Notice of the Office of the National Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Suppression Headquarters, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the National Energy Administration on organizing and carrying out a special action to dynamically clear major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires and investigate and deal with illegal fire use in 2024

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Forest (Grassland) Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Headquarters, Forestry and Grassland Competent Departments, Public Security Departments (Bureaux), Emergency Management Departments (Bureaux), Energy Bureaux, Daxinganling Forestry Group, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Changbai Mountain, Longjiang, Yichun Forest Industry Group:

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we should effectively investigate and rectify forest and grassland fire hazards, seriously investigate and deal with illegal fire use, ensure the dynamic clearing of major hidden dangers, and minimize the risk of forests caused by human factors. Grassland fires, according to the key work arrangements and arrangements of the National Forest and Grassland Prevention and Fire Fighting Headquarters this year, the Office of the National Forest and Grassland Prevention and Fire Fighting Headquarters, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Ministry of Public Security, The Ministry of Emergency Management and the National Energy Administration have decided to carry out a special campaign to dynamically clear major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires in 2024 and investigate and deal with illegal fire use. relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Overall requirements

We should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishment. in accordance with the requirements of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on comprehensively strengthening Forest and grassland Fire Prevention and Fire fighting work, we should persistently put prevention work in the first place and carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires. Improve the management system of "national construction general ledger, provincial division of accounts, separate accounts of major hidden dangers, clear accounts, clear time limit, and responsibility to people", so as to ensure solid and effective investigation and rectification of forest and grassland fire hazards, to achieve the goal of in-depth investigation and rectification of major hidden dangers and dynamic zero clearance. Strengthen law enforcement, form a joint force, and resolutely investigate and deal with illegal use of fire We should focus on special management, keep an eye on important periods, important parts, important facilities and key groups, do our best to prevent non-danger and violation, deal with the fire early, and effectively prevent and defuse the major risk of forest and grassland fire from the source. We should prevent fires from affecting electric power and other important energy facilities, and make every effort to safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and national ecological and energy security. To create a good and safe environment for economic and social development in a new era and new journey.

(1) Adhere to departmental coordination and compaction of responsibilities. 严格落实党政同责、一岗双责,切实强化地方党委政府领导责任,严格落实森林(草原)防灭火指挥部及其办公室牵头抓总,切实履行林草、公安、应急部门分工责任,充分发挥工业和信息化、民政、交通运输、农业农村、文化旅游等部门及能源、电力、核电等单位行业管理责任,持续推动林牧区经营单位防火主体责任落地见效,形成配合紧密、调度有序的工作机制。

(2) Adhere to overall coordination and regional policy implementation. 统筹安排森林草原火灾重大隐患动态清零、查处违规用火行为各项工作,提高工作效率,减轻基层负担。根据森林草原火险区划等级、森林草原资源分布状况、森林草原防火期和火灾发生历史情况,对不同区域采取针对性措施,科学开展专项行动。

(3) Adhere to highlighting key points and dynamic clearing. 运用森林和草原火灾风险普查成果,结合可燃物等致灾因子底数,突出加强对首都及环京区域、东北内蒙古及西南地区等重点区域,林牧区内和靠近林缘的各类重要目标和重要设施,传统节假日和重大活动等关键节点的整治力度,巩固深化输配电设施火灾隐患整治、可燃物治理、禁烧区设置等治理成果,持续优化“责任制+清单制+销号制”,推动各地去短板强弱项,实现森林草原火灾重大隐患动态清零。

(4) Adhere to problem-oriented and seek practical results. 直面问题隐患,敢于较真碰硬,加大森林草原火灾重大隐患排查整治力度,强化计划烧除和防火演练管控,坚决依法查处违规用火行为。坚持边查边改,及时堵塞漏洞。因责任不落实、措施不到位、排查整治流于形式等导致发生火灾的,要严肃追责。

2. Action method and time

**(1) Mode of action. ** The provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Fire Suppression Headquarters and Forest Industry Group are used as units to formulate implementation plans and organize implementation.

**(2) Action time. ** From now until November 30, 2024.

3. Action content

The special action includes two aspects: dynamic clearing of major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires and investigation and punishment of illegal fire use.

(1) Dynamic clearing of major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires

1. Organize and carry out regular investigation and rectification of forest and grassland fire hazards. 要根据《森林火灾隐患评价标准》(LY/T2245-2014)、《国家林业和草原局森林草原防火督查工作管理办法(试行)》,按责任落实、火源管理(含火情早期处理)、防范措施、队伍建设、应急处置、宣传教育、设施设备和其他方面的隐患进行梳理归类,并明确责任、时限和整改目标,持续完善森林草原火灾隐患排查整治台账,实行销号管理,确保整治到位。同时,自2024年起开始施行森林草原火灾隐患排查整治常态化工作机制,今后不再发文通知。

2. Organize and carry out the investigation and management of fire hazards in transmission and distribution facilities in forest and pastoral areas. 要在此前林牧区输配电设施火灾隐患专项排查治理成果的基础上,进一步强化工作责任,全面排查穿越林牧区输配电线路隐患,制定整改推进方案,做到权属清、责任明、措施实、可核查。准确填报隐患排查整治台账,实行销号管理,限时完成,确保火灾隐患整改到位,对存在的树障安全隐患予以清理,坚决守护“林电共安”。要严格管理超特高压输电线路、变电站周围的计划烧除、防火演练、民事用火,全面排查风险隐患,设定禁烧区,确保电力设施安全稳定运行。各级森林(草原)防灭火指挥部办公室、林草部门与电网企业建立隐患治理协调机制,协调解决隐患治理重大问题,共同推进火灾隐患整改。

