■ Ma Haitao

The 2024 "Government Work Report" pointed out that "efforts must be made to expand domestic demand and promote the economy to achieve a virtuous cycle" and "better coordinate consumption and investment to enhance the driving effect on economic growth." As China's development enters a new stage, economic growth needs to rely more on consumption, and it is extremely critical to form an economic growth model with coordinated development of consumption and investment. Therefore, this paper analyzes the reasons for the current insufficient consumption based on China's three trade-offs between savings and consumption, investment and consumption, and income distribution and consumption. In the future, we should continue to deepen the reform of the income distribution system, fully release residents 'consumption potential, and stimulate new momentum for economic growth.

01 "Three imbalances" that lead to insufficient consumption

First, there is an imbalance between savings and consumption. 当前,中国经济面临三重压力,居民预防性储蓄水平不断提升,消费受到进一步挤压。近年来,突发公共事件频繁出现致使全球经济低迷、市场萎缩,面对经济增长放缓及未来不确定性增强的局面,企业和家庭的预防性储蓄倾向都有所提升,以应对可能出现的收入骤减或突发性开支。为了保证在不确定的经济环境中可以保持相对稳定的生活水平,出于预防性动机,很多家庭会选择降低即时消费,增加存款或增加对相对安全的金融产品投资。与此同时,中国企业储蓄与居民储蓄占GDP比重都很高,并且与世界上多数国家的企业、居民储蓄关系不同,二者之间不存在企业储蓄和居民储蓄之间此消彼长的负相关关系,中国企业和居民储蓄均处于较高水平。究其原因,是因为中国企业部门与居民部门相互较为独立。通常而言,当企业储蓄增加时,其资产会随之增加,如果居民持有企业的股权,企业增加的资产会以股票价格上升的形式使得居民财富同向增加。因此,在国外,家庭资金往往是企业股权融资的主要资金来源,而在中国,体量庞大的国有资本是社会主义市场经济体制的重要组成部分,也是助力企业股权融资的重要组成部分,企业储蓄所产生的财富效应对居民储蓄行为的影响较小。换言之,企业储蓄难以转化为居民财富被居民直接利用,企业与居民部门的储蓄彼此相对独立,居民自身还需积累大量储蓄以应对不确定性风险。综上所述,当前,企业与居民部门资产难以相互“沟通”的结构性困局,以及预防性储蓄动机的提升,使得储蓄对于消费的挤压情况格外显著。

Second, there is an imbalance between investment and consumption. 投资在中国经济发展中起到了重要作用,通过生产规模的扩大可以实现对就业的带动,对消费绝对水平的提升产生积极影响。与发达国家相比,中国投资率虽然较高,最终消费率和居民消费率却都偏低。究其原因,一方面是制度因素带来的投资偏好。由于地方政府存在政绩考核和竞争压力,而加强基础设施建设和吸引投资


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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