■ Xia Jie Chang Luo Xianju

Promoting common prosperity for farmers and rural areas is one of the key tasks to solidly promote common prosperity for all people. Both state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are important forces in promoting common prosperity and must shoulder the social responsibility of promoting common prosperity. General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for private entrepreneurs to enhance their feelings for family and country and promote excellent entrepreneurial spirit. He conveys his ardent expectation that the private economy will make greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and is of great guiding significance for better playing the role of the private economy as a new force and further improving rural revitalization work and solidly promoting common prosperity for farmers and rural areas.


Promote the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas,

The private economy is an indispensable and important force

Since the reform and opening up, the state has adjusted economic development principles, laws and policies, emancipated the mind, formulated, adjusted, and relaxed a series of policies for the development of the private economy, granted legal status to private enterprises, protected the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and the private economy, and relaxed market access for the private economy. Promote the private economy to grow from small to large and from weak to strong.

According to data disclosed by the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, by the end of September 2023, the number of registered private enterprises in the country exceeded 52 million, accounting for 92.3% of the total number of enterprises, and the number of individual industrial and commercial households reached 122 million, accounting for 67.3% of the total number of business entities. At present, the private economy has become an indispensable force to promote China's development, and has become the main field of entrepreneurship and employment, an important main body of technological innovation, and an important source of national tax revenue. It has played an important role in the development of socialist market economy, the transformation of government functions, the transfer of rural surplus labor, and the development of international markets. Before 2020, the social accurate poverty alleviation model of "ten thousand enterprises helping ten thousand villages" has helped to achieve a comprehensive victory in the decisive battle to get rid of poverty, 55.75 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, and the problem of absolute poverty that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years has been historically solved. it has jointly created a miracle in the history of human poverty reduction. In July 2021, six departments, including the all-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture and villages, and the State Bureau of Rural Revitalization, jointly issued the opinions on the implementation of the action of "invigorating ten thousand villages with ten thousand enterprises". Arrangements have been made for the organization and implementation of the action of "revitalizing ten thousand villages by ten thousand enterprises", emphasizing the need to continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of "ten thousand enterprises to help ten thousand villages", and to continue to carry out special actions to "return hometown" and cooperation between the east and the west. With the in-depth development of the "ten thousand enterprises and ten thousand villages" campaign, the vast number of private entrepreneurs in China, with a long-term strategic vision and a broad mind of helping each other in the same boat, have actively joined the spring tide of rural rejuvenation. to the vast rural land to show the new era of wealth and morality, wealth and love, wealth and responsibility, has become an important force in promoting the all-round revitalization of the countryside and promoting common prosperity. The "China Private Enterprise Social responsibility report (2023)" released by the all-China Federation of Industry and Commerce shows that at present, the vast number of private enterprises actively participate in rural revitalization and actively participate in the "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages" activity. among the sample enterprises, 4783 enterprises have participated in the "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages" activity. among them, 32.5% have full-time departments responsible for rural revitalization, and 51% have provided employment assistance. 39% of enterprises help to develop characteristic agriculture, and 31% of enterprises help train rural talents, which plays an important role in promoting the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organization, and in promoting high-quality and efficient agriculture, suitable for living in rural areas, and the affluence of farmers. From "ten thousand enterprises help ten thousand villages" to "ten thousand enterprises prospering ten thousand villages", what has changed is the name and direction, and what remains unchanged is the responsibility and responsibility of private enterprises to the society.

In July 2023, the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the development and growth of the private economy (hereinafter referred to as "opinions") were issued. The opinion points out that "Private economy is a new force in promoting Chinese-style modernization" to guide private enterprises to continuously improve their development quality through their own reform and development, compliance management, transformation and upgrading, and promote private economy to become bigger, better and stronger, and make positive contributions in the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. In the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, shoulder a greater mission, assume greater responsibility, play a greater role, and so on. In the new journey of Chinese-style modernization, we should focus on industrial development, highlight ecological livability, highlight cultural characteristics, and guide private entrepreneurs to take up the historical mission courageously around the general goal of "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent life" and the general requirements of shaping the shape, reality and soul of the countryside. We will deeply participate in the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations, and be a new force in promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas and common prosperity.


Improve the innovation ecosystem,

Cultivate new advantages of the private economy to help farmers and rural common prosperity

Strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship services, stimulate the innovation vitality of private enterprises, enable them to consciously practice new development concepts, transform development methods, adjust industrial structures, transform growth drivers, assist the transformation, upgrading and development of characteristic agricultural industries, cultivate new industrial models, and drive farmers to increase income. Getting rich is particularly important. Specific efforts can be made in the following aspects.

The first is to encourage private enterprises to introduce modern enterprise systems and implement innovation in property rights systems. At present, most private enterprises implement family management, which directly affects the growth and expansion of enterprises. Therefore, qualified private enterprises should be encouraged to introduce modern enterprise management systems, carry out joint-stock transformation, help private enterprises standardize the internal corporate governance structure of enterprises, and achieve the separation of ownership and management rights, so as to improve their decision-making level and decision-making efficiency.

