The following article comes from understanding the scriptures, and the author Qi Yingpu Shuhan

Understand the scriptures.

Finally waiting for you to come together to understand the scriptures

After 10 pm on February 24
Shanghai Women's Products Store on Huaihai Road will be closed for renovation

培文公寓建成于1930年。在上海,这样的老建筑总是为人津津乐道。其中的 Peiwen Apartment seems to be lacking in breath:Regardless of popularity or exposure, it is far inferior to the Wukang Building, also located on Huaihai Middle Road. 后者在近十年极度走红,似烈火烹油,还带火了周边街区和商业。培文公寓,有可能成为下一个武康大楼吗?
站在南北高架下的人行天桥,可以拍到培文公寓全貌,也是最佳拍摄点位 培文公寓淮海路侧仰视图
Coordinates in Shanghai's modern architectural history 有门面,有故事,是成为网红的基本素质。当一座网红建筑也是如此。无论是建筑设计还是人文历史,培文公寓丝毫不逊色于武康大楼。
在醒目的“上海妇女用品商店”红色店招下,有褐色墙砖和红白分明的竖线条装饰,制高点是一个旗杆,以旗杆为中心,周边建筑层层“跌落”……站在南北高架人行天桥遥望,培文公寓风格鲜明,这是20世纪30年代风靡全球的装饰艺术风格(art deco)。培文公寓建成一年之后,大洋彼岸有一栋风格相同的大楼拔地而起——美国帝国大厦。
褐色墙砖和红白分明的竖线条装饰 戚颖璞 摄 公寓大楼细部


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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