2024年10月21日,National table tennis player Liu Dingshuo posted a long message on social media announcing his withdrawal from the national team:“在这个新老交替的时期,我向队伍提出了离队申请,我特别感谢领导教练组的认可与支持,13年来我在队列里见证了一批一批的乒乓人在离队时获得了全队的认可和祝福,如今到我,思绪万千……再次感谢这个光荣的团队!……虽然自己离开了球队,心和魂永远和大家在一起,退队不退役。”

Wang Chuqin, Chen Meng, Liang Jingkun等多位国乒主力均在评论区对刘丁硕表示了祝福。 On the same day, Zhang Rui, a member of the Chinese Women's Table Tennis Team, also announced her withdrawal from the national team via a social media post.,结束了长达11年的国家队职业生涯。张瑞在告别感言中表示:“2013-2024,这是我的青春,也是我的宝贵财富。感谢中国乒乓球队,感谢一路帮助过我的恩师、教练和队友们,最后也感谢自己的付出。” 张瑞,1997年1月23日出生于湖北武汉,中国乒乓球运动员。张瑞2013年进入国家队,曾多次作为孙颖莎、陈梦的陪练。

China News Service (CNS) compiled from Zhang Rui, Liu Dingzhuo's TikTok accounts, etc.

Editor: Dai Shuo

Editor: Song Fangcan



An important Israeli soldier was killed




Zhou (year of birth) was approved for execution by lethal injection, to be carried out immediately.




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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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