%. In 2023, the output of electric vehicles will be 9.443 million units, an increase of 30.3% over the previous year. With China's manufacturing energy and technology breakthroughs. In the future, China's exports of green energy products and technologies will increase. Under the global green energy strategy, China will export not just solar energy and electric vehicles in addition to the West. In the future, it will be accompanied by China's export of fourth-generation nuclear power to help countries in the global South solve the power shortage problem.

The development and expansion of global green energy and technology have brought revolutionary changes to the global energy market. China's solar energy, fourth-generation nuclear power, electric vehicles, and new energy storage technologies are changing Chinese society and promoting China's economic and social development.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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