"In the past year, we have given full play to the advantages of the integrated industrial chain and achieved a new historical record for overall benefits." 3月27日,在香港举行的中国石油天然气股份有限公司2023年年度业绩发布会上,股份公司董事长戴厚良在致辞时分享感受和体会。

The operating performance report at the press conference showed that in 2023, the company will make every effort to strive for high-quality development, with clear and clear strategic goals, continuous optimization of layout structure, accelerated transformation and upgrading, continuous enhancement of profitability and market competitiveness, and the industrial chain's response to macro factors such as oil prices. The resilience of changes has steadily increased. While oil prices dropped sharply by 16.8% year-on-year, net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 8.3%, and many financial operating indicators hit the best levels in history.

In his speech, Dai Houliang, on behalf of PetroChina's board of directors, management and all employees, welcomed all guests to attend the press conference, expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone for their long-term care and support to the company, and combined with the company's 2023 financial and operating results, We shared and exchanged key points such as technological innovation, emerging industries, green and low-carbon, and long-term doctrine.

Dai Houliang said that 2023年经营业绩再创新高,得益于公司供产销协同发力,精益管理,提质增效,以量的较快增长和质的有效提升对冲油价下跌影响。公司强化供应链管理,丰富进口油气资源池,有效降低采购成本,有效有力开展套期保值,深化物资集中采购;优化生产运行,实现油气产量、成品油产量和化工产品商品量等大幅增长,单位加工成本的明显下降,使公司效益得到显著提升;着力市场营销,加大扩销增效力度,成品油和天然气两大类产品的营销实现了量效双升。

Dai Houliang said, 公司始终坚持科技是第一生产力、创新是第一动力,统筹谋划和大力推进能源与化工创新高地建设,一批研发项目取得新进展,一批关键核心技术攻关取得新突破,公司首次进入波士顿咨询(BCG)“全球最具创新力公司50强”。3月4日,塔里木油田深地塔科1井钻探深度突破万米大关,不仅刷新了亚洲最深直井纪录,也创造了世界上钻探一万米深井用时最短纪录,充分彰显了公司的科技实力和综合能力,被中国科学院、中国工程院评为中国十大科技进展。

Dai Houliang introduced that 作为一家有影响力的国际能源和化工公司,一方面在用数智技术改造提升公司的油气炼化业务,提高其核心竞争力;另一方面着眼未来,打造公司增长“第二曲线”、发展新兴产业,使中国石油由油气公司向“油气热电氢”综合性能源公司转变,由炼油、基础化工业务向“炼化生精材”产业链中高端转变。同时,公司还布局了节能环保、数智产业等,打造增长的“第二曲线”,将有力推动公司可持续高质量发展。

Dai Houliang said that 绿色低碳是公司五大发展战略之一。公司大力发展新能源,期望到2033年左右公司不再消耗化石能源,也就是在生产加工过程中消耗能源全部由可再生能源替代,持续加大能效达标、节能降碳等方面工作力度,健全完善激励约束政策,推动公司由“能耗双控”向“碳排放双控”转变。同时加快绿色零碳示范工程建设,积极推进塔里木二期120万吨/年乙烯配套建设绿色零碳示范工程。中国石油将坚持绿色低碳发展战略不动摇,积极发展天然气等低碳能源,加快实现油气与新能源融合发展,着力推动公司绿色低碳转型。

Dai Houliang said, 企业的发展短期靠产品、中期靠人才、长期靠文化。中国石油的企业愿景是建设基业长青的世界一流综合性国际能源公司。要基业长青必须坚持长期主义,坚持立足长远抓当前、善谋全局抓重点,按照专业化发展、市场化运作、精益化管理、一体化统筹,切实抓好“第一曲线”稳定运行,为股东创造价值、提升回报;按照创新驱动发展新兴产业,培育打造“第二曲线”,为公司可持续发展增添新动能;按照强化科技创新,围绕创新链布局产业链,用今天的研发打造明天的技术、布局后天的产业,为公司基业长青奠定坚实基础。

Dai Houliang said that 新的一年,中国石油将一如既往秉持“绿色发展、奉献能源,为客户成长增动力、为人民幸福赋新能”的价值追求,进一步优化生产运营,深入推进价值创造、提质增效,全力推动结构调整和转型升级,加快提升自主创新能力,不断强化企业管理,努力实现主营业务发展质效双升,推动中国石油加快向综合性国际能源与化工公司转变,以更好业绩回报广大股东和投资者。

The performance conference and press conference attracted analysts from 80 research institutions and 17 domestic and foreign media reporters to attend on-site. Analysts and media reporters enthusiastically asked questions about the company's dividend payment policy, international oil and gas supply and demand pattern and price trends, domestic oil and gas demand, green and low-carbon transformation, new energy development, and market value management. Dai Houliang actively responded to everyone's concerns, and the atmosphere at the scene was warm.

Huang Yongzhang, executive director and president of the joint-stock company, introduced the 2023 operating results. Zhang Daowei, executive director and senior vice president of the joint-stock company, and Wan Jun, vice president, attended the meeting. Wang Hua, chief financial officer and secretary of the board of directors, introduced the financial results. Heads of relevant departments at the headquarters and representatives of enterprises stationed in Hong Kong attended the press conference.

During his stay in Hong Kong, Dai Houliang visited the International Business (Hong Kong) Company for investigation and condolences, learning in detail about international trade transactions, settlement, logistics, financial management, the construction of an international shipping management center and the construction of marketing networks, etc., asking about employees 'work and living conditions, and encouraging everyone to broaden their international vision, base themselves on their positions, give full play to their own advantages, strive to improve business and management capabilities, grow and progress together with the company, and contribute to building a world-class enterprise with a long-lasting foundation.

Huang Yongzhang and Zhang Daowei participated in the activity.

reporter:Li Yannan

picture:Li Yannan

edit:Yao Jiena

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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