Yellen's visit to China comes for compromise

2024 3 28 7:35 Sansi Hall

US media reported that US Treasury Secretary Yellen started her trip to China in April. Before the visit, Yellen made a lot of nonsense:Require China to raise workers 'wages, cancel green energy subsidies, complain that Chinese-Chinese manufacturing can encroach on the interests of American companies too much, and demand China not to engage in malicious competition, etc. Let's not look at Yellen's tough words before her visit to China. In fact, it was more a gesture to create a tough and powerful image of the United States for her compromise visit. The more tough the United States is, the more guilty it appears.

Faced with a new stage of Sino-US competition, China's counterattack, China's rapid development, and China's stability are all having a positive impact on the United States and China. China is influencing the political, policy direction, social direction, and technological direction of the United States.

In the comprehensive soft war between China and the United States, China is getting stronger and stronger, and the United States is getting weaker and weaker. Now, everyone with discerning eyes in the world can see that the more the United States fights, the more tired it becomes, and the more energetic China fights. Look at the recent period, many big shots from Western and American countries have continued to visit China, and major global international companies have gathered in Beijing. What kind of picture is this.

Today, Apple President Cook loves China and Nvidia loves China. Dutch Prime Minister Rutte visited China, the German governor visited China, and the German chancellor was also planning to visit China. It is not difficult to find that the global wind direction has changed and global perceptions have changed. Faced with such an international and domestic situation, the U.S. government and Yellen have long prepared a plan-compromise and seek help.

1 China is taking the initiative to fully decouple from the United States. China no longer purchases American agricultural products. China requires state units to purchase computers and servers made exclusively in China. Recently, it has been widely rumored on the Chinese Internet that the Chinese government requires state-owned enterprises, enterprises and institutions to make new government purchases. On issues related to national security and corporate information security, the guidance is to purchase information network products made in China. This includes information products made in China in the information ecosystem such as CPU hardware and operating system software.

In addition, the Chinese government is increasing national investment to carry out Made in China substitution. Made in China substitution is not only information products, but also promoting Made in China substitution in related high-tech technological products, related mechanical products, medical devices, etc., all accelerating de-Americanization and de-Westernization.

On supply chain issues, China is also accelerating de-Americanization and de-Westernization. On issues related to science and technology and people's livelihood, it is being carried out more thoroughly and practically. On the issue of food security, China has abandoned agricultural products from the United States, Australia, Canada, and France, and instead developed food trade with Brazil, Argentina, and Russia. On the issue of industrial raw materials, we will increase control over the export of rare earth technology. We will pursue autonomy in key raw materials in steel, electric vehicles, and green energy industries, and pursue safety control over raw materials to get rid of the control and restrictions of the West and the United States.

2 China's economy is developing steadily, its financial security and stability, and its economy is recovering strongly. In January and February this year, China's economic growth rate was 5.8%. In contrast, the U.S. economy is in a quagmire and its economic growth is weak. The U.S. economy seems to be growing at a rate of 1.3%, but in fact, it is all money-driven growth in financial and capital markets. However, the real economy and economic sectors related to people's livelihood have not achieved growth.

The investment environment in the United States has not changed. What has changed is the capital market and financial market of the United States. These market demands and growth come from the US dollar's interest rate hikes and the result of a strong US dollar policy. However, the United States, with a real economy, has not achieved the return of manufacturing and the revival of manufacturing. Look at TSMC, Samsung's American factories, look at the U.S. shipbuilding industry, look at the U.S. power consumption and power generation, and you will know how the U.S. economy has recovered and achieved a 1.3% GDP growth. The U.S. economic prosperity is weak and false prosperity, but more political prosperity and fraud.

3 The United States has decoupled and severed links against China, causing problems in the operations of American companies. Decoupling caused Apple's performance to decline and its market share in China fell by 24%. NVIDIA is even more terrifying because the United States restricted the export of high-end AI chips, and NVIDIA lost as high as US$5 billion. Dell suffered heavy losses in the Chinese market. Apple is also struggling, and HP is also experiencing hardships.

Enterprises that leave China's supply chain lose the Chinese market and lose competitiveness. Now, American companies such as Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Nvidia, Kolei, and Fanlin have decoupled from China due to the national behavior of the United States, resulting in a decline in performance, a shrinking market, a loss of global competitiveness, and a loss of innovation ability and motivation.

4 The global supply chain has not reversed in accordance with the direction designed by the United States. The global supply chain cannot get rid of its dependence on China. American companies are more dependent on the Chinese market. The position of China's supply chain has become more stable. The world's dependence on China's supply chain has deepened. China's dominance in the global supply chain cannot be shaken.

In the photovoltaic industry, electronic information industry, electric vehicle industry, new energy industry, and chip industry suppressed by the United States, the world has deepened its dependence on China. The position of the United States in the global supply chain has declined. Even if it is suppressed by the United States and protects the chip industry, the United States has become dependent on China.

The US$5 crisis, the U.S. debt crisis, and the financial crisis are imminent. The United States is now gnashing its teeth and persevering, using the country's strength to strongly support the high U.S. dollar, and doing its best to support the growing snowball of U.S. debt. To prevent the US dollar and US debt from causing catastrophic consequences.

The US dollar and the US debt are the sword of Damocles hanging over the top of the United States, which may end the national life of American capitalism at any time. The United States is now suffering, enduring the pain of being roasted by the US dollar and US debt, hoping to use time to digest the crisis and harvest the global economy.

Moreover, the world is moving away from the US dollar settlement system, and many countries are abandoning the US dollar and looking for new currency alternatives. Now, the United States obviously cannot hold it in anymore and cannot support it strongly. We can only seek China's help to tide over the crisis of the US dollar and US debt and relieve the United States of crisis.

The United States cannot withstand the financial war. In the financial war between China and the United States, the United States is under more pressure under high interest rates. At the same time, it is also setting off a new round of banking thunder in the United States. The United States cannot hold on to the financial war. If it lasts for another three months, or reaches June in the eyes of experts, the United States will pay a greater price. The United States is enduring the financial war, but the price of enduring it may not be a simple US dollar, US debt, and the collapse of finance may be a disaster and collapse for American society.

6. American society is highly tense and American politics is tense. Because of the election, if things go wrong, it may trigger a civil war in the United States and a stronger internal political struggle. Secondly, American society is also highly tense. Socio-political confrontations may trigger a confrontation of political positions at any time, triggering political divisions, war and chaos.

What is tense in the United States is not only politics, society, the dollar, and U.S. debt, but also the perception of American thought and revolution. Some people in American society now believe that the United States needs a revolution to reshape, a revolution to change the United States and American capitalism. Today, the Communist Party of the United States appears on the streets. Under the influence of new political ideas, young Americans are making new revolutions and are also stocking up on new revolutions. The life of American capitalism hangs on a thin thread, and there is a glimmer of hope, that is, seeking compromise and compromising with China.

The United States is not as strong as it imagined. The United States is now very fragile. If the United States is careless, it may trigger a scene similar to the collapse of the former Soviet Union. This is not an alarmist. The United States is at the dawn before the storm. Now, just a small spark will trigger the collapse of the American empire.

The crisis in the United States is in a state of high pressure. It seems that the more calm the United States is, the more peaceful it is, the more things happen, and the more big things happen. Because, when a crisis comes, people are often calm and calm in the face of changes. Now, if the United States does not compromise with China, no longer requests China, and seeks favors from China, what will be left will be implosion or self-destruction. This is the real reason why Yellen visited China.

Sincerely; Dear Friends! Please understand that due to house decoration and learning driver's license, updates will be slow! Thank you!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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