The second is to increase enterprise innovation support and solve the shortage of enterprise innovation funds. On the one hand, supervision and inspection of the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship policies should be intensified to ensure that private enterprises can equally enjoy the relevant policies of the country, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities where they are located to encourage scientific and technological innovation and support the transfer, transformation and promotion of scientific and technological achievements, and improve the innovation vitality and core technology development capabilities of private enterprises. On the other hand, the scope of the direct financial fund mechanism should be expanded, the "leakage" in intermediate links should be reduced, and various innovation and entrepreneurship support funds should quickly reach the "front line".

The third is to guide private enterprises to strengthen independent innovation. It is necessary to encourage and support private enterprises to carry out scientific and technological research and development, apply for high-tech enterprises,"specialized and innovative" enterprises, and undertake scientific and technological plan projects; it is necessary to guide private enterprises to carry out talent and technical cooperation with universities and scientific research units, promote the application and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and cultivate a batch of industry-university-research demonstration enterprises.


Continue to optimize the business environment,

Stimulate the potential of the private economy to help farmers and rural common prosperity

The business environment is to the main body of the market, just as sunlight, water and air are to animals and plants, which directly affects the rise and fall of the main body of the market, the accumulation and dispersion of factors of production, and the power of development. To this end, we should aim at the level of international and domestic first-class business environment, focus on key areas and key links around the whole life cycle service of enterprises, and make breakthroughs in key areas and key links, with greater efforts to simplify administration and delegate powers, more impartial supervision and law enforcement, and more convenient government affairs services. enhance the sense of achievement and satisfaction of the market subjects, reduce the institutional transaction costs of enterprises, and stimulate the vitality and social creativity of the market subjects. Create a new situation in which the private economy helps farmers to achieve common prosperity in rural areas. Specifically, on the one hand, it is necessary to speed up the breaking of various "rolling shutter doors", "glass doors" and "revolving doors", establish the brand of "distinguished service", set up more "road signs" and fewer "roadblocks", break down all kinds of unreasonable and illegal explicit and hidden barriers, support private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization, and promote new agricultural operators and social service organizations to develop modern planting and aquaculture. High-quality development of modern agricultural products processing industry, development of modern agricultural services in line with local conditions, expansion of characteristic industries such as leisure agriculture and rural tourism, and active participation in the action of "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages" to stimulate the vitality of private capital investment. On the other hand, we should speed up the establishment and improvement of an equal protection mechanism for private enterprises in judicial law enforcement, comprehensively implement flexible law enforcement and prudent and inclusive law enforcement, and explore the list of "no penalty for the first time" for minor violations involving enterprises. we will persist in building a new type of "pro -" and "clean" political and business relations, and create a good environment for the rule of law.


Promote entrepreneurship in the new era,

Create a new situation in which the private economy helps farmers and rural areas achieve common prosperity

Market entities and entrepreneurship are the source of market vitality. Since the reform and opening up, China's private entrepreneurs have always been a team that has the courage to innovate and take responsibility. They have led enterprises to continuously carry out technological innovation and management innovation, and introduced scientific and technological inventions into new areas of economic life, accelerating the progress of the entire society., has become an important driving force for China's rapid economic and social development. In embarking on a new journey of Chinese-style modernization, we should take the core socialist values as the guide, give full play to the advantages and characteristics of private entrepreneurs such as being familiar with local conditions, attaching importance to family relations, understanding management, being good at management, being strong, respecting, and being happy to contribute. Guide the majority of private entrepreneurs to closely integrate the development of enterprises with national prosperity, national prosperity, and people's happiness, enhance their feelings for family and country, actively participate in the tide of comprehensive rural revitalization, and jointly respond to "promoting common prosperity, The most arduous and arduous tasks are still in rural areas."

Specifically, we must base ourselves on the current situation and focus on the long-term, carry out the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Revitalize Ten Thousand Villages" action in depth, actively guide the majority of private entrepreneurs to actively respond to the call of the Party Central Committee, and participate in the construction of modern planting and breeding industries, local characteristic industries, agricultural product processing and circulation industries. Rural leisure tourism, rural new service industries, rural information industry and other industrial chains, and participate in the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks, rural industrial integrated development demonstration parks, rural innovation and entrepreneurship parks and other parks. Participate in the improvement and improvement of rural living environment and the construction of beautiful countryside, and jointly create a new situation of high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and suitable rural areas, and rich and prosperous farmers. At the same time, we must make great efforts to support and serve the steady and long-term development of the industrial project of "Ten Thousand Enterprises Prospering Ten Thousand Villages", optimize projects, strengthen enterprises, consolidate and expand the results of "Ten Thousand Enterprises Prospering Ten Thousand Villages", and explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for win-win cooperation between villages and enterprises.

(Xia Jiechang, Vice Dean and Professor of the School of Business, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Luo Xianju, Assistant Researcher, Guizhou Province Academy of Social Sciences)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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