#Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Lu Ming:
Many people have long-term stable employment in cities,
There is no need to use the academic threshold to stop settling down

In recent years, many domestic megacities and megacities have introduced new policies for settlement. Among them, some cities have optimized points settlement rules and increased quotas, while some cities have completely liberalized settlement. For example, Zhejiang and Jiangsu have taken the lead in implementing "zero threshold" settlement outside the central Urban area of Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Suzhou.

The question facing big cities is, what is the next step? On March 3, before members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shanghai set off for Beijing to attend the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Lu Ming, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, deputy chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association, and distinguished professor of the Antai School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, talked to the reporter about his thoughts.

"Recently, the reform of China's household registration system has accelerated, but I still hope it can be faster." Lu Ming believes that the points settlement system should be improved first and the points settlement quota should be increased.

其次,对于积分落户的三大主要标准,即实际居住年限、社保缴纳年限以及教育水平,他建议逐步降低教育水平的比重,直至取消这一标准。 **“道理非常简单,我们城市发展需要很多教育水平并不高的人群。”**他说,目前大量这类人口已经在城市里长期稳定就业、居住,甚至很多人都缴纳了社保, There is no need to use academic qualifications to prevent them from settling down.

In addition, Lu Ming also pointed out that it is necessary to gradually promote the equalization of public services and address the rigid needs of migrant populations by increasing supply. He suggested promoting mutual conversion and carrying of points in large cities of the same level.

"Accelerating the pace, lowering the threshold, and promoting the reform of the household registration system are very urgent for building a unified national market." He emphasized.

#Does flexible employment mean instability?
Lu Ming:We cannot always look at new employment forms from a traditional perspective

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Data from the ninth national workforce survey show that the number of workers in China's new employment form has reached 84 million, accounting for 21% of the total number of employees. What do you view the trend of increasing number of flexible employees?

陆铭指出,当前的灵活就业与传统的灵活就业或自我雇佣有很大的区别,传统上把灵活就业视为一种就业不稳定状态,但 Today's flexible employment has become a technology-based means that can more efficiently match supply and demand and enhance workers 'autonomy.

如何面对新就业形态带来的制度挑战?陆铭说,要加强研究灵活就业人员劳动权益保障等方面的政策,不能操之过急, "Otherwise, it is very likely that you feel like you are helping them, and the result will be counterproductive."

#The airport is far from the city

#Going to the "eternal world" from a distant position?

#Listen to what CPPCC members say

Today (March 3) afternoon, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shanghai set off for Beijing to attend the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Wang Yu, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai City Federation of Industry and Commerce, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Spring Airlines Co., Ltd., mainly brought proposals in five aspects this year, covering inbound tourism, stimulating consumption, consolidating poverty alleviation results, airport site selection and improving the efficiency of the use of covered bridges.

对于老百姓普遍关心的机场距离市区较远、进入机场后步行较远以及时常遇上远机位等话题,王煜委员表示, Airport site selection requires scientific positioning. The size is "enough" and it is closer to the urban area, which is more conducive to stimulating the local economy and achieving "small investment and large output."



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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