According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on April 9, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister, met with reporters after holding talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Beijing.

Wang Yi said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Over the past three-quarters of a century, China-Russia relations have gone through ups and downs, become stronger over time, and have become increasingly mature, tenacious and profound. The two sides regard each other as priority partners, uphold the spirit of permanent good-neighborliness and friendship, and comprehensive strategic cooperation, elevate bilateral relations to the highest level in history of comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era, and set a model for friendly exchanges and win-win cooperation between major countries and neighboring countries. Looking back on the past and looking to the future, in order to further consolidate and develop China-Russia relations, we must achieve the "Five Always Principles":

The two sides should always adhere to the strategic guidance of the diplomacy of heads of state. President Xi Jinping and President Putin grasped and envisaged China-Russia relations from the depth of history and the height of the times, continuously injecting new impetus into the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation in the new era. This year, the two heads of state will continue to maintain close communication through various approaches, and the two sides will take the consensus of the two heads of state as the fundamental principle, promoting the stable and long-term development of bilateral relations.

Both sides should always adhere to the principle of "non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties". China and Russia have gone through storms and hardships. Both sides have summed up the historical experiences and lessons, and found a correct path to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations. The good relationship between China and Russia today is hard-won, and it is worth both sides cherishing and maintaining with great care.

Both sides should always adhere to the right path when facing major issues of right and wrong. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major emerging powers, China and Russia should firmly stand on the side of historical progress and fairness and justice, actively respond to the universal aspirations and legitimate concerns of the people of all countries, advocate for countries to take a new path of state-to-state relations featuring dialogue not confrontation, partnership not alliance, oppose all hegemonic, domineering, and bullying behaviors, oppose the Cold War mentality and provocation of division and confrontation, and actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Both sides should always pursue the pursuit of common win-win results in cooperation. China and Russia will more actively seek convergence of the interests of the two countries, give play to their respective strengths, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, and achieve mutual development. China and Russia will continue to advocate for inclusive economic globalization with the well-being of the people of the two countries in mind, jointly oppose unilateralism and protectionism, oppose “building walls and barriers” and “decoupling and breaking chains”, and join hands to maintain the stability of the international industrial chain supply chain and foster new dynamics to drive global development and progress.

Both sides should consistently promote the equal and orderly multipolarization of the world. Both Russia and China believe that the current major changes in the world are accelerating. The “Global South” is growing. Countries big or small must be equal. Hegemony and power politics must be opposed, and a few countries should not be allowed to monopolize international affairs. The democratization of international relations must be achieved. China and Russia support the United Nations in its core position in the global governance system, and both sides will further strengthen international cooperation. This year, Russia holds the rotating chairmanship of BRICS and China will take on the rotating chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization during the year. Both sides will support each other and light up the “Southern Moment” of global governance.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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