Make "Lancang-Mekong" sweeter than "Blueberry"!
Over the past two days, leaders from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and the President of the Asian Development Bank have gathered in China for a meeting.
From [date] to [date], the 8th GMS Economic Cooperation Leaders' Meeting was held in Kunming, Yunnan, with the theme "Focusing on Innovative Development, Building a Better Homeland Together."
The Leaders' Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation, held once every three years. This Leaders' Meeting is the first to be held offline after a six-year hiatus.
A River Connects Six Countries”cooperation mechanism.
The Greater Mekong Subregion is strategically located at the junction of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Southwest China, making it of great geographical importance.
The Lancang-Mekong River, which traverses the Greater Mekong Subregion, is an important international river in Asia. It is known as the Lancang River within China and becomes the Mekong River after flowing into the Indochina Peninsula.
its干流全长4880公里,Flows through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.。
The basin is rich in water resources, biological resources, and mineral resources, with significant economic potential and development prospects.
为了增进经济联系、消除贫困并推动次区域内的经济与社会进步,1992年亚洲开发银行牵头,携手中国、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国6国,共同创立了大湄公河次区域经济合作机制。所谓的“次区域经济合作”,是相对于“区域经济合作”而言的,指的是国家和地区接壤区域之间的跨国界合作,具体指的是中国云南和上述其他5国。**当前,大湄公河次区域经济合作框架等多边机制,已经让湄公河流域成为当今世界经济最具活力的地区之一。Once, the Mekong River was "turbulent and raging."”。****在过去,受地理位置、殖民统治、战乱频发等因素影响,湄公河流域国家经济发展落后、社会动荡不安。毒品泛滥,problems are intertwined。
位于湄公河流域的泰国、缅甸与老挝三国交汇之处,素有“金三角”**之称,因其温润潮湿的气候条件,成了罂粟等毒品原植物肆意生长的温床。再加上交通不便、政府管理力量薄弱、国际贩毒势力的渗透,该地区逐渐成为全球最大的海洛因类毒品生产基地。多股反政府武装和贩毒团伙盘踞于此进行毒品制造和贩卖,甚至将湄公河变成他们进行犯罪活动的“私人领地”。这不仅给当地造成深重灾难,还经过边境地区外溢,让中国也深受其害。 “金三角”是全球最大的罂粟产区和毒源区。External intervention, hindering development.
For a long time, the intervention of external forces such as the United States has also had a certain negative impact on regional cooperation.
On the other hand, the United States, by cultivating pro-American forces and covertly supporting anti-government organizations, aims to instigate "color revolutions" in the countries along the Mekong River, turning these Mekong countries into anti-China frontline positions.
2023年6月,美国海军里根号航母访问越南岘港。Make "Lancang-Mekong" sweeter than "Blueberry"!
Sharing the same river, our destinies are closely intertwined.
The surging Lancang-Mekong River, like a natural bond, tightly connects China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand along its banks.
Since the establishment of the mechanism, the six member countries have worked together, eliminating various external interference factors, actively promoting coordinated economic and social development and regional integration, jointly addressing issues such as drugs, smuggling, and fraud, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the six countries.
China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand conduct regular joint patrols on the Mekong River.
In the first half of this year, the total trade volume between China and the Mekong countries exceeded one billion US dollars, with a year-on-year increase of %. China continues to be the largest trading partner of the Mekong countries. The mechanism established in the year has shown increasingly significant results and is bound to set a new model for global regional cooperation!
The pictures in the article come from the Internet
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