Nongfu Spring responded to the question that "the richest man only donated 24000 bottles of water."

3月23日,农夫山泉发布内部信称,和农夫山泉的财务数据相比,24000瓶看上去确实“小气”了一点。但“勿以善小而不为”, This is a practice of Nongfu Spring's values and will continue to promote these values.

Nongfu Spring explained the ins and outs of the 24000 bottles of water, saying that it has accumulated more experience in other disaster relief, and began to formulate the company's "Incident Response Service and Handling Principles for Public Crises of People's Livelihood.":Grant each provincial region the right to make donations within 10000 boxes. In case of disaster, it will be automatically activated without reporting to the headquarters.

"Later, some major regions of Nongfu Spring, such as Sichuan and Ganqingning Regions, granted the right to donate within 1000 boxes (about 24000 bottles) to city managers and distributors. So the first batch of 24000 bottles of water in the Gansu earthquake was produced under this system." An internal letter from Nongfu Spring pointed out that this is the system with the highest execution power of Nongfu Spring Company.

此外,Nongfu Spring pointed out that the Internet donation of 100 million yuan to Harvard and 50 million yuan to the earthquake in Japan is purely a rumor.

3月21日,农夫山泉母公司养生堂集团在内网发布了一份关于公益捐赠的澄清和说明公告。这份《关于养生堂集团社会责任的澄清和说明》显示,最近公司在网络社交平台上陷入有关公益捐赠的不实攻击,因此就社会责任方面的举措做澄清和说明,其中介绍, As of December 31, 2023, the total social donations of Yangshengtang Group have exceeded RMB 900 million.

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Previously, there was online news that Nongfu Spring's performance in public donations was disappointing. Especially in the Gansu earthquake donation list, Nongfu Spring only donated the value of 24,000 bottles of mineral water, which is insignificant compared with the millions or tens of millions donated by other companies.

In addition, on March 11, it was reported that Zhejiang Nongfu Industrial Development Co., Ltd. had undergone industrial and commercial changes, and Zhong Shanshan stepped down as the legal representative and still served as the executive director of the company. Sky Eye inspection shows that since 2023, Zhong has stepped down as the legal representative of 12 companies under Nongfu Spring.

According to public information, 70-year-old Zhong Shanshan was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He worked as a journalist in his early years and later founded Yangshengtang Co., Ltd. In 1996, he established Zhejiang Qiandao Lake Yangshengtang Drinking Water Co., Ltd.(predecessor of Nongfu Spring) in Hangzhou.

钟睒睒名下除了农夫山泉(09633.HK)外,还有万泰生物(603392)。2020年,钟睒睒以778亿美元身价首次登顶亚洲首富。2023年10月,胡润研究院发布的《2023胡润百富榜》显示, Zhong became China's richest man for the third consecutive time with 450 billion yuan.

After the death of Zong Qinghou, founder and chairman of Wahaha Group, the "history of feud" between Wahaha and Nongfu Spring began to spread on the Internet, saying that "Zhong Shanshan was an agent of Wahaha in his early years. He was disqualified as an agent for smuggling goods, and later imitated Wahaha to establish Nongfu Spring", accusing Zhong Shanshan of being a "modern version of a farmer and a snake."

On the evening of March 3, Zhong Shanshan, founder of Nongfu Spring, published an article titled "Two and Three Things Between Me and Zong Lao" on the official WeChat account of Nongfu Spring, saying,"Zong Lao has always been an entrepreneur I respect. He and I are teachers and friends, and of course, we are also competitors."

Zhong mentioned that since then, Nongfu Spring and Wahaha filed lawsuits against each other, but in the end, Zhong and Zong Qinghou shook hands and made peace under the witness of the main leaders of Hangzhou City at that time. Although Zhong still insisted on his views, he emphasized,"I have never wavered in my respect for the entrepreneurial spirit of Lao Zong. I have always said on various occasions that Zong Lao is the representative of entrepreneurs I respect."

On March 13, Zhong Shanshan sent a message in his circle of friends to mourn his mother. He said that his mother had no underlying diseases, but she was worried about me because I was attacked online. She passed away on the afternoon of March 11. She was extremely sad and thanked everyone for their concern.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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