absconded for 28 years

His appearance has changed greatly

Suspect Wang Mouzhong was finally arrested

Qingpu's "No. 1 Murder Case" was successfully solved

The thorn in Lao Yu's heart was finally pulled out

老俞头大名叫俞雄辉,是上海市公安局青浦分局刑侦支队重案队的“老法师”。从警32年,他先后参与侦办了3000余起刑事案件,其中,不乏 A backlog of cases that occurred in the 1990s

Yu Xionghui has a strong sense of mission to investigate and solve accumulated cases. He felt that every unsolved case, no matter how long time passed, was a "thorn" in his heart."Many victims 'families have turned from green hair to white hair, and they hope that we can give them justice."

Because of this sense of mission, once the case was settled, Yu Xionghui devoted himself to digging deeper. The highest record was that he had been fighting in the office for four consecutive days and four nights without having a bed. When he was sleepy, he would make himself a cup of strong tea, and when he was tired, he would lie on the table for a while... With his perseverance and total dedication, dozens of old murders were successfully solved.

I didn't catch the suspect and felt uneasy

In June 1990, Zhuo, a nursing woman living in Qingpu County, and her 3-month-old child were killed at home. The 16-year-old suspect Wang Mouzhong "disappeared from the world". 青浦警方将此案定为“一号命案”。

At the time of the crime, Yu Xionghui was still working as a physical education teacher in a primary school in Qingpu. Everyone in the streets and alleys were surprised when such a vicious case occurred in a peaceful town. Later, Yu Xionghui was admitted to the public security team, and this case was often raised by colleagues.

2015年夏天,时年46岁的俞雄辉加入刑侦支队重案队,梳理积案时,他第一次完整翻阅此案卷宗,"I feel very uncomfortable and I want to catch him."

2018年,重案队再次对“一号命案”进行调查。经过外围走访、分析排查、系统筛查,俞雄辉与同事Sixteen suspects were sorted out from more than 100 suspects with high similarities to Wang Mouzhong ,提请属地公安机关协查。综合各种信息研判,Xu Tao, who lives in Ningguo, Anhui Province, is the most suspicious

为了确认嫌疑人身份,俞雄辉Five trips to the local area in two months,一呆就是四五天。经过走访调查和生物物证对比,It was finally confirmed that "Xu Tao" was Wang Mouzhong

However, the arrest work is also full of unknowns. "At that time, we didn't know his exact address. We only knew that he lived in the countryside and had a rental place in the county. Later, we found out that he had a car under his name and finally decided to use the car to find someone." The second day after the task force arrived at the local area, Yu Xionghui went out to watch the car at dawn. Wang Mouzhong's car did not move until after 9 a.m. He murmured in his heart:Could you have picked the wrong person?

Yu Xionghui and his colleagues continued to squat in place while observing. A few hours later, a middle-aged man appeared in the corridor. His physical characteristics matched the target. Everyone immediately stepped forward to arrest him. It was Wang Mouzhong.

Whether it is a case investigation or an arrest scene, squatting and waiting, fatigue and unknown are torturing for the investigators physically and mentally. ** "There are many things that it's really easy to give up."** Yu Xionghui said.

Yu Xionghui visited and investigated the case

It is this spirit of "never giving up" that allows Yu Xionghui to repeatedly crack old cases that seem to many people to have little hope and provide justice to the victims and their families. "Never giving up is the quality a criminal police officer should have." Yu Xionghui said,"If the suspects who should have been arrested are allowed to go unpunished because the work is not done properly, we will be condemned in our hearts."

Never let go of any possibility

Opening Yu Xionghui's work notes, they are densely written with past case records. Seeing some key words, he recounted the details of the investigation of the case and the arrest of suspects. Of course, there are also "unforgettable lessons and experiences."

The first "big case" that Yu Xionghui participated in was unforgettable for his life.

那是1997年2月,发生在赵巷镇沈家桥村的拦路抢劫轮奸案,受害女孩说,The people who hurt her were three people with foreign accents

Based on the on-site investigation, Qingpu police decided to divide the troops into three groups:On the one hand, we checked the place where foreigners lived, on the other hand, we checked the restaurants and small restaurants around the place where the crime occurred, and on the third hand, Yu Xionghui and another comrade checked all small hotels on both sides of National Highway 318. Soon after, colleagues from the Second Route followed clues provided by a small restaurant and arrested three suspects.

案子破了,值得高兴,但俞雄辉却陷入了自责:These three people checked into a small hotel the day before the murder, and this hotel was within their inspection scope. How could they miss it?

Whether his own investigation work was not careful or for other reasons, Yu Xionghui secretly made up his mind to "understand it." Later, he found out:The hotel had been closed two months ago, so the local police station did not include it on the screening list; more coincidentally, the day before the incident, the hotel owner saw that a guest wanted to check in, so he secretly made the business. "Coincidence and coincidence, what is the probability? Fortunately, some colleagues caught the suspect based on other clues, otherwise there would be endless trouble."

那次经历让俞雄辉明白,刑侦工作容不得这种“巧合”。“从那以后,我记住了一个道理,就是You must get to the bottom of the story and never let go of any possibility ,哪怕这种可能只有千分之一甚至万分之一。极有可能,案件的突破就在这微不足道的概率里。”

I hope the tears will no longer appear

Yu Xionghui travels all year round and travels outside three weeks a month. Not only is it hard, but it also has to fight head-to-head with suspects in some vicious cases. The danger can be imagined. However, Yu Xionghui and his colleagues have never had the slightest idea of retreating.

**"Once when I went to a foreign country to arrest a target, the knife on my waist fell off the moment I caught him. If I was a step later, I might have gotten 'the white knife in and the red knife out'."** Yu Xionghui said it lightly.

It is said that criminal police officers are bold and are not afraid of any scene, but some scenes always make Yu Xionghui feel sad. At this time, the "sense of mission" is particularly strong. Such scenes are often not the "tragic" that ordinary people imagine.

In 2004, the murder of a female driver in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province affected the entire Danyang City. After the three suspects robbed and killed the female driver, they drove all the way to Qingpu, Shanghai, where they tied the body and threw it into the river.

For more than ten years, this case has been hanging in the hearts of Danyang people. When Yu Xionghui and his colleagues went to the local area to investigate and took a taxi from Danyang,"I heard that we were police officers from Shanghai, but the drivers spontaneously refused to collect money."

The case was finally solved. When Yu Xionghui went to inform the family, the other party burst into tears:"The case has finally been solved, and I can finally go to the grave to pay homage to my sister."

**"I am not afraid of the tragic scene, but I can't look directly into the tears of the victim's relatives."** Yu Xionghui said that all he and his colleagues did was hope that such tears and cries would no longer appear.

Yu Xionghui received and questioned the victim

今年已经54岁的俞雄辉,身材魁梧,说起办案经历,眼里放光、滔滔不绝。如果不是同事提到,根本看不出, After working overtime all year round, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment in 2019 due to a sudden cerebral infarction.。就是这样,他也不愿离开自己热爱的刑侦一线。

A friend once advised him,"The world will still turn without you." But once he took over the case, Yu Xionghui felt that as a member of the task force, he had indispensable value. Only when the case is solved will he breathe a sigh of relief.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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