Former American football star O.J. Simpson, known for his wife murder in the 1990s, died of cancer in Las Vegas on Wednesday local time at the age of 76. 美国TMZ新闻网称,这一消息来自于辛普森的家人,该报道称,Simpson is one of the most notorious high-profile figures in American history.

Simpson's family used Simpson's social media to release a statement: “4月10日,我们的父亲O·J·辛普森因癌症去世。他的子女和孙辈们都在他身边。在这个时期,他的家人希望您能尊重他们的意愿,保护他们的隐私。

O.J.辛普森 (美媒配图)
The most famous incident about Simpson occurred in 1994, when he was accused of killing his ex-wife and her best friend, causing a sensation around the world.

In October 1995, a jury found Simpson acquitted due to insufficient evidence. 在随后的民事诉讼中,辛普森还是被判支付3350万美元的赔偿金。这一判决使他从一个富有的体育明星,沦为了一个名声尽毁、身无分文的人。
In 2007, Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison in Nevada for armed robbery ,9年内不得假释。当地时间2017年7月20日,美国内华达州洛夫洛克惩教中心举行O.J.辛普森的假释听证会。Simpson was released on parole in October 2017.

“辛普森杀妻案”被称为“世纪审判”,曾引发公众对美国司法体系公正性的质疑。直到今日也存在着巨大的争议。** 根据此事件拍成的纪录片《辛普森:美国制造》被授予第89届奥斯卡奖“最佳纪录片”奖。** The Simpson case also made lawyer Robert Kardashian popular,造就了如今娱乐圈风云家族——卡戴珊家族。

**网友评论 **

The little fool who protects Lulu all her life:My college criminal law case passed away, and at that time, my teacher almost knew how to recite his example.
Spring is green:Wow, a case often mentioned in college
Jozen Xiaohei:Only after reading the American crime story did I know that this case is no longer as simple as murder of passion. It involves too many issues such as race and gender. It really makes me gnash. I can only say that people are doing it and the sky is watching it.
Loo-eared rabbit twotwo:This really became an unsolved mystery.
A Xiao Bear:Parties to famous legal cases
shona yu ming:Is the lawyer in this case still the Kardashian father?
Good luck is overwhelming:Always believed that he killed
- Yao Cao Yi He Bi-:A very bizarre case that deserves to be watched repeatedly
Jam and Jam:The trial of the century has too much buffs


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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