3. Organize and promote the investigation and rectification of major hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires. 要充分运用好森林和草原火灾风险普查成果,根据相关法律法规、技术标准,重点排查整治可能对重要保护目标造成重大、特别重大事故或严重社会影响的各类潜在不安全因素。排查要突出下列重点:行政地理位置及坐标、区域面积、火险区划等级、主要负责人等相关基础情况;可能引发火灾的最大风险、可能产生的次生灾害、相关的应对措施、存在的问题困难和建议等相关隐患信息。要切实加强重大隐患排查数据信息采集和应用,完整准确填报《森林草原火灾重大隐患排查整治台账》,形成可统计、可量化、可分析的数据成果,加快推进重大隐患排查整治落地落实,确保重大隐患动态清零。

Important protection goals:

(1) National parks, national nature reserves, national forest parks, 4A and 5A tourist attractions, world natural heritage, world cultural heritage (including cultural landscapes), dual world cultural and natural heritage, forest and grass resources within the jurisdiction of forest industry enterprises.

(2) National key cultural relics protection units, satellite launch bases, nuclear power plants, hydropower stations, chemical parks, chemical plants, astronomical observation stations, etc. in forest and pastoral areas and near forest margins;

(3) Substations and transmission and distribution facilities, oil and gas production bases and pipelines, oil and refueling facilities, material reserve warehouses, explosive materials warehouses, etc. in forest and pastoral areas and near forest edges.

(2) Investigate and deal with illegal use of fire

Focus on cracking down on illegal use of fire in forest and pastoral areas, failure to follow operating procedures to carry out planned burns and fire drills, etc., government and enterprises will coordinate to strengthen fire tracing and traceability, and rectify violations that endanger fire prevention and extinguishing safety and energy supply safety. Strictly investigate the accumulated cases of forest and grassland fires since 2022, crack down on intentional arson and missing mountain fires, strictly investigate the failure of important power facilities due to planned burns and out of control of fire prevention drills, and severely punish the obstruction of official forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing duties.

**1. Illegal use of fire for farming. ** In high-risk weather, burning ridges, weeds, straw, ash fertilizer, garbage, and burning for land reclamation are carried out near forest edges, forests, grasslands and important energy facilities.

**2. Illegal use of fire for sacrifice. ** Burning paper money, burning incense and candles, setting off fireworks, burning incense and offering sacrifices at forest edges, forests, grasslands and important energy facilities.

3. Illegal productive use of fire. 未经审批、未在允许天气条件、未按操作规程开展炼山造林、计划烧除、烧疫木、点烧隔离带、未采取有效灭火措施的防火演练等行为。林牧区建设、施工单位未履行报备许可手续或未采取隔离防护措施进行焊接、切割、爆破、冶炼等行为。

**4. Illegal use of other fire. ** Outdoor smoking, bonfires, barbecues, picnics, fireworks, lanterns, etc. in forest and pastoral areas and tourist attractions, as well as other illegal use of fire prohibited by relevant regulations.

4. Work requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. 各地森林草原防灭火指挥部要切实把专项行动摆上重要议事日程,成立专项行动领导小组,结合实际推动行动走深走实。坚持属地管理、分级管理的原则,各地森防指及其办公室要发挥牵头抓总作用,协调各有关部门协同推进、形成合力。要上下联动,一级抓一级,层层抓落实,层层传导压力。

(2) Strengthen measures such as the dynamic construction of forest fire barrier zones, and provide support from local forestry and grass departments.

(3) Strengthen supervision and inspection. 要切实提高隐患排查整改质量,老隐患不能年年推年年在,新隐患要发现早整治快,坚决防止和克服形式主义、官僚主义,建立排查整改责任倒查机制,严格执行“谁检查、谁签名、谁负责”。国家森林草原防灭火指挥部办公室将专项行动作为2024年森林草原防灭火督查重要内容予以检查督办。对督查发现问题整改不及时、不到位的,将通过约谈等手段督促整改。

(4) Strengthen warning education. 要及时曝光火灾肇事者和违规用火处罚案例,发现一起、查处一起、曝光一起、震慑一片,提升群众法治观念和防火自觉。各地要建立违法违规野外用火举报奖励机制,广泛依靠群众、发动群众,筑牢火灾防控人民防线。

(5) Strengthen information reporting. 各省、自治区、直辖市、新疆生产建设兵团、森林草原防灭火指挥部确定一名联系人,加入专项行动工作群。行动开展期间,及时总结报送专项行动做法、经验、成效。请于2024年5月31日前报送专项行动情况统计表、森林草原火灾重大隐患排查整治台账及汇总表,12月10日前报送年终工作总结及更新后的情况统计表、森林草原火灾重大隐患排查整治台账及汇总表。

I hereby inform you.

Office of the National Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Suppression Headquarters, State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Ministry of Public Security

Ministry of Emergency Management and National Energy Administration

18 March 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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