On March 21, China National Offshore Oil Corporation announced its 2023 annual results.

2023年,面对全球经济增速放缓和国际原油价格回落等复杂的外部环境,该公司扎实推进高质量发展,Reserves and output hit a record high, and profitability remained high. 与此同时,坚持高标准公司治理,积极回报股东,获得市场高度认可。

Continue to accelerate the pace of production, achieving a net oil and gas output of 678 million barrels of oil equivalent throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 8.7%. 连续五年刷新历史纪录。2019~2023年净产量复合增长率达7.6%,增速居于行业领先地位。 该 公司持续提高油田开发效益,中国海上在产油田自然递减率稳步下降,生产时率保持高位运行。渤海油田稳居中国第一大原油生产基地,圭亚那和巴西保持海外产量增长主力区。

Adhere to value exploration and precise policies, a total of 9 new discoveries were obtained throughout the year, and 22 petroliferous structures were successfully evaluated. The net confirmed reserves reached 6.78 billion barrels of oil equivalent, and the reserve replacement rate reached 180%. 储量寿命连续7年保持在10年以上。 该 公司获得并评价多个大型油气田发现,领域性勘探取得战略突破。在中国,成功评价渤中26-6和开平南等亿吨级大油田,并探获首个陆上深煤层千亿方大气田。在海外,圭亚那项目再获亿吨级油田。

**坚持勘探开发一体化,加快储产转化步伐,**全年完成资本支出人民币1296亿元,多个重点项目于年内成功投产,More than 40 projects are under construction 。 该 公司强化钻完井精益化管理,缩短项目开发周期,提前带来产量贡献。推广工程标准化应用,加速新项目产能建设,批量化采办推进降本。

Adhere to the green development strategy, control energy consumption and carbon emission intensity from the source, and strive to increase the proportion of clean energy production. 2023年,中国海上油气田实现5万立方米/天以上火炬气全部回收利用。通过节能技改,减排二氧化碳约75万吨。强化天然气业务,在海上,渤海首个千亿方大气田渤中19-6凝析气田I期开发项目成功投产;在陆上,已建成三大非常规天然气产业基地,产量实现5年增长约3倍。南海、渤海和陆上三个万亿大气区建设不断加快。此外,海上风电和海上二氧化碳封存项目陆续投用,绿色发展取得实效。

**进一步夯实成本竞争优势,桶油主要成本28.83美元,同比下降5.1%。**得益于净产量大幅上升、成本管控有力,the The company achieved total revenue of RMB 416.6 billion for the whole year, 归母净利润达人民币1238亿元,保持了强劲的盈利能力。公司现金状况良好,自由现金流充裕,达人民币888.7亿元。为与股东分享发展成果,董事会已建议派发每股0.66港元的末期股息(含税)。全年普通股息1.25港元/股(含税),股息支付率达43.6%。

Solidly promote self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology, continuously enhance the ability to tackle key core technologies, and the transformation of digital intelligence is progressing smoothly. 中国首套500米级深水中国制造化水下生产系统稳定产气超亿方,“深海一号”成为世界首个具备远程遥控生产能力的超大型深水平台,流花油田首次实现台风模式远程生产,秦皇岛32-6智能油田核心业务数字化覆盖率达90%。

在保持业务稳健发展的同时,该公司秉持“经济、环境与社会协调发展”的理念,积极履行社会责任。2023年, 该 公司在基础设施建设、社区医疗救助及教育、促进就业、消除贫困、文化融合等方面More than 100 charitable and public welfare projects have been implemented, with a total investment of RMB 158 million.

Chairman Wang Dongjin said:"In 2023, CNOOC will anchor its goals and work hard to achieve a record high in reserves and output, and successfully complete various production tasks throughout the year. Looking to the future, CNOOC will accelerate the creation of new drivers and advantages for high-quality development, continuously improve its energy supply capabilities, scientific and technological innovation capabilities and value creation capabilities, and strive to write a new chapter in building a world-class energy company."

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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