** At 3 p.m. today, a press conference was held at the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress. Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Human Resources and social protection Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ni Hong, Director of the National Administration for Disease Control and Prevention Wang Hesheng answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on education, employment and social security, housing, medical disease control and other related issues. **

#Minister of Education:Young college teachers will be evaluated

#Provide long-term, high-intensity and stable support

与此同时,还将会围绕国家重点布局,特别是技术转移和成果转化等方面,不断提高创新能力 。Increase support for young scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities. At the beginning of his academic career, he began long-term and high-intensity stable support, allowing trial and error, and tolerating failure, so that young talents dare to sit on the bench and dare to venture into no man's land., produce important original and disruptive results. 他说,在人才培养上,我们坚守一条,要不断下硬笨功夫,不走捷径,不取巧,愿意啃硬骨头。同时布局区域技术创新中心,以科技成果转化为牵引,特别提倡“刀在石上磨,人在事上练,创新人才在实战中培养”。人才培养既是民生,更是国家和民族长远发展的大计。我们将坚定不移地走好拔尖创新人才自主培养之路,让更多拔尖创新人才涌现出来,为培育发展新质生产力,实现中国式现代化来提供战略人才支撑和先导力量。

#Minister of Education:Ensure sufficient inter-class activities for primary and secondary school students,

#1 hour of physical exercise every day

When answering a reporter's question about the actions to expand, optimize and improve the quality of basic education, Huai Jinpeng said that it is necessary to add scientific education to the "double reduction", ensure that students exercise one hour of physical exercise every day, pay attention to the development of labor habits, and adopt pragmatic and effective measures to accelerate the realization of reducing burdens, improving quality and efficiency, and promote the all-round development and healthy growth of students.

#Minister of Education:

#We must run necessary small-scale rural schools well

#Build a county general high school

When answering a reporter's question about the actions to expand, optimize and improve the quality of basic education, Huai Jinpeng introduced that China holds the largest basic education in the world. So far, there are a total of 487,900 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens across the country, with 230 million students and 16.1 million teachers. "It took us about 20 years to complete the century-old path of popularizing compulsory education in developed countries."
There are several parents behind each child. It can be said that whether basic education is well or not is related to the happiness of hundreds of millions of families. Among the most populous developing countries in the world, we are the first country to achieve universal nine-year compulsory education. Over the past 10 years, our country's basic education has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes.
Huai Jinpeng said that China's basic education is entering a new stage of comprehensively improving the quality of education. The action to expand and improve the quality is to improve the overall quality of basic education higher, make the cake of high-quality educational resources bigger, and let The results of education development and the ability to cultivate talents benefit school-age children and adolescents more and more equitably.
He elaborated on how to achieve it from five aspects:
First, the structural layout should be expanded, optimized and improved. Current and future periods. It is necessary to adapt to population changes and the process of new urbanization in China's modernization drive, promote the establishment of a monitoring and reporting mechanism for changes in the school-age population in county basic education, and optimize the rational allocation of educational resources in urban and rural areas. Continuously improve the conditions and capabilities of rural boarding schools and weak urban schools, especially strengthen the running of necessary small-scale rural schools, strengthen the construction of county ordinary high schools, and strive to expand resources for high school education so that more children can Go to a good school at your doorstep.
Second, the supply of degrees should be expanded and improved. Continue to improve the conditions and capabilities of weak schools in the central and western regions.
Build a number of high-quality schools from a high starting point and enhance group-based schooling. At the same time, we will strengthen urban and rural pairing assistance to promote the growth of new high-quality schools and improve the quality of running weak schools. We will further promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and urban-rural integration, accelerate the narrowing of the gap in the quality of school-level schools in urban and rural areas, and strive to make more and more good schools recognized by the masses.
Third, we must expand and improve the quality of cultivating capabilities. To further implement the simultaneous implementation of the five educations, with moral integrity and cultivating people as the fundamental task, we will regard the education system and the construction of high-quality teaching materials that comprehensively cultivate morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor as an important task. In the "double reduction", we should add scientific education, vigorously carry out reading actions for young students, ensure that students have 1 hour of physical exercise and sufficient inter-class activities every day, pay attention to the development of labor habits, adopt pragmatic and effective measures, and strive to solve the problem of small glasses, small fat people and students 'mental health problems, accelerate the realization of burden reduction, quality improvement and efficiency improvement in schools, and promote students' all-round development and healthy growth.
Fourth, the teaching team should be expanded and improved. To build a high-quality education system, we must rely on a high-level, loving and warm team of teachers. We will continue to strengthen the National Training Plan to enhance the training of primary and secondary school teachers. At the same time, we will implement the National Excellence Plan, which is to provide training space for primary and secondary school teachers through our dual first-class universities and advantageous disciplines, increase the intensity of talent training, and absorb more Excellent teachers join the construction of our teacher team. Continue to consolidate and improve the political, social and professional status of teachers, and attract outstanding talents to teach for a long time. Continuously strengthen and promote the spirit of educators, guide teachers to grow into good teachers and gentlemen with feelings, level and warmth, and act as good guides for students. We must constantly deepen the social culture and habits of respecting teachers and valuing education, so that teachers can devote themselves to teaching and educate people quietly.
Fifth, cooperative education should expand and improve physical fitness. Further strengthen the collaboration between families, schools and communities. We often say that the family is the first school for children, and society is the big school for children to grow up. Only when families, schools and society form a joint force to educate people can children have a better environment for growth. We look forward to working with parents to establish a scientific education concept and create a good atmosphere for family education and education. We also hope to cooperate with society to provide more high-quality social education resources to children, and at the same time keep bad information and bad actions away from minors. We must reasonably guide students to see the world through ups and downs and develop their skills in social classrooms, so that children can grow up healthily and happily in an environment where the whole society cares and cares about. We need schools, families and society to jointly protect and care for our future and jointly promote the higher-quality development of basic education.

#The Minister of Education walks into a classroom of a primary school in Xihaigu

#saw this

In response to a question from a reporter from Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily about digital education, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng said that digital education is an important part of the construction of Digital China. In recent years, we have made every effort to build a national smart education platform and expand digital application scenarios and service scope to continuously improve the quality of education. Children in primary and secondary schools can use this platform to listen to the courses of experts and academicians. Children in the central and western regions can taste the Red Mountain and Jade Dragons of the National Museum without leaving home. Teachers in different regions can conveniently carry out teaching and research cooperation.
He also shared a story:"In October last year, I visited a school in Xihaigu area, Ningxia. They were in class at that time. I saw students from Xihaigu School and students from a school in Beijing having the same class. A teacher was teaching in Beijing, and the teachers from Xihaigu were doing tutoring work. Everyone had a class, learned a content, and discussed and answered a question together."
Huai Jinpeng said that building digital education is to improve the balanced ability of education, use one network cable to eliminate the digital divide, and use one screen to connect different classrooms to achieve high-quality development of education.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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