清明假期 上海市民林女士逛了逛盒马鲜生超市 却意外发现:The "offline exclusive price" that was launched for about half a year has been cancelled “自从盒马有了线下专享价,路过盒马的时候,我会有意识地进去逛一逛,现在全部恢复到原价,原来的线下优惠没有了,算不算变相涨价?”林女士不禁疑惑。

4月5日,The reporter learned from many Hema stores in Shanghai that since April, Hema stores have cancelled exclusive offline prices, and currently they are basically the same online and offline prices. 有接近盒马的人士猜测,取消线下专享价,或许是近期盒马换帅后新战略的预热。在社交平台,关于盒马恢复会员制的消息已不胫而走。
Is canceling the exclusive offline price a disguised price increase? 林女士提供的一张3月上旬的盒马闵行凯德店购物凭据显示,罗斯福8号啤酒,线上19.9元/瓶,线下15元/瓶。瑞士莲特醇排装85%可可黑巧克力,线上42元/块,线下29元/块。同品牌90%可可黑巧克力,线上47.9元/块,线下39元/块。
“4月4日我再去这家店逛的时候,已经全部恢复线上价格了。The price difference is still quite large. Isn't this a disguised price increase?”林女士说。

盒马上滨生活店入口。澎湃新闻记者 邹娟 摄
4月5日,记者在盒马上滨生活广场看到,All billboards with "offline exclusive prices" have been removed 。记者随机查看蓝莓、牛奶、西瓜、鲜活鲍鱼等商品,店内价格和手机APP价格都一样。现场工作人员告诉记者,他们差不多4月1日的时候,就已经没有线下专享价了。
Regarding whether the cancellation of offline exclusive prices was a disguised price increase, the staff member said "I can't say" 。其举例称,有些产品就算是同价了,也比去年便宜,比如,佳沛阳光金果6粒大果,去年4月售价56.9元/盒,当天只卖39.9元/盒。
Will the membership system be restored if the topic of Box Horse keeps going? 事实上,盒马推出“线下专享价”满打满算还不到六个月。

该措施一经推出,反对声最大的,是之前花了钱的盒马会员。此前,盒马会员费258元/年,除享受免费配送等服务外,每周可自由设置一个“会员日”,会员日当天购买盒马商品,享受8.8折优惠。 After Hema launched the "offline exclusive price", Hema members gradually became meaningless, and the "offline exclusive price" and member discounts could not be superimposed. 为了平息会员的愤怒,盒马回应称:“之所以线上线下不同价,主要是为了引导顾客到盒马门店消费,现在只是在试运行,若顾客类似投诉过多,后面可能会有变化。”
另据《第一财经杂志》此前报道,盒马推出“线下专享价”,或许也是为了将消费者更多转移至线下门店,降低线上配送成本。时任盒马CEO侯毅就在朋友圈表示, "There are high delivery costs online." 进入2024年,盒马话题不断:元旦后线上订单开始加收1元包装费;春节后在北京、南京和长沙三座城市试点,将免运费门槛调整至99元;3月中旬,盒马先是否认被出售给中粮的传闻,紧跟着完成高层变动,盒马CFO严筱磊接棒年满60岁退休的侯毅,成为盒马新任CEO。
记者在社交平台发现,4月份以来,疑似“吹风”盒马会员制回归的投票已悄然拉开。不过, For consumers, what they care most about is perhaps not necessarily whether the membership system with a 18% discount will return, but whether the price is really cheap and cost-effective regardless of online and offline. Do you often shop at Box Horse?
What do you think of the recent series of operations? Leave a message and talk about it!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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