The following article comes from Lion Sitting, written by Ping Feng

Lion sits.

Sit and discuss Tao, stand up and act


Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province

Junior high school student Wang Moumou was killed and buried by three classmates

caused widespread public concern


Regarding the progress of this incident

Reporters from CCTV went deep into the crime scene

and interviewed the victim's family members and the school

Traces at the scene when the victim's body was found are still clearly visible 根据网传视频画面,记者来到位于肥乡区北高镇张庄村的一处荒废蔬菜大棚前,现场一位村民向记者证实此处为案发地。
案发地位于张庄村外的一处荒废蔬菜大棚内(央广网记者 王伟倩 摄)
案发地现场(央广网记者 王伟倩 摄)
记者走进案发地看到,蔬菜大棚入口被荒草和数根竹竿拦挡,大棚内部杂草丛生,The burial pit about 1 meter long and 60 centimeters wide has been filled ,地面上散落着一次性手套和橡胶手套,当时遗体被发现时的痕迹仍清晰可见。
案发现场散落着一次性手套和橡胶手套(央广网记者 王伟倩 摄)
据案发地现场一位村民介绍,It is about 100 meters away from the home of one of the suspects, Zhang. 犯罪嫌疑人李某所在的村庄(央广网记者 王伟倩 摄)
记者在村里采访时了解到,The victim Wang Moumou and the three suspects are both left-behind children,父母在外打工,平时和爷爷奶奶一起生活。
The school responded that it did not find that the families of victims of campus bullying did not recognize it 记者又来到受害人王某某生前就读的肥乡区旧店中学,The teaching order in the school is currently normal
受害人王某某生前就读的肥乡区旧店中学(央广网记者 王伟倩 摄)
校长李安敬为记者准备了被害人和3名犯罪嫌疑人在校期间的荣誉照片、活动照片和学生资料等信息, "Among the three suspects, Ma ranks more than ten in the class. His grades are relatively good. It is completely unexpected to be able to do such a vicious thing." 同时,李安敬还提供了被害人生前与3名犯罪嫌疑人在校园内的视频监控截图。"The four of them often play together and no bullying was found." 李安敬表示,目前还不知道最终的官方结论是怎样的。
针对学校的回应,记者联系到一位被害人家属,The family said:The above statement of the school is not recognized. Previously, Wang Moumou's father also said that when his child was studying in Jiudian Middle School, he was suspected of having been bullied by his classmates. 受害人姑姑王女士称,3名犯罪嫌疑人均是侄子的同班同学,希望严惩犯罪嫌疑人,给孩子一个公道。
The father of the murdered junior high school student gritted his teeth and watched the entire autopsy:I can't accept it! 3月18日,记者从受害人王某某家属处获悉,王某某的遗体已于18日凌晨进行了尸检。王某某的父亲和委托律师,全程见证了尸检经过。
王某某的父亲接受看看新闻Knews记者采访时表示: "I gritted my teeth and watched the autopsy from beginning to end. I was not willing to accept it. I had to find out how such a good child as me died. Now waiting for the evaluation of the autopsy report."

**面对“恶童”Respect the ethics of the majority. As of now, the public security department is still investigating this case. Although the three suspects have been arrested by the police, they have obviously failed to stop the surging public opinion and have also triggered discussions on the sentencing of minors for crimes.
Liberation Daily's Weixin Official Accounts
“狮子坐”**刊文指出: 前几天,当我们还在热议电影《第二十条》里那句“法不能向不法让步”时,确实没想到沉重的现实会来得这么快。

The following is the original text


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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