当一个外企中层决定做社区干部, 我们从中看到的,不该只有对职业本身的刻板偏见,更不该贸然得出“学历通胀”的危险结论。
时代在变 行业在变 人在变How can there be only one answer to life?

对黄宇荣来说,陪孩子参加居委会组织的暑期活动,像是作为父母的一次日常“履职”。After graduating from Tongji University, she worked in a foreign company for nearly 20 years. 期间她完成了诸多人生大事:结婚、生育、跳槽、升职。在她以往的观念认知里,居委会,是一个“婆婆妈妈”的地方。没想到,那次活动之后,她却决定加入社区。** 今年是她成为浦东新区长岛路居民区一名社区干部的第四年。**

Just entered the community

** It is difficult to remember leadership titles

"Our community cadre team is becoming more and more professional, and now there are graduates from Tongji." In the introduction of Li Xiuqin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Changdao Road Residential Area, Huang Yurong deserves a separate mention. She has the label of a "prestigious school", although this is not uncommon in today's grassroots communities in Shanghai. What really makes people feel the contrast is that before becoming a community cadre, she worked in a foreign company for nearly 20 years.

This contrast, especially when Huang Yurong first joined the company, was particularly eye-catching. When she enters Chinese on office software, she often falls into the thinking of "I don't know how to spell it"; when she is chatting with people, she can't help but pick up a few English words.

“以前我有一个老板叫Bob,大家直呼其名。这导致When I first entered the community, it was difficult to remember the accurate titles of different leaders such as secretary, director, section chief, and division chief.”黄宇荣说。

In college, Huang Yurong studied economics. After graduation, like many classmates, she joined a foreign-funded company in the manufacturing field."Doing operation, how do you explain it?" She thought for a long time and finally came up with a Chinese definition of her former job:Operation management.

Around 2010 was a golden age for foreign-invested manufacturing companies in China. Especially in high-tech and cutting-edge fields, they have absolute technological advantages, and their products are also irreplaceable.

However, with the rapid rise of manufacturing in China, many links in many industrial chains are undergoing the substitution of manufacturing in China. Huang Yurong deeply felt:"Whether it is Asian companies or European and American companies, the overwhelming competitive pressure has shrouded almost the entire market. Even if I am not on the front line of sales and have no assessment indicators, I will still inevitably be affected by the environment."

2019 is the "big year" for foreign companies to leave. But Huang Yurong did not jump to a Chinese-funded company like most people do. She was one year away from the age of 40. She took the recruitment exam following the age line for recruiting community workers in the Long Island Road residential area.

Choosing a community is not the result of Huang Yurong's careful consideration, nor is it impulsive. She once had the experience of accompanying her children to a summer event organized by the community. It was discovered that community cadres were no longer aunties and mothers who dealt with family affairs and trivial matters. Many of the work they undertake is project-based, and their work purpose is not only to serve and maintain the community, but also to benefit the development and construction of the community. It is very positive. "I have a good impression of them."

After passing the interview, Huang Yurong decided to take up the job.

He used to make an annual salary of 300 to 400 thousand yuan

她说“Foreign companies cannot help much

Offices on the Long Island Road residential area are open plan. The social worker on duty should sit behind the front desk in the hall. When he was at the highest position in a foreign company, Huang Yurong managed a group of people with an annual salary of 300 to 400 thousand yuan. Now, she often sits at the front desk of the neighborhood committee.

**"Do you think it's a 'dimension reduction strike'?" "Of course not."** Huang Yurong replied firmly to the reporter.

Huang Yurong initially felt full of difficulties in switching between the two discourse systems from foreign companies to grassroots communities. Not only does daily language shift from English to Chinese, but at a deeper level, it is necessary to complete the acceptance of institutional culture. "You need to understand why each link of positions in a grassroots governance system exists, and what they rely on to organize each other together."

Adaptation begins with "learning to be lazy". There are more than 2000 households in a residential area."In fact, I can fill out more than 2000 forms like the older generation, but I will still try to use some software and programs to process the forms in batches." One year, there was a job in the community that required residents to send a paper number from door to door in advance. When No. 56 was written, Huang Yurong threw away the pen, opened the computer and made a form. Two minutes later, the printer spat out more than 2000 numbers.

如果说黄宇荣身上还有外企工作过的痕迹,一定是She likes to speak and write as few words as possible to solve problems encountered in community work.

Especially in the past five years, Shanghai's grassroots communities have ushered in a period of rapid evolution of intelligent technology. Most of the desk work of community cadres in the past can now be entered into the system. Huang Yurong likes the "feeling that the user experience is constantly optimized." "Sometimes the system looks nice (good), but in fact there are bugs (flaws) in use. We can report them to the technicians and we will see improvements over time."

社区工作的绝大多数时间,是“非标”的。“非标准化。不像工厂企业,你是以产品为本的,工作逻辑是帮助企业家实现利益最大化。不恰当类比的话, The 'product' I serve now is people, and my work logic is to allow every individual to gain satisfaction and happiness in the community. This kind of work is more difficult.”黄宇荣说。

She once applied for subsistence allowances for a household resident for half a year, and the information verification work spanned three provinces and four cities. The reason is that residents 'dictation involving key information is incomplete, and a lot of energy from community cadres has to be put into piecing together each other's memory maps.

Sometimes Huang Yurong comes to his house with policies and tells residents that they meet the requirements and can apply for more subsidies. However, the other party may turn her away for reasons such as face and fear of trouble. "There is no way to use efficiency as a yardstick for the work of community cadres. The way foreign companies do won't help me too much."

Foreign companies come to the community

increasingly common

初到长岛路居民区,黄宇荣打过退堂鼓。这里曾被认为是浦东新区“最差”的一个动迁社区,脏乱、老旧。"It's much worse than the community I live in. The gap is quite big."

Under the leadership of Secretary Li Xiuqin, the appearance of the community has improved year by year. Today, the Long Island Road residential area has in turn become a model of effective local governance. "This confirms my previous understanding of the community. Community cadres are doing things that are conducive to community development and construction. Our annual work goals and content are new. Very challenging."

Last year, two gardens were renovated and constructed in the Long Island Road residential area. From docking design and construction to coordinating residents 'opinions and operating and managing the garden,"there are constantly new problems that need to be solved."

Huang Yurong feels that compared with the previous days, day after day, two points and one line, after participating in community development, she truly realized the "richness of social life." Especially during the epidemic, the community experienced a profound change. Residents and community cadres began to understand each other, and the autonomous forces participating in community work began to evolve towards diversity. "You see, we are carrying out a community renovation now. It's really a response. This sense of trust between people and the cohesion of a group can give people blood and motivation."

Some time ago, a male social worker was newly recruited in the Changdao Road residential area and had just resigned from a foreign company. Huang Yurong chatted with him and felt a little emotional:It seemed new for foreign companies to visit the community two years ago, but now it is becoming more and more common. Compared with college classmates who insist on staying in the company, Huang Yurong feels that he has less anxiety about changes in the external environment and looks more relaxed and calm.

"There seem to be a lot less secular stereotypes nowadays." Huang Yurong said that the job ability requirements of community cadres are improving."Talents returning from enterprises are no longer considered 'overkill' when they come here. Sometimes, when some young residents come to handle affairs, they will also specifically ask how we apply for this position. I expressed yearning for the job content."

In the second half of his life, Huang Yurong chose a different path. "But I feel that now is the time to truly enter life itself." she said.




Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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