On April 11, CNPC held a capital and financial work conference to summarize the results, analyze the situation, and comprehensively mobilize and systematically deploy to promote the high-quality development of the group company's capital and financial business. Dai Houliang, Chairman and Party Secretary of the Group Company, attended the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on the development of financial undertakings and the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, work hard, forge ahead, amplify the function of state-owned capital, and adhere to industrial finance Positioning, promote the high-quality development of the Group Company's capital and financial business, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a financial power.

At the meeting, Hou Qijun, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Group Company, explained the "Implementation Opinions of the Group Company on Implementing the Spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and Promoting the High-quality Development of Capital and Financial Business." Deputy Secretary of the Party Group Duan Liangwei presided over the meeting and put forward requirements for the implementation of the spirit of the meeting. Party members Zhou Song, Huang Yongzhang, Ren Lixin and Zhang Daowei attended.

Dai Houliang emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on financial work provided fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for promoting high-quality financial development in the new era and new journey. 要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神和中央金融工作会议精神,把牢正确发展方向。作为国有重要骨干企业,集团公司承担着做强做优做大国有资本和国有企业的光荣使命。大家要进一步提高政治站位,强化使命担当,完整、准确、全面理解把握总书记重要讲话精神,落实落细中央金融工作会议部署要求,努力开创新时代新征程集团公司资本和金融业务高质量发展新局面。

在分析了集团公司资本和金融业务取得的成绩和面临的问题挑战后, Dai Houliang pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for high-quality development, clearly understand the complex and changeable macro environment, and the "five inadequacies" faced by capital and financial businesses, attach great importance to it and properly respond to it. 要志存高远、勇创一流,积极探索央企办资本投资和产业金融的特色发展之路。要遵循市场经济规律、金融事业和油气行业发展规律,坚持“产融结合、以融促产、一体协同、做特做优”的工作方针和“稳健审慎、守正创新、依法合规、防控风险”的基本原则,推动资本和金融业务高质量发展。

Dai Houliang pointed out that the general working idea of capital and financial business is: 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻落实习近平总书记关于金融事业发展的重要讲话精神和中央金融工作会议精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持资本和金融工作的政治性、人民性,坚持做强做优做大国有资本和“产融结合、以融促产、一体协同、做特做优”工作方针,以放大国有资本功能和服务主责主业、服务实体经济为根本宗旨,以资本和金融队伍的纯洁性、专业性、战斗力为重要支撑,以防控风险为永恒主题,以党的领导党的建设为根本保证,全面推进资本和金融业务高质量发展,为集团公司奋进高质量发展、加快建设世界一流企业提供有力支撑,为国家加快金融强国建设贡献石油力量。

** Dai Houliang said that we must deeply understand and accurately grasp the development positioning and goals. Capital and financial business is one of the four major businesses of the group company and an important force in strengthening, optimizing and expanding state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises. ** Among them, the industrial capital investment business (Kunlun Capital) should focus on serving the strategic transformation of the group company, focus on emerging industries and future industries, and discover strategic investment opportunities through financial investment; financial business is an important means and carrier for the group company to integrate funds, integrate resources, and value. Financial control platforms must balance the relationship between functionality and profit-making. Financial companies, as "internal banks", must focus on playing a functional role.

Dai Houliang pointed out that we must persist in doing special and excellent things, focus on doing a good job in the "five articles" of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, and promote the deeper and more practical integration of industry and finance. 要深化改革强化管理,在健全现代化治理体系、提升治理能力和水平上下更大功夫,明晰资本和金融工作领导小组、总部有关部门、资本和金融子集团统筹协调委员会等的管理职责,完善法人治理,强化精益管理,深化改革攻坚,提高资本和金融业务现代化治理能力。要有效防范化解金融风险,统筹高质量发展和高水平安全,全面落实中央“稳定大局、统筹协调、分类施策、精准拆弹”基本方针的要求,健全风险防控制度体系,坚持依法合规治企,强化重点领域风险防范化解,强化监督问责,有力有序抓好风险防控,牢牢守住不发生重大风险和不引发系统性风险的底线,推动资本和金融业务行稳致远。

Dai Houliang emphasized the need to strengthen the party's leadership and party building to provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of capital and financial businesses. 坚持党对资本和金融工作的全面领导,坚定拥护“两个确立”,坚决做到“两个维护”。锻造高素质专业化干部人才队伍,加强跨企业、跨专业、跨板块挂职交流培养,打造一支既懂金融又懂能源化工的复合型人才队伍。推进全面从严治党,强化对企业“一把手”和领导班子的监督,持之以恒正风肃纪。建设石油特色资本和金融品牌文化,大力弘扬诚实守信、以义取利、稳健审慎、守正创新、依法合规的中国特色金融文化,深度融入石油元素,加强品牌专业化运营管理,展现良好企业形象。

At the meeting, five units including the finance company made exchange speeches, and five units including Southwest Oil and Gas Field made written exchanges. Assistant general manager, management members, deputy chief engineers, relevant responsible comrades such as headquarters departments, discipline inspection and supervision teams, professional companies, and member companies of capital and finance subsidiaries attended the meeting at the main branch venue.

reporter:Sun Mengyu

photography:Chang Zhengle

edit:Guo Siqing

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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