Notice of the National Energy Administration on Promoting the Grid Connection and Dispatch of New Energy Storage

Guonengfa Technology [2024] No. 26

Energy bureaus of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), development and reform commissions of relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, competent departments of industry and information technology, urban management commissions, dispatched agencies, and relevant central enterprises:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accelerate the planning and construction of new energy systems, and implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage"(Development and Reform Energy Regulation [2021] No. 1051),"New Energy Storage Project Management Specifications (Interim)"(Guonengfa Science and Technology Regulation [2021] No. 47), the "Notice on Further Promoting the Participation of New Energy Storage in the Power Market and Dispatch Application"(Development and Reform Office Operation [2022] No. 475) relevant requirements, standardize the grid-connected access of new energy storage management, optimize the dispatch operation mechanism, give full play to the role of new energy storage, and support the construction of new power systems. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. Overall requirements

(1) Accurately grasp the positioning of new energy storage functions. 新型储能是指除抽水蓄能外,以输出电力为主要形式,并对外提供服务的储能技术,具有建设周期短、布局灵活、响应速度快等优势,可在电力系统运行中发挥调峰、调频、调压、备用、黑启动、惯量响应等多种功能,是构建新型电力系统的重要支撑技术。随着装机规模迅速增长,新型储能在促进新能源开发消纳和电力系统安全稳定运行等方面的作用正在逐步显现。应结合新型储能功能定位和市场化要求,进一步规范新型储能并网管理,持续完善新型储能调度机制,保障新型储能合理高效利用,有力支撑新型电力系统建设。

(2) Clearly accept the new energy storage scope of power system dispatch. 接入电力系统并签订调度协议的新型储能,可分为调度调用新型储能和电站自用新型储能两类。调度调用新型储能指具备独立计量装置,并且按照市场出清结果或电力调度机构指令运行的新型储能,包括独立储能电站、具备条件独立运行的新能源配建储能等;电站自用新型储能指与发电企业、用户等联合运行,由发电企业、用户等根据自身需求进行控制的新型储能,包括未独立运行的新能源配建储能、火电联合调频储能、具备接受调度指令能力的用户侧储能等。

2. Strengthen the grid connection and dispatch operation management of new energy storage

(3) Standardize the grid-connected access management of new energy storage. 电网企业及电力调度机构须制定新型储能并网细则及并网服务工作指引等,明确并网流程、相关标准和涉网试验要求。电力调度机构按照平等互利、协商一致和确保电力系统安全运行的原则,组织新型储能开展并网验收并签订并网调度协议,新型储能应在并网后规定时间内完成全部涉网试验。

(4) Optimize new energy storage scheduling methods. 电力调度机构应根据系统需求,制定新型储能调度运行规程,科学确定新型储能调度运行方式,公平调用新型储能调节资源。积极支持新能源+储能、聚合储能、光储充一体化等联合调用模式发展,优先调用新型储能试点示范项目,充分发挥各类储能价值。调用新型储能时,对于参与电力市场的新型储能,按照市场出清结果安排新型储能运行,对于暂不具备参与电力市场条件的新型储能,通过调度指令进行调用。在发生危及电力系统安全事故(事件)及其他必要情况时,所有调管范围内的新型储能应接受电力调度机构统一直接调用,直接调用期间按照独立储能充放电价格机制执行。

(5) Strengthen the operation management of new energy storage. 各地在制修订电力市场规则或《电力辅助服务管理实施细则》《电力并网运行管理实施细则》时,明确、细化各类新型储能的考核实施细则。新型储能应按电力调度机构要求及时报送运行信息,电力调度机构定期向全国新型储能大数据平台推送新型储能调用情况。

3. Clarify the technical requirements for grid connection and scheduling of new energy storage

(6) Standardize the technical requirements for grid-connected access of new energy storage. 新型储能接入系统应符合电力系统安全稳定运行要求,完成相应性能试验及涉网试验,新型储能设备应满足国家、行业技术标准及管理规范有关要求,确保安全稳定运行。新型储能项目单位需制定详细的运行维护规程、现场操作规程、事故预案及应急管理措施、停运检修计划等,并定期向电力调度机构报备。

(7) Clarify the technical requirements for new energy storage scheduling and operation. 新型储能应配备功率控制系统或协调控制系统。所有调管范围内的新型储能应具备按照调度指令进行有功功率和无功功率自动调节的能力,接入所属电力调度机构的AGC、AVC等系统,接受并执行调度指令,并具备信息安全防护措施。新能源基地配建新型储能调度原则按照《新能源基地送电配置新型储能规划技术导则》(NB/T 11194-2023)执行。

(8) Encourage the transformation of existing new energy storage technologies. 鼓励存量新型储能开展技术改造,具备接受调度指令能力。满足相应技术条件后,电力调度机构应及时开展新型储能并网及调度工作。

(9) Promote innovation in new energy storage smart regulation technology. 结合新型储能多场景和市场化运行需求,积极开展新型储能与其他电源协同优化调度技术、规模化储能系统集群智能调度关键技术、基于新型储能的电网主动支撑技术、电动汽车等分布式储能虚拟电厂聚合互动调控技术等研发攻关工作,着力推动新技术应用。

4. Strengthen the grid connection of new energy storage and dispatch coordination and guarantee

**(10) Strengthen the management of new energy storage projects. ** Provincial energy authorities should work with relevant units to strengthen the construction of new energy storage project management systems and strengthen the planning, filing, construction, operation, and call management of new energy storage in the region.

(11) Provide new energy storage grid-connected services. 电网企业及电力调度机构应公平无歧视地向新型储能提供电网接入服务,做好技术指导,优化并网接入流程,保障新型储能安全高效并网。

(12) Promote the call of new energy storage in a market-oriented manner. 各地充分考虑新型储能特点,加快推进完善新型储能参与电能量市场和辅助服务市场有关细则,丰富交易品种,考虑配套政策、电力供需情况,通过灵活有效的市场化手段,促进新型储能“一体多用、分时复用”,进一步丰富新型储能的市场化商业模式。

(13) Strengthen the supervision and management of grid-connected scheduling of new energy storage. 国家能源局派出机构、省级能源主管部门按照各自职责加强新型储能并网和调度运行的监督与管理,建立健全新型储能并网和调度运行管理协调机制,协调处理有关争议。工作中发现的重大问题及时向国家能源局报告。

This notice will come into effect as of the date of promulgation and will be valid for five years.

National Energy administration

April 2, 2024

